Nekromanti Mer info om Blue Rose RPG



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Mer information om det romantiska fantasy-spelet från Green Ronin, Blue Rose RPG, har släppts.

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Alas, your rapids!
21 Jan 2001
Det här är coolt. Nej, nej... Det här är riktigt coolt.
Jag hoppas bara att de lyckas lösa det de säger att de fixat på ett snyggt sätt. Liksom...

Blue Rose RPG-sidan said:
1. No Ability Scores: Ability Modifiers

Blue Rose does away with the familiar 3-18 range of ability scores, replacing them with the standard ability modifiers. So an above-average hero may have a Strength of +2, while a sickly person has a Constitution of -1. As in d20, the average remains +0. These are the exact same modifiers used in other d20 System games; Blue Rose just cuts out the middleman of using the numerical scores to determine the modifiers, making it that much easier to rate any character's abilities.

2. No Elves or Dwarves: Backgrounds

The various fantasy races found in the Player's Handbook do not exist in the world of Aldea. In their place are various backgrounds, both human nations and cultures and non-human peoples. These include the Vata, heirs to an ancient and mystic past; the Sea-folk, at home both on land and in the water; the Night People, descendants of warrior-slaves of the Sorcerer Kings, and the Rhydan, intelligent animals possessed of psychic gifts. Each background grants specific game benefits to shape a hero.

3. No Character Classes: Heroic Roles

Likewise, the familiar character classes from the Player's Handbook are not found in Blue Rose. In their place are three heroic roles: adept, expert, and warrior. All heroes fill one of these three roles, and heroes may mix roles as well, having levels in two or even all three. Roles provide the most basic framework of a hero's capabilities, which are further defined by the following:

4. No Class Abilities: Feats

Feats in Blue Rose take a preeminent place in defining a hero's capabilities. Instead of standard class abilities, players can choose from a wide menu of feats to customize their heroes. This allows each role to become any of a dozen or more different types of heroes, depending on what feats a player selects. For those looking to create heroes quickly, pre-made paths of feats are provided, ready to go, or you can mix and match your feats to create the hero you want to play.

5. No Hit Points: Resistance

Borrowing from the Damage saving throw system from Green Ronin's award-winning Mutants & Masterminds RPG, Blue Rose does away with the hit point system for tracking damage. Instead, characters and creatures have a Resistance score measuring their overall toughness, which is used to make Resistance saving throws to resist harm from attacks. No need to roll and add multiple damage dice, or to track declining hit points.

6. No Spellcasting: Arcana

Rather than the spells lists familiar to d20 players, Blue Rose has its own system of arcana: mystic talents which dedicated adepts develop into a variety of skills for sensing and shaping the forces of nature. Arcana are used much like skills, but unlike skills many arcana can fatigue their user, and rapid or frequent use of the arcane arts can exhaust even a skilled adept. Even non-adepts may possess some arcane talents and develop their related skills, although rarely to the degree of the true masters of the art. Wielders of arcana must beware, however, there is a temptation to misuse the arcane arts. The siren call of sorcery has seduced more than one adept to the ways of Shadow.

7. No Experience Points: Advancement

Blue Rose uses levels for hero advancement and improvement, but doesn't track things like Experience Points. Instead, when the heroes have completed a major goal or overcome a major challenge in the series, the Narrator can reward them with an improvement in level, and all the benefits that come with it.

8. No Miniatures: Descriptive Combat

Much of d20 combat focuses on tactical elements: squares of movement, fighting space, and attacks of opportunity. Blue Rose removes these elements in favor of more fast-paced and fluid conflicts. Heroes are encouraged to do things which might be unwise in a more tactically-driven system. Blue Rose combat also tends to remain a personal struggle, since adepts lack the kind of "artillery" found among d20 spellcasters. Still, watch out, because some sorcerers still have quite a few nasty tricks up their sleeves!

9. No Law, No Chaos: Light and Shadow Nature

Blue Rose does away with the standard nine-alignment system, replacing it with three alignments: Light, Twilight, and Shadow, and the characteristics of Light and Shadow Nature and Calling.

Everyone has a calling, a purpose or a goal in life. Everyone also has two sides, a light nature and a shadow nature—two different paths to reach their calling. Some choose to emphasize one nature over another, but both are always there, and sometimes we choose to yield to our repressed nature. These elements help provide Blue Rose heroes with their motivations and internal struggles.

10. No Challenge too Great: Conviction

Heroes in romantic fantasy are often called upon to overcome great challenges. When they need to, heroes in Blue Rose can draw upon the strength of their Conviction. This is a resource available to all heroes, improving as they improve in level, and replenished by acting in accordance with their calling and natures. Players spend Conviction to allow their heroes to accomplish things beyond their normal abilities, to push them to the limit, to fight on when all else seems lost. With the power of Conviction, players in Blue Rose have a tool that puts more control over the story into their hands.
De tar bort 3-18 grundegenskaperna, hit points, klasser, raser och ersätter med sådant som troligtvis fungerar mycket bättre om man ska göra "romantisk fantasy"...

Jag håller tummarna och väntar med spänning på att få lägga vantarna på det här spelet.


Special Circumstances
29 Dec 2000
Fallen Umber
Det här ser ju vansinnigt intressant ut, eftersom Green Ronin faktiskt verkar lyckas göra ett bra regelsystem av d20. :gremgrin: Frågan är hur det är att spela Romantic Fantasy, egentligen, men det kan säkert tänkas funka. Själv hoppas jag att det blir lite åt Dunsany-hållet.



23 Jun 2003
Attans, först Conan och sedan detta! Jag som redan har för många kampanjer på gång... :gremshocked:


Sinister eater
27 Jun 2001
Wow, de har knäckt merparten av problemen jag ser i systemet. Det har potential!

Å andra sidan kan man ju undra om det är meningsfullt att kalla det d20 längre. I princip det enda som verkar vara kvar är namnen på vissa begrepp. Folk brukar hacka på mig när jag kallar GURPS för BRP-variant, men det här skiljer sig mycket mer från d20 än vad GURPS någonsin skilt sig från BRP...

Man Mountainman

17 May 2000
Jag hoppas bara att de lyckas lösa det de säger att de fixat på ett snyggt sätt.

Green Ronin är männen bakom Mutants and Masterminds, ett av de främsta bevisen som finns på spelmarknaden på att d20 verkligen är modifierbart. Jag har fullt förtroende för Blue Rose designteam.

Man Mountainman

17 May 2000
Å andra sidan kan man ju undra om det är meningsfullt att kalla det d20 längre.

Jovars... skillnaderna framstår nog som mer dramatiska i texten än de egentligen är. Till exempel påstår dom att dom tagit bort klasserna, men vad de egentligen har gjort är att byta namn på dem till "roles". Roles funkar precis som klasser; man har BAB-ökning, saves, AC-ökning osv (inga Hit Dice dock, antar jag), dock med skillnaden att det inte finns några fasta klassförmågor av typen "sneak attack" utan att klasserna... flåt rollerna istället ger tillgång till extra feats.


8 Dec 2001
"Frågan är hur det är att spela Romantic Fantasy, egentligen, men det kan säkert tänkas funka. Själv hoppas jag att det blir lite åt Dunsany-hållet."

Tja, de själva anropar Mercedes Lackey som ett exempel så det bådar ju... illa. Rent ut sagt. Och jag antar att man istället för att spela Arnold eller Stallone så spelar man Hugh Grant. :gremsmile:

Storuggla, letar under en sten


Special Circumstances
29 Dec 2000
Fallen Umber
Jag missade att det fanns mer info än bara den där regeljämförelsen, men men. Jag har fortfarande ingen koll alls på någon av de som angavs som inspirationskällor, inklusive Mercedes Lackey (mer än att jag känner igen namnet).



Långsamma Vargen
22 Jan 2002
Attans! Blir ju mer och mer sugen på att köpa boken för systemets skull. Menar, "Romantisk Fantasy" - inte så jäkla rockig, för att travestera Pölsa. :gremwink: