VAR gold = 3
LIST items = (Sword), Shield
-> pStart
=== pStart ===
You wake up and realise that is is the day when your adventure start. After taking your father's sword you dress quickly, and then ponder on what road to the city gate you should take.
<span>Gold: {gold}. Items: {items}.</span>
* [Take the road through the merchant quarters] -> pMerchant
* [Take the road past the barracks] -> pBarracks
* [Take the road by Ariel's house] -> pAriel
=== pMerchant ===
~ gold = gold + 12
As you walk through the market square you notice that mean old mister Scrooge has left a small pouch of money unattended. It is only justice that you liberate it from his rule! It cointains 12 golden coins.
<span>Gold: {gold}. Items: {items}.</span>
* [Continue towards the gate] -> pGate
=== pBarracks ===
~ items += (Shield)
Outside the barracks the soldiers have left a couple of shields. Surely they wont mind if you take just one on them. Adventuring can be dangerous.
<span>Gold: {gold}. Items: {items}.</span>
* [Continue towards the gate] -> pGate
=== pAriel ===
You stop outside Ariels house and look up at her balcony. You see her move about and sigh at her beauty. She is the one thing you will miss the most. Too bad she don't know you exist.
* [Continue towards the gate] -> pGate
=== pGate ===
When nearly at the gate you walk into the Shiriff, oh no. He takes on look at you, your sword, and says "does your father know you are here?". If you tell the truth the adventure will not begin today, as you are supposed to work at the farm.
* {items ? Shield} [Fight the law] -> pFightWin
* {items !? Shield} [Fight the law] -> pFightLose
* {gold >= 10} [Give big bribe] -> pBribeBig
* {gold >= 1} [Give small bribe] -> pBribeSmall
=== pFightWin ===
You draw you sword and raise your shield. The Shirrif raise an eyebrow. "You know what kid, you may be ready for the big world after all. I will not stand in your way."
He lets you pass, with a sly smile on his face.
* [Exit through the gate] -> pHappyEnding
=== pFightLose ===
You draw you sword. The Shirrif raise an eyebrow, then take his club and genty hits you on your shoulder. "Without a shield you wont last long if you pick fights this careless. Go home kid!"
* [Turn around and head home] -> pSadEnding
=== pBribeBig ===
~ gold = gold - 10
You hand over 10 gold coins to the Shirrif. He looks really supriced you carried that much wealth. "Well then, kid, I say this meeting never took place. Be on your way now." He steps to the side, letting you pass.
<span>Gold: {gold}. Items: {items}.</span>
* [Exit through the gate] -> pHappyEnding
=== pBribeSmall ===
You pick up your coins from your pocket and start counting, but gets interrupted. "Please, that is far to little money to bride an authority figure of my rank. Go home kid!"
* [Turn around and head home] -> pSadEnding
=== pHappyEnding ===
You open the gate, and step out onto the path.
Here the story ends!
-> END
=== pSadEnding ===
You turn back home to the farm. No adventure this day either.
Here the story ends!
-> END