Nybliven Stockholmshipster
Man har faktiskt ett humm om hur det lät, arkeologer tror sig bland annat ha påträffat ett primitivt notsystem på kilskriftstavlor från babylonisk tid. Jag har dessutom för mig att jag sett exempel på liknande även från forntida Egypten.
Jag citerar:
- Ymir, förtäljer
Jag citerar:
Wikipedias artikel om forntida mesopotamisk musik är också intressant i sammanhanget.Anne Draffkorn Kilmer from the University of California at Berkeley published in 1986 her decipherment of cuneiform tablet from Nippur dated to about 2000 BCE., demonstrating that it represents fragmentary instructions for performing music and that the music was composed in harmonies of thirds, and that it was also written using a diatonic scale (Kilmer 1986) The notation in that tablet was not as developed as the notation in the later cuneiform tablet dated to about 1250 BCE. (Kilmer 1965) Although the interpretation of the notation system is still controversial, it is clear that the notation indicates the names of strings on a lyre, the tuning of which is described in other tablets (West 1994). These tablets represent the earliest recorded melodies, though fragmentary, from anywhere in the world. (West 1994)
- Ymir, förtäljer