My god, the code is quite the spaghetti. Maybe I should spend a day or two just cleaning it up. It works, but it ain't pretty.
Anyway, since the amount of armor depends on hit location, I had to split the damage calculation and hit calculation into two separate parts: basically you first click to see if you hit, and after that the GM can say "okay, he has 5 armor" or whatever, and then you will be able to click roll damage, and it will only ask you what the armor is, since it remembers where you hit and your success rate. This will also tell you if your armor gets its value reduced, since I do enjoy the fact that armor can get damaged after being repeatedly hit by lots of bullets.
My intention with this API is to maintain as much of Neotech as possible, automating as much as possible, but inevitably there might be some.... simplifications down the line. One such simplification is that there are no more magazines, box mags, etc. Rather you just reload loose ammo whenever you reload. This is due to limitations of the roll20 platform, where I simply don't have access to some of the things I want (the DOM, in particular). As such, while I can develop magazines easily enough, giving the weapon access to them are.... difficult. There are workarounds I am considering, but honestly it is a low priority fix.
Anyway, as always feedback is much appreciated. Thank you.
Edit: for the record, the Damage API is still in development. But the pistol, machinegun and other bullet-firearms single shots work to determine hit. And reload works. And the ammo inventory works. So please give feedback on those features.
So yeah, everyone is welcome to drop by and play around. I have created a number of character sheets so just take one and make your own character, insofar as the character creation system is implemented (it is not entirely completed, but works well enough to create a character).