Hans E Magnusson
Snodde detta från dndclassic tråden, tyckte det var intressant men kanske(??) passade bättre här. Nu klipper och klistrar jag men jag tycker det är ett ganska bra svar på påståendet om krigarens problem
Rob said:De har dock gjorts mycket konstiga ändringar i Delving Deeper och Swords & Wizardry whitebox gentemot Od&d t ex så har man i S&WWB givit fighter färre hit dice och magikerna fler vilket är märkligt med tanke på att fightern är super svag som det är i Od&d (hela Greyhawk supplementet är ju en enda stor boost till fightern (procentstyrka, högre skada på vapen, d8 hd till fighter d4 till magiker, dex ger bättre AC för fighters etc)). [
[url="http://odd74.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=menmagic&thread=6596&page=1#85544" said:The Humble Fighting Man[/url]]There are various arguments about that suggest the original fighting-Man lacks a bit of punch compared to the other classes. E.G.G. appears to have agreed, since he gave the fighting class a boost with GH, then again with AD&D, and then yet again with UA.
But exactly how humble is the 3LBB fighting-Man? Well, let's have a look at the advantages he does have shall we...
1. Fighting-Men have the best armour.
The magic-user description (M&M p6) says "The whole plethora of enchanted items lies at the magic-users beck and call, save the arms and armour of the fighters" explicitly stating that fighters have the use of magical armour, and hence non-magical armour by implication.
2. Fighting-Men have the best HD and hit points.
"they gain the advantage of more 'hit-dice'" (M&M p6). See also "Dice for Accumulative Hits" (M&M p17-18).
Fighting-men "top out" with 9+3 HD at 9th level, and add 1 HD per two levels thereafter. For comparison, clerics "top out" with 7+1 HD at 9th level, and add 1 HD per there levels thereafter. Magic-users "top out" with 8+1 HD at 11th level, and add 1 HD per four levels thereafter.
Having the most HD, fighting-men also derive the most benefit from a constitution score above 14, which delivers +1 hp per HD.
3. Fighting-Men have the best saving throws of clerics, fighting-Men and magic-users (for the levels listed 1 to 13). According to the Saving Throw Matrix (M&M p20) clerics require an average roll of 10.7 to save, fighting-Men 10.4, and magic-users 11.8.
4. Fighting-Men have the best attack rolls.
See Attack Matrix I (M&M p19).
5. Fighting-Men have the use of all weaponry.
"All magical weaponry is usable by fighters" (M&M p6) implying also the use of all non-magical weaponry. Especially missile weapons. No other classes can use bows, crossbows or the like.
6. Magic Swords are for Fighting Men only.
Magic swords (arguably the best weaponry in game) are usable exclusively by fighting-Men.
7. Almost All Magic Weapons are for Fighting Men Only.
92% of all magical weaponry appearing on the treasure tables (M&T p23-24) is usable by fighting-Men only. 80% are swords, 8% arrows, 1% bows, 1% axes, and 2% spears.
Only the 4% daggers, 2% maces and 2% hammers are usable by magic-users and clerics respectively, and these are usable by fighters as well! So the other classes will have to argue their case that they should get these weapons ahead of the fighters.
8. The Spear is Usable by fighting-Men Only.
The spear is especially deadly since "if something impales itself upon the spear damage will be double or even treble if the force is sufficient" (M&T p31). This is clarified later (GH p15) as double versus charging foe or triple when set versus charging foe.
Additionally, the spear is often ruled as enabling attacks from a second rank (although I don't see this in the text).
9. Fighting-Men have Multiple Attacks
Fighters make multiple attacks per round versus "normal" types.
Implied by: "Attack/Defense capabilities versus normal men are simply a matter of allowing one roll as a man-type for every hit die, with any bonuses being given to only one of the attacks" (M&T p5).
This was later clarified (in the FAQ, SR Vol 1 No 2) as meaning: "A super hero, for example, would attack eight times only if he were fighting normal men (or creatures basically that strength, i.e., kobolds, goblins, gnomes, dwarves, and so on)".
Numerous monsters with 1+1 HD and also Cavemen with 2 HD are listed as "Men" and/or described as "man-types" (see the full discussion of this here). Clerics and magic-users remain "normal" until they attain 6th and 7th level, respectively.
Note that although AD&D states explicitly that this is a fighter ability, the fighter example given in the FAQ might be read as merely an example, for nowhere else is it stated explicitly in the 3LBBs that other classes do not enjoy this same benefit. However, even if allowed the other classes too, the fighting-man has the most HD, and hence would have the highest number of attacks.
10. Not Subject to Multiple Attacks from 3rd Level.
According to his "Fighting Capability" a 3rd level fighting-Man (with 3 HD) has become a "heroic type" rather than a "normal type" as thus is no longer subject to multiple attacks per round by high HD monsters.
For comparison, clerics and magic-users retain their "normal" status until they reach 6th level and 7th level, respectively.
11. Fighting Men can Sense Invisible Opposition.
High level fighting Men are able to sense invisible opposition (as per M&T p16, see Pixies). If used, this special ability might kick in at 4th or 8th level depending on what you consider to be "high level" in your game.
It doesn't look so bad for the humble fighting-Man when it's all laid out like that does it?