Low Prep High Play
Har länge retat mig på att jag har så många böcker i rollspelshyllan som jag knappt ens minns om jag läst. Så i år har jag sakta men säkert dammat av och börjat bläddra igenom dem en gång till, för säkerhets skull.
Det som slog mig då var att jag borde recensera dem också. Men jag orkar inte riktigt skriva djuplodade recensioner av vad som i praktiken är en osalig blandning bra och dåligt.
Så idén jag har börjat följa är att skriva paragraph reviews: en paragraf, och med ett par enkla regler:
- Det måste finnas en positiv slutkläm: vem skulle vilja ha den här produkten (oavsett vad jag själv råkar tycka om den).
- Ingen poängskala. Mest för att det är precis helt omöjligt att ta höjd för vad jag tycker nu jämfört med vad jag tycker efter att ha läst X böcker.
- Recensionen skrivs på publikationens egna språk. Kommer innebära engelska och svenska, eftersom det är de enda språk jag äger rollspelsprodukter på.
Har börjat med böcker jag läst nyligen, bara för att smaka på formatet.
Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Book 1: Rules & Magic
Oldschool in predictable ways. Provoking in attitude and artwork. Parts aspire to be historically inspired or even accurate, as the game describes the differences between various locks used on old firearms. It’s a confused game, but also a lightweight OSR rulebook that makes sense in many ways and makes magic something weird and sometimes unpredictable, evidenced no clearly than by the Summon spell. If you want to play D&D oldschool with a little more attitude—this is for you.
[LOTFP] The God That Crawls
The God That Crawls carries a genius idea that works much better than it deserves to: making a dungeon where the players are prey rather than predator. You have the maps and descriptions you need to get kicking quickly and there’s zero extraneous material in the booklet. Many of the encounters and items here are weird, may kill a whole party some day, and cement the tonal identity of LotFP in every word of every phrase. If you want a dungeon crawl where the players are chased by a slow-moving unrelenting slime—this is for you.
[LOTFP] Random Esoteric Creature Generator for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing Games and their Modern Simulacra
Most of this booklet is just tables, but the real content is the reasoning. Monsters don’t have to be boring: they can provide your players with new challenges around every corner. But beyond the reasoning and the tips, the tables are mostly predictable. If all you want is a bunch of tables and charts help you make weird enemies—this is for you.
Darkly Through the Labyrinth
A young man lies murdered on the floor of his apartment. The place is covered in occult symbols drawn with the victim’s blood. Players roll to profile the criminal and begin to theorize: Tall. Strong. Shallow shoe dents in the mud; not very heavy. Violent, maybe volatile. Believes that the crime is righteous. This is what Darkly is about: treading in the footsteps of dastardly criminals and figuring out who could perform these heinous acts. It does its FBI 80s occult mystery theme perfectly, but it’s also the only thing it does. If you like True Detective and you want rules and systems to inspire and inform singular playstyles and not become yet another generic system—this is for you.
Skulle någon vilja läsa den här sortens "paragraph reviews"? Kommer skriva några innan jag hittar en plats att lägga dem på.
Det som slog mig då var att jag borde recensera dem också. Men jag orkar inte riktigt skriva djuplodade recensioner av vad som i praktiken är en osalig blandning bra och dåligt.
Så idén jag har börjat följa är att skriva paragraph reviews: en paragraf, och med ett par enkla regler:
- Det måste finnas en positiv slutkläm: vem skulle vilja ha den här produkten (oavsett vad jag själv råkar tycka om den).
- Ingen poängskala. Mest för att det är precis helt omöjligt att ta höjd för vad jag tycker nu jämfört med vad jag tycker efter att ha läst X böcker.
- Recensionen skrivs på publikationens egna språk. Kommer innebära engelska och svenska, eftersom det är de enda språk jag äger rollspelsprodukter på.
Har börjat med böcker jag läst nyligen, bara för att smaka på formatet.
Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Book 1: Rules & Magic
Oldschool in predictable ways. Provoking in attitude and artwork. Parts aspire to be historically inspired or even accurate, as the game describes the differences between various locks used on old firearms. It’s a confused game, but also a lightweight OSR rulebook that makes sense in many ways and makes magic something weird and sometimes unpredictable, evidenced no clearly than by the Summon spell. If you want to play D&D oldschool with a little more attitude—this is for you.
[LOTFP] The God That Crawls
The God That Crawls carries a genius idea that works much better than it deserves to: making a dungeon where the players are prey rather than predator. You have the maps and descriptions you need to get kicking quickly and there’s zero extraneous material in the booklet. Many of the encounters and items here are weird, may kill a whole party some day, and cement the tonal identity of LotFP in every word of every phrase. If you want a dungeon crawl where the players are chased by a slow-moving unrelenting slime—this is for you.
[LOTFP] Random Esoteric Creature Generator for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing Games and their Modern Simulacra
Most of this booklet is just tables, but the real content is the reasoning. Monsters don’t have to be boring: they can provide your players with new challenges around every corner. But beyond the reasoning and the tips, the tables are mostly predictable. If all you want is a bunch of tables and charts help you make weird enemies—this is for you.
Darkly Through the Labyrinth
A young man lies murdered on the floor of his apartment. The place is covered in occult symbols drawn with the victim’s blood. Players roll to profile the criminal and begin to theorize: Tall. Strong. Shallow shoe dents in the mud; not very heavy. Violent, maybe volatile. Believes that the crime is righteous. This is what Darkly is about: treading in the footsteps of dastardly criminals and figuring out who could perform these heinous acts. It does its FBI 80s occult mystery theme perfectly, but it’s also the only thing it does. If you like True Detective and you want rules and systems to inspire and inform singular playstyles and not become yet another generic system—this is for you.
Skulle någon vilja läsa den här sortens "paragraph reviews"? Kommer skriva några innan jag hittar en plats att lägga dem på.