Nekromanti Playbookfokus: The Hocus


15 Sep 2000
Varje tisdag och fredag postar jag en artikel om en av Apocalypse World's playbooks. Idag, lite sent, har turen kommit till The Hocus.

The Hocus

Now it should be crystal fucking obvious that the gods have abandoned
Apocalypse World. Maybe in the golden age, with its one nation under god
and its in god we trust, maybe then the gods were real. Fucked if I know. All I
know is that now they’re gone daddy gone.
My theory is that these weird hocus fuckers, when they say “the gods,” what
they really mean is the miasma left over from the explosion of psychic hate
and desperation that gave Apocalypse World its birth. Friends,
that’s our
creator now.

The Hocus is visionary leader of 20 or so loyal but not fanatical followers. The Hocus brings meaning to his followers, and in return they bring him profit and surplus at good times, but also wants and needs at bad times. He is a primarily Weird character.

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Graphic content

My take on it:
First of all, the Hocus can be many things to his followers. His followers can be his cult, his scene, his family, his staff, his students or his court. Two things are for certain, though:

One, the Hocus somehow brings meaning to his followers, he explains the world and preach to his followers how to transcend their pitiful lives through him, whether it be by study, compassion or orgies.

Two, if you're one of his followers, you can't have a real relationship to the Hocus. See, whatever his followers wish for deep down in their hearts, they project onto the Hocus. The Hocus is not a real person like they are, he is an elevated symbol, he is chosen, enlightened, perfect, a vessel for their desires. When Weaver Bird meets his followers, his followers doesn't meet Weaver Bird the person, they meet their own desires, what they need him to be for them.

See, no matter what you preach to your followers, you preach to their infantile wish of the Id. You preach to the part of their psyche that are still babies, that wish to become one with you, the perfect parent, and never feel pain, fear or hunger again. And you become one by walking the path, joining the sect, losing yourself in incest, bestiality, bloody sacrifice, singing together or what have you.

Even if you preach to your followers to embrace the doctrines of guilt, shame, transcendance, discipline, purity, perfection or holiness, that also points to the Id – Because these are exactly the things that confirm that yes, there is uncontrolled, dangerous and bad desire within you, and yes, you must control and repress it. The concept of Purity always exists in reflection to the concept of Sin. Seriously, if you tell us that your cult preach purity and abstinance, isn't your first impulse to then add ”And also, there are orgies”? It can't just be me!

I mean, just look at nun porn! Nuns are off-limits, that just makes them HOTTER!

As a side note, I see a lot of innocent (creepy!) little girls as Hocuses, is that your experience too?

Every time a player picks up the Hocus, I get giddy and anticipative to see what they make out of it, because it is so sexy. Not sexy like the Skinner that wears hot clothes on a hot body or anything, but sexy like Id and sexy like sexuality. Take the Hocus and you'll mean everything to your followers. That is raw. That is real power!

I did not get the Hocus until I watched Conan, then it clicked.

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But you'll also raise the stakes like hell up. Whip people into a frenzy, and they might get out of control. Be everything for your followers and they will expect everything from you and suffer the cruellest of disappointments and the hottest of rage when you fail them. Take sons and daughters and fathers and mothers will want them back. Preach the ultimate truth and someone contradicting it will get in your way. And just by going into what desire and humanity is, you raise the stakes, lose a little control. If the Hocus makes you feel a little flustered or nervous, you're doing it right!

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Stupid fucking crude Gunlugger.

Now I've only shown you videos of the Hocus getting offed, I feel bad. I can recommend a look at Kundun for some inspiring imagery surrounding a take on the Hocus that instead shows the compassion and reverence of religion.

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Because, you know, your cult doesn't need to be a pretext for a goat-fucking man-sacrificing club (or goat-sacrificing man-fucking club for that matter) it can also be a very loving and deeply connected congregation of believers or students. Everything I've said about desire, the elevated status of the Hocus as a vessel for his followers projections and infantile wishes for unity still applies – I mean, a wish for a loving family might be ”infantile”, but is not an ugly or unnatural thing, it is a very beautiful thing!

Where the Operator, the Hardholder, the Chopper and the Maestro 'D gather followers around them for economical reasons, band together for barter, the Hocus connect others to him on a deeper level, a level we might have a hard time to grasp as secular westerners. Whether your Hocus and his followers are a thing you consider beautiful or ugly, I'd say the Hocus is always human. It's a lonely world out there, and psychologically we are pack animals, we need close relationships to survive, we crave an unambivalent group to feel safe, we need a purpose to feel happy. Bring a Hocus into the world of the apocalypse, and you get to explore that humanity through the interactions with his followers, and the truth he preaches.

Let's go back to Apocalypse Now and see what Kurtz has to say to make sense of the world he sees around him:

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Why the Hocus is the best playbook to play:
The power of flesh is the real power!

Also, you get a big say in what the psychic maelstrom is like with your +2weird, and you get to make big claims about the world what with your prophetic stature and all.

And, of course, you get to the wonderful needs of your followers, without which you would be nothing.

What it brings to the world of the apocalypse:
So there is the dimension of humanity, through desire, disappointment and community, I've mentioned that. Also, if your Hocus manages to touch your desires as players and make you a little flustered or lustful in some way, that can really add to the ambience. Finally, since the Hocus followers live lives integrated in outside society, that can create some really interesting PC-NPC-triangles, like maybe the Gunlugger is a follower, or maybe some of the Hardholders liutenants or the Maestro 'D staff are followers.

Fundamental scarcities of the playbook:
I honestly have a hard time thinking of one. Oh, one of my players' first reactions to reading the hocus was a straight-face ”I can't imagine how you would have any problems with a cult at your disposal?”

Don't be that player. :gremlaugh: Trust me, followers' expectations on you are going to get you in a world of trouble soon enough.

Oh, and try to get at least one player characters to be your follower, so you don't end up antagonizing everyone with your fucked up shit.

Moves and crap analysis:
Fortunes is the core of the Hocus. Note that you roll+1 unless you get the Commerce option for your followers. Augury and Insight are also pretty cool options for your followers. Divine Protection is good for a character that walks around unarmed in a robe most of the time. Fucking whacknut, Charismatic and Seeing souls are pretty self-explanatory. You weird, weird good.

Concerning other playbook moves, there are a whole bunch of ones that roll+weird and could potentially fit with your concept. Healing touch is a given, and Dangerous & sexy is what you need to get if you want to play Thulsa Doom. Visions of Death and Bonefeel are good moves for a spooky Hocus, and Spooky Intense if you're planning to go into danger. Unnatural lust transfixion, Casual brain receptivity, Lost, Sticky fingers and Appraising eye are great for pulling strings and getting what you want.

The Brainer moves Deep brain scan and In-brain puppet strings and Direct-brain whisper projection are probably hella useful for you, but I would stay out of Brainer territory, I feel it would cheapen what the Hocus is.

Fucking thieves is for a gang, but if your MC allows it, it could be a fun way to scrape by with your followers. Leadership is also a gang move, but pretty freaking cool if you want to take your followers to war. Reputation could be a nice move to set you up as an essential contact people have to deal with in the hold. Oftener right is also good for connecting you with others.

Relationships and dynamics:
Some questions to ask the Hocus to nuance faith and followers: What is the scariest moment of your life, what do you fear today? What is your weakness? What is your strength? Do you believe everything you preach? What do you desire? Who is your favorite follower? Who where your first followers, and when did that happen? What where your parents like?

The Angel is a good enemy. They are a grounded character with a low weird score, and benefit from some force to combat, and not just injury and disease. Your potentially irrational and self-destructive followers could be a thankful foil to them. Likewise with the Operator, who nevertheless is a good third party to get things done for you that you cannot get done through your followers, or must be kept discrete.

The Battlebabe or Gunlugger could be a follower or an enemy. I wouldn't trust them, though. The Faceless? I would trust them as a follower, unquestionly!

The mere existence of the Brainer is likely an inconvience to you at least – Here's some weirdo going around controlling people, just like you! Only thing is, they don't claim to bring truth or meaning to their lives. Isn't that proof against your truth, if someone can twist that truth with their mind powers? If they are a follower, I would probably put them behind the curtains. Would love to hear how you did it though! The Hardholder is also a natural enemy of sorts, here is someone claiming peoples loyalty and telling them what to do – That's your thing!

The Skinner is also a potential rival in that they control people with emotional strings. Or they might the master of ceremonies at your place, with sacrifices, sex ceremonies or blood art as their art! Your cult just got twice as hot!

Consider mixing your followers with the Chopper's gang for an eventful pilgrimage!

The Savvyhead needs connections to the world, so consider making yourself dependent on them. The easy way is to have them, supply a drug or substance you use in your ceremonies. The Hoarder and the Maestro 'D can also fill this niché, the Hoarder could do real well as a local resident of your church, actually. And just like the Skinner, the Maestro 'D is potentially a hot rival for followers, might lull your followers into inaction with sex, drugs or booze.

The Quarantine and the Touchstone are to be feared or conquered.


21 Feb 2008
det roliga är att jag verkligen känner igen den typ av karaktärer jag älskar att spela. Väl beskrivet Arvidos! Kul att de finns som klass!


15 Sep 2000
Tell said:
det roliga är att jag verkligen känner igen den typ av karaktärer jag älskar att spela. Väl beskrivet Arvidos! Kul att de finns som klass!

Ja, the Hocus är läcker, precis som jag skrev så hade jag svårt att hitta problemen med playbooken, och det här är nog det fokus jag är mest nöjd med hittills.


23 Oct 2012
Som du vet ÄLSKAR jag Hocusen. Du träffar många av punkterna som jag gillar med Hocusen och som gör det till en grym playbook :gremsmile:

En grej jag gillar med Hocusen är dess potential att alliera sig med Hardholdern och bilda ett staten/kyrkan samarbete liknandes det från medeltida Europa. Vem kan stoppa en då? :gremwink:


22 Aug 2009
Arvidos MC said:
Oh, and try to get at least one player characters to be your follower, so you don't end up antagonizing everyone with your fucked up shit.
Det här tycker jag känns ganska centralt för Hocusen. Jag gillar den verkligen som koncept. Supercool och massivt med potential, men jag är inte är inte så imponerad av utförandet. Hocusen i sig känns så väldigt klen. I apocalypse world, där våld ofta ligger nära till hands, och hocusen ofta kan upplevas som ett horn i sidan på andra, känns det som att vilken av de andra playbooksen som helst kan bomba hocusen när de vill. Visst, det kommer säkert att bli massor med konsekvenser från följarna i efterhand (även om en gunlugger/hardholder/chopper/fler? skulle kunna utrota alla följarna också), men vad hjälper det hocusen där och då?

Den har helt enkelt inget leverage som skriven. Jag menar 20 följare, vad fan är det? Choppern kan med enkelhet ha fler personer i sitt gäng. Hocusens leverage måste istället etableras i spel, i samråd med de andra spelarna som kanske inte alls är på humör att inordna sig i hocusens kult. Alla playbooks behöver såklart inte vara mäktiga (så att säga), men jag hade gärna sett att antalet följare var lite fler. Som när vi skrev Sunken Sydney där de istället var 50 till antalet, så att det var lite mer att förhålla sig till för de andra spelarna.


23 Oct 2012
Jag håller med om det här. Ärligt talat hade jag gärna sett 20 fanatiker men att ALLA npc:er i holden är troende. Om du fuckar med prästen kommer ingen att tycka jättebra om dig.


22 Oct 2006
Jag spelade Hocusen i Sunken Sidney. (Min barter var instrument från operan.) Jag upplevde 50 followers som en ordentlig maktfaktor (som jag førstrøtt pissade bort). Håller kanske med om att tjugo skulle kænnas lite lite, med de dåliga førutsættningar som de har. Å andra sidan ær 50 ordentligt många!

Big Marco

20 May 2000
Zappelina said:
Jag spelade Hocusen i Sunken Sidney. (Min barter var instrument från operan.) Jag upplevde 50 followers som en ordentlig maktfaktor (som jag førstrøtt pissade bort). Håller kanske med om att tjugo skulle kænnas lite lite, med de dåliga førutsættningar som de har. Å andra sidan ær 50 ordentligt många!
En av de vidrigaste karaktärerna jag har haft missnöjet att träffa. ;-)

Big Marco

20 May 2000
Zappelina said:
Jag vill minnas att du sløt dig till kulten ændå :gremsmile:
Det minns inte jag. Jag minns att Goldie tog sitt badass-gäng och det blev krig utanför Operan.

Men då det aldrig riktigt avslutades kanske jag minns fel.


Mest spelbar
19 Oct 2001
Något jag tycker är ganska coolt överlag med Apocalypse world är att så många karaktärstyper som bygger på ledarskap.
Hardholdern, Chopper, Hocus, Touchstone.

Det är (IMHO) ett hälsosamt tecken på att rollspelet bygger på interaktion I samhället med sociala människor och inte bara asociala misfits som åker runt och murderhoboar folk.


3 May 2005
Cybot said:
Det är (IMHO) ett hälsosamt tecken på att rollspelet bygger på interaktion I samhället med sociala människor och inte bara asociala misfits som åker runt och murderhoboar folk.
*host* Gunlugger *host*


Mest spelbar
19 Oct 2001
Chryckan said:
Cybot said:
Det är (IMHO) ett hälsosamt tecken på att rollspelet bygger på interaktion I samhället med sociala människor och inte bara asociala misfits som åker runt och murderhoboar folk.
*host* Gunlugger *host*
Jovisst. Gunluggers osv är fortfarande murderhobos (om de inte är enforcers osv). Men det är liksom Mad Maxig post-apokalyps, då finns det alltid plats för en murderhobo. Men det är liksom inte förutsatt att din karaktärs styrka ska bygga på att mörda folk.
Det är liksom inte som i D&D där folk kan argumentera att Roguen är underpowered just för att han inte är en renodlad murderhobo.


22 Oct 2006
Hmm, ja Goldie trodde det... Men inom sig hörde han gospeln, han hade svalt masken! Också han skulle lägga sig för Momma, vi visste det båda två (jag och Goldie), det var bara du som stretade emot! Jag hade sett det, hört det! Momma visste... Hon var inte rädd för surfpojkarna.


22 Aug 2009
Zappelina said:
Hmm, ja Goldie trodde det... Men inom sig hörde han gospeln, han hade svalt masken! Också han skulle lägga sig för Momma, vi visste det båda två (jag och Goldie), det var bara du som stretade emot! Jag hade sett det, hört det! Momma visste... Hon var inte rädd för surfpojkarna.
Det där... var ganska obehagligt :gremeek:
(och precis som jag föreställer mig att hocusen i sunken sydney skulle vara :gremcool: ).

Big Marco

20 May 2000
Zappelina said:
Hmm, ja Goldie trodde det... Men inom sig hörde han gospeln, han hade svalt masken! Också han skulle lägga sig för Momma, vi visste det båda två (jag och Goldie), det var bara du som stretade emot! Jag hade sett det, hört det! Momma visste... Hon var inte rädd för surfpojkarna.
Just! Du kanske inte visste att jag dödade masken genom mitt enda bra tärningsslag under hela den kampanjen. Fan vad synd att vi inte spelade klart den, jag ser en scen där Operan brinner och vacker automateld.