Eon Rules question: Combat example


26 Dec 2023
Hi all,

On page 178 of the core book, in Runda1, under Närstridsfasen, it reads "Då Amira redan har agerat får hon inte slå något slag (och anses ha slagit 0)."

Which if I have translated properly it means that since Amira has already acted she cannot roll to defend herself. I don't recall reading anywhere in the rules that if you have already acted you cannot defend yourself in melee. Quite the contrary. In page 172 under Närstridsförsvar utanför aktiv fas, in the Exempel, it reads "Azari har valt att vara aktiv i avståndsfasen och kastar en kniv mot sin motståndare, men kniven missar dessvärre. I närstridsfasen rusar motståndaren fram och attackerar henne. Hon undviker och får +1 Utmattning då hon försvarar sig utanför aktiv fas och försvarstaktiken räknas automatiskt som Standardförsvar. Motståndaren slår 13 men Azari kommer upp i 15 och hon blir därför anfallare nästföljande runda." Which says that Azari defends in the melee phase (after she acted in the ranged phase) by suffering 1 Fatigue and using the default Standardförsvar.

Is the combat example on page 178 wrong? Am I missing something?


Nybliven Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
The example seems to be wrong, yes. Your later interpretation of page 172 is correct - Amira do indeed get to defend herself. Generally, you should get to roll to defend against attacks in all situations except possibly if you're being stabbed in the back or while asleep or something similar (I don't quite remember any rules for that).
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