Nekromanti [Säljes] Hyllrensning av mina mörkaste hörn


Slava Ukraini!
5 Feb 2002
Göteborg, Lindome
Jag trodde jag hade hittat alla gamla Titan-lådor (se mina tidigare listor), men det gömde sig några till med lite udda grejor. Så jag säljer även följande. Frakt och förpackning tillkommer på priset (såvida man inte hämtar upp det i Göteborg).

Sålda produkter stryks över vartefter de säljs.

D&D, TSR, M1 Blizzard Pass, Invisible Ink Module (penna saknas), 40 kr
D&D, TSR, M2 Maze of the Riddling Minotaur, Invisible Ink Module (penna finns med, men är förmodligen helt torr), 40 kr
D&D, TSR, MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley, Magic Viewer Module (med Magic Viewer), 50 kr
D&D, TSR, MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley, Magic Viewer Module (utan Magic Viewer), 30 kr
TSR Rules, Bio One, perfekt skick, för samlare, 200 kr
AD&D, TSR, City of Waterdeep Trail Map, luktar fortfarande nytryckt, 150 kr
AD&D, TSR, Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue, 100 kr
AD&D, DC Comics, Advanced Dungeons&Dragons Comic, nummer 1-5, 120 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Harn Master Module, Harnview, Harndex och karta, ingen låda, 50 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 2, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 3, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 4, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 5, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 6, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 7, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 8, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 9, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 10, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 11, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 12, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 13, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 14, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 15, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Encyclopedia Harnica 16, 25 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Lythia Continent Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Rethem Kingdom Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Kaldor Kingdom Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Melderyn Kingdom Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Kanday Kingdom Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Tharda Republic Module (Harn), 35 kr
D&D, TSR, The Art of Dragon, 50 kr
D&D, TSR, The Art of the Dragonlance Saga, 50 kr
D&D, TSR, The Art of the Dungeons&Dragons Fantasy Game, 50 kr
AD&D, TSR, A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, C2 The Ghost Tower of Inverness, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, C3 The Lost Island of Castanamir, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, C4 To Find a King, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, C5 The Bane of Llywelyn, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, CB1 CONAN Unchained!, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, CB2 Against Darkness, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL1 Dragons of Despair, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL2 Dragons of Flame, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL3 Dragons of Hope, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL4 Dragons of Desolation, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL6 Dragons of Ice, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL7 Dragons of Light, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL8 Dragon of War, 35 kr
Chivalry&Sorcery, FGU, Chivalry&Sorcery, 50 kr
Chivalry&Sorcery, FGU, Swords&Sorcerers (Chivalry&Sorcery), 50 kr
Chivalry&Sorcery, FGU, The Chivalry&Sorcery Sourcebook, 50 kr
MERP, ICE, Middle-Earth Role Playing, 50 kr
Palladium, Ninjas&Superspies, 50 kr
Midkemia, The Black Tower, 30 kr
Gurps, Steve Jackson Games, GURPS Fantasy, 50 kr
CoC, Chaosium, Dreamlands Boxed Set (Call of Cthulhu), 100 kr
Paranoia, West End Games, Paranoia Second Edition Boxed Set, 100 kr
SPI, DragonQuest Fantasy Role-Playing Game, 100 kr


8 Dec 2001
"Harn, Columbia Games, Lythia Continent Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Rethem Kingdom Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Kaldor Kingdom Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Melderyn Kingdom Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Kanday Kingdom Module (Harn), 35 kr
Harn, Columbia Games, Tharda Republic Module (Harn), 35 kr"

Det här var intressant, trots att Hârn är det rödhåriga styvbarnet i min spelsamling.

Storuggla, impulsköper nu igen


27 Aug 2011
Slår till på följande....

D&D, TSR, MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley, Magic Viewer Module (med Magic Viewer), 50 kr
AD&D, DC Comics, Advanced Dungeons&Dragons Comic, nummer 1-5, 120 kr
D&D, TSR, The Art of Dragon, 50 kr
D&D, TSR, The Art of the Dragonlance Saga, 50 kr
D&D, TSR, The Art of the Dungeons&Dragons Fantasy Game, 50 kr
AD&D, TSR, C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, C2 The Ghost Tower of Inverness, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, C3 The Lost Island of Castanamir, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, C4 To Find a King, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, C5 The Bane of Llywelyn, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, CB1 CONAN Unchained!, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, CB2 Against Darkness, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL1 Dragons of Despair, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL2 Dragons of Flame, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL3 Dragons of Hope, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL4 Dragons of Desolation, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL6 Dragons of Ice, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL7 Dragons of Light, 35 kr
AD&D, TSR, DL8 Dragon of War, 35 kr
MERP, ICE, Middle-Earth Role Playing, 50 kr
Midkemia, The Black Tower, 30 kr
Gurps, Steve Jackson Games, GURPS Fantasy, 50 kr
CoC, Chaosium, Dreamlands Boxed Set (Call of Cthulhu), 100 kr