spelmöte ett improviserade jag fram en massa hookar, som jag cashade in under möte två: hade byggt fram en massa intriger under ett c:a 18 minuter långt telefonsamtal med en beläst kamrat.
Eftersom jag har SÅ lite tid att bygga saker nu behöver jag eran feedback under konstruktionen av äventyrsmaterialet. Det ska leda upp till Innsmouth-kampanjen. All återkoppling om detta material gläder mig.
{PROCEDURFRÅGA: Känns det som att jag viker från ämnet när jag vill utveckla intriger och berättelser i detta forum.}
Jag skrev ner skiten på engelska, så here goes:
The Story So Far - in a bit of a shambles
I have a mass grave outside Arkham. A riot in a barracks of some kind during the Civil War, and a general (from private to general during his career, died in Boston, no record yet of where he was born) called Abner Reel. I have a smaller town, just a street with houses really, called Elwers, and it's located north of Arkham. The PCs saw their sheriff beat the crap out of an Indian who had stolen loaves of bread. One of the PCs snapped a photograph of the sheriff beating the Indian. The PCs were nice, took the Indian to the reservation north of Elwers. They were there to see a megalithic grave site, since they are an amateur archaeological society.
The PCs come to the Indian's reservation, and it's a tragic sight. The bleeding guy they carry doesn't weigh a lot, and some folks come out, have a ritual and the man stands up again, his strength regained. He can walk, and is taken inside the ugly plain houses. PCs ask for a favour and they are taken blindfolded to a hill with a megalithic grave. Thing is, the grave at the hilltop is filled with junk, like food offerings. The Indians are paying their tribute to their ancestors.
As soon as their Indian guard sees tracks from a lorry: "They're day-old", the party must leave, and the Indian is very upset. PCs are taken away from the reservation and they hurry back to town.
On the photo they see the Indian had a pouch made of leather around his neck. They find it in the car they rode in. (The car of the richest character's father.)
Another grave site, Great Stone Hollow, has a lot of documenation. The chapel has interesting information on the theories that the grave was made by the Vikings. (A racist theory that positions indigenous peoples as dumber; my CoC world is shit [a lot like the real world], and my players want it like that, so no romantic non-historical fake equality bull: the PCs are 1st World Assholes of the Third Kind) I made a helpful priest for this, but the PCs haven't gone over there yet. The docs about Great Stone Hollow talk of "the only site of its kind", and are relatively fresh. (This only serves to make the shortage of info about the Elwers grave seem suspicious.)
In Short:
1 Mass grave covered-up with a megalithic grave (copied from a similar grave in nearby Great Stone Hollow)
2 Civil war general with lightning career
3 Larvae and soil from the grave
Other things to ponder:
Indian ritual - hoax or reality?
Eftersom jag har SÅ lite tid att bygga saker nu behöver jag eran feedback under konstruktionen av äventyrsmaterialet. Det ska leda upp till Innsmouth-kampanjen. All återkoppling om detta material gläder mig.
{PROCEDURFRÅGA: Känns det som att jag viker från ämnet när jag vill utveckla intriger och berättelser i detta forum.}
Jag skrev ner skiten på engelska, så here goes:
The Story So Far - in a bit of a shambles
I have a mass grave outside Arkham. A riot in a barracks of some kind during the Civil War, and a general (from private to general during his career, died in Boston, no record yet of where he was born) called Abner Reel. I have a smaller town, just a street with houses really, called Elwers, and it's located north of Arkham. The PCs saw their sheriff beat the crap out of an Indian who had stolen loaves of bread. One of the PCs snapped a photograph of the sheriff beating the Indian. The PCs were nice, took the Indian to the reservation north of Elwers. They were there to see a megalithic grave site, since they are an amateur archaeological society.
The PCs come to the Indian's reservation, and it's a tragic sight. The bleeding guy they carry doesn't weigh a lot, and some folks come out, have a ritual and the man stands up again, his strength regained. He can walk, and is taken inside the ugly plain houses. PCs ask for a favour and they are taken blindfolded to a hill with a megalithic grave. Thing is, the grave at the hilltop is filled with junk, like food offerings. The Indians are paying their tribute to their ancestors.
As soon as their Indian guard sees tracks from a lorry: "They're day-old", the party must leave, and the Indian is very upset. PCs are taken away from the reservation and they hurry back to town.
On the photo they see the Indian had a pouch made of leather around his neck. They find it in the car they rode in. (The car of the richest character's father.)
Another grave site, Great Stone Hollow, has a lot of documenation. The chapel has interesting information on the theories that the grave was made by the Vikings. (A racist theory that positions indigenous peoples as dumber; my CoC world is shit [a lot like the real world], and my players want it like that, so no romantic non-historical fake equality bull: the PCs are 1st World Assholes of the Third Kind) I made a helpful priest for this, but the PCs haven't gone over there yet. The docs about Great Stone Hollow talk of "the only site of its kind", and are relatively fresh. (This only serves to make the shortage of info about the Elwers grave seem suspicious.)
In Short:
1 Mass grave covered-up with a megalithic grave (copied from a similar grave in nearby Great Stone Hollow)
2 Civil war general with lightning career
3 Larvae and soil from the grave
Other things to ponder:
Indian ritual - hoax or reality?