Eon Small help with translation


26 Dec 2023
Hi all,

I apology in advance as I know no Swedish. Due to my personal taste on rpg systems, I was suggested recently to check out the Eon rpg.
I grab the pdf for the EON IV core book, and with the help of a software I started translating it. What I have read so far leaves me wondering how is it possible that this amazing rpg has never been translated to reach a wider audience. It is just awesome.

In any case, I wanted to ask for a little help. I have hit a paragraph that I cannot fully understand after its translation. On page 157 of the Grundbok, under the heading "Hur man slår" which I understand as "How to roll" or "How to test", it has the subheading "Tre slag:" (Three rolls or three tests) that I do not understand what it is trying to say. That every action has to be tested /rolled 3 times? that there are a maximum of three attempts you can do on every action? something else?

I would really appreciate some help here.

Merry Christmas!
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26 Dec 2023
You're doing Eon on google translate?! Why would you do this to yourself??

Paste the relevant text here, and I'll give it a go. (I suspect it is "three ways to roll")

I use a software that reads the entire pdf and then spits a new pdf which keeps the format as much as possible. The translation is good, but far from perfect. I need to read everything and correct / interpret the text. I have advanced so far until page 157 with nearly no issues. Here is the first time I don't really grasp what the game wants to do.

This is the text in question

Hur man slår
I utmaningar och konflikter är det fritt för spelarna att välja vilka färdigheter man vill använda så länge man har en bra förklaring till hur dessa kan fungera. Expertiser, Kännetecken och även Hantverksfärdigheter kan komma till hjälp här. Även härledda attribut såsom Intryck, Kroppsbyggnad
och Självkontroll kan tillåtas användas beroende på vilken typ av konflikt det rör sig om.

Tre slag: I såväl utmaningar som konflikter slås tre stycken slag, vanligtvis med lika många färdigheter eller attribut. I utmaningar handlar det om svårighetsslag medan om det är en konflikt så rör det sig om motståndsslag.

In particular, the paragraph that starts with "Tre slag", I don't understand if it is meant for every single action in the game, or just for some particular ones. Do I need to perform tre tests /rolls for everyting? Pick a lock, jump a fence, negotiate a price, convince the city watch to let me pass...? or just for some particular cases?


8 Mar 2021
You roll three times in Utmaningar (Challenges) and Konflikter (Conflicts). These are used in more complex actions when you need to measure the quality of the action, more than just fail/pass. The player decides which skills to use. The same skill may be used more than once with a penalty each time. Each roll needs to meet a difficulty number to succeed, and you also add any Övertag (Advantage) to the final result. Each successful roll, and Övertag, is 1 Kontroll. You need at least three Kontroll to succeed.

So 3 successful rolls with 2 Övertag is 5 Kontroll, which is a success with margin.
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8 Mar 2021
Do I need to perform tre tests /rolls for everyting? Pick a lock, jump a fence, negotiate a price, convince the city watch to let me pass...? or just for some particular cases?
The examples they give in the book for Utmaningar (Challenges) are Crafting, Looking for information, and Wilderness travel, so I would say it’s for more complex actions. I agree it’s not super clear, but that’s my interpretation anyway.


7 Jan 2010
Gerkub has translated it correctly. In my hobby translation of Eon, I also named the two types Conflicts and Challenges.

The long short of it, is that other than just rolling "Sneak" to get into the castle, a storyteller can transform a normal, smaller action into a bigger, more dramatic one.

These are called Conflicts or Challenges.

Conflicts are used if they are against another active participant (in example a foot-race, or commanding an army against each other).
Challenges if they are against a passive participant (in example climbing a mountain, or sneaking around a guard that's just sitting on duty).

The examples present various situations following this, but the long short of it is that:
1: You use three rolls instead of one
2: Anyone present that can do so logically may participate
3: Successes grant you Control, and the side with the most Control 'win'. How wide a margin they win by is determined by the amount of Control.
4: One success = 1 Control. If you roll 5 higher than the difficulty, you get an additional Control. This stacks, so 10 higher is 2 Control, etc.


The three adventurers Mundo, Yahuna and Gerkub are going to sneak into a castle. The storyteller thinks it would be more interesting to turn this into a Challenge (the opposition is passive, they don't know the player characters are there). The storyteller thinks it is quite hard to sneak into a well-guarded castle, and sets the difficulty to 14.

As Gerkub has the highest Perception, Gerkub rolls. Gerkub gets 14, that's 1 Control. Gerkub motivates using Perception by saying that Gerkub is keeping watch on guards and finding good, shadowy areas to sneak in.
Mundo has the highest sneak, and doesn't really need to motivate using it. Mundo rolls poorly however, and only gets 12. As the difficulty was 14, that means no control for Mundo.
Yahuna doesn't feel like they have a lot of good skills, until Yahuna takes a glance at their skills one last time and realize they've got the Expertise Look innocent at 5D6. Yahuna tries to argue that since Mundo's sneak-roll failed, perhaps they got spotted by a guard, but Yahuna tries to dissuade the situation by using Looks innocent. The storyteller likes this and agrees to the call. Yahuna rolls 22, an excellent roll, and thus gets 1 control for succeeding, and 1 additional control for rolling 5 higher than the set difficulty.

With a total of 3 Control, it's smooth sailing.


14 May 2021
As Gerkub has the highest Perception, Gerkub rolls. Gerkub gets 14, that's 1 Control. Gerkub motivates using Perception by saying that Gerkub is keeping watch on guards and finding good, shadowy areas to sneak in.
Mundo has the highest sneak, and doesn't really need to motivate using it. Mundo rolls poorly however, and only gets 12. As the difficulty was 14, that means no control for Mundo.
Yahuna doesn't feel like they have a lot of good skills, until Yahuna takes a glance at their skills one last time and realize they've got the Expertise Look innocent at 5D6. Yahuna tries to argue that since Mundo's sneak-roll failed, perhaps they got spotted by a guard, but Yahuna tries to dissuade the situation by using Looks innocent. The storyteller likes this and agrees to the call. Yahuna rolls 22, an excellent roll, and thus gets 1 control for succeeding, and 1 additional control for rolling 5 higher than the set difficulty.

With a total of 3 Control, it's smooth sailing.
Se Oskyldig Ut to the rescue yet again! 😇