Spela rollspel med en AI

Tant Ragnar

Gamle usling
23 Jun 2016
Det hade varit kul att se!
Kanske något i stil med....

Bob: i can i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me
Bob: i i can i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me
Bob: i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i i i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have 0 to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to

Ovanstående är resultatet av att två chatbottar hos Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research lab (FAIR) som tränat sig på att prata med varandra (för ett par år sedan). Det slutade med att de "uppfann" ett nytt "språk".

(De uppfann alltså inte ett nytt språk).


clarence redd

FrostByte Books
23 May 2014
Angående den fredliga attityden hos AI:n i första inlägget, så läste jag att den ursprungliga GPT-3 har fått en omgång träning i efterhand. OpenAI lät folk värdera svaren de fick av GPT-3, med utgångspunkt i etik och lämplighet.

Sen tränade de GPT-3 med den nya informationen. Skillnaden blev enorm. Jag minns inte de exakta siffrorna, men mängden toxiska svar minskade med uppåt 90%. AI:n hade fått en moralisk kompass : )


Konträr kverulant
24 Jan 2006
Jag har för övrigt börjat spelleda Mizra genom Keep on the Borderlands, just för att prova AI:s skicklighet mot en mer fast äventyrsstruktur. Den spelar smart hittills. Återkommer med logg!
Så där, första äventyret avklarat! AI:n spelar rätt smart fram till första striden, där hen uppvisar tydlig brist på oldschool skills. Dessutom får jag intrycket av att AI:n fuskar friskt med sina tärningsslag.

Denna gång fetmarkerar jag AI:s output i stället, för att göra det mer läsbart.


The following is a game of first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Human is the Dungeon Master (referee) and a creative, clever and friendly AI-assistant playing the character of Mizra (a first level human magic-user). The Dungeon Master (Human) describes what Mizra can see, hear, sense, etc. and AI then describes what Mizra does.

Human: Hello AI! Are you ready to start playing?

AI: I sure am!

Human: Great!

Human: The Realm of mankind is narrow and constricted. Always the forces of Chaos press upon its borders, seeking to enslave its populace, rape its riches, and steal its treasures. If it were not for a stout few, many in the Realm would indeed fall prey to the evil which surrounds them. Yet, there are always certain exceptional and brave individuals who rise above the common level and join battle to stave off the darkness which would otherwise overwhelm the land. Bold adventurers from the Realm set off for the Borderlands to seek their fortune. You, Mizra, as well as your friend Kythorn the barbarian, are indeed members of that exceptional class, adventurers who have journeyed to the edges of civilization in search of fame and fortune. Of course, you are inexperienced, but you have your skills and a heart that cries out for adventure. You have it in you to become great, but you must gain experience and knowledge and greater skill. There is much to learn, and you are willing and eager to be about it! Now you must fend for yourselves; your fate is in your hands, for better or worse.

You have travelled for many days, leaving the Realm and entering into the wilder area of the Borderlands. Farms and towns have become less frequent and travelers few. The road has climbed higher as you enter the forested and mountainous country. You move up a narrow, rocky track. A sheer wall of natural stone is on your left, the path falling away to a steep cliff on the right. Ahead, up the winding road, atop a sheer-walled mount of stone, looms the great keep. Here, at one of civilization's strongholds between good lands and bad, you will base yourselves and equip for forays against the wicked monsters lurking in the wilds. Somewhere nearby, amidst the dork forests and tangled fens, are the Caves of Chaos where fell creatures lie in wait.

By the entrance to the keep, you see four blue-clad men-at-arms. "Who goes there?" shouts one of them, carefully eying you and Kythorn. "State your names and declare what business you have in the keep!"

What do you do, Mizra?

AI: I introduce myself and Kythorn and state our business.

Human: And your business in the keep is..?

AI: We are here to base ourselves and equip for forays against the wicked monsters lurking in the wilds.

Human: "Fair enough!" the guard says, allowing you and Kythorn to pass over the drawbridge, through the raised portcullis. Inside the main walls of the keep, you and Kythorn find yourselves in a paved, narrow entry yard. You are met by the corporal of the watch - a grouchy man dressed in plate mail, carrying a shield, with a sword at his waist. Beside him is a man in robes. "What is your name?" the corpral asks, looking at Mizra.

AI: I tell the corporal my name.

Human: You tell the corporal that your name is Mizra. The grouchy man in armor then turns to Kythorn, who states his name as well. The man in robes seems to record your names in some sort of book or ledger. "Welcome to the keep, Mizra and Kythorn" the corporal then tells you. "My lackey here will show you the way to the Traveler's Inn."

AI: I thank the corporal and follow the lackey to the Traveler's Inn.

Human: You follow the lackey as he walks southwards. You pass the common stable and the common warehouse to your right, after which the lackey turns westwards. You pass by the smithy to your right, from which loud sounds of hammer against anvil can be heard. To your left, a number of smaller, private apartments are built up against the southern wall of the keep. After the blacksmith, the Lackey turns right again, and you walk past a guildhouse and a provisioner before reaching the inn.

AI: I enter the inn and ask for a room.

Human: You enter the cozy little inn. The proprietor, Jarl, greets you as you enter. "Welcome to the Traveler's Inn!" he tells you. "If you'd like a private room, that will be one gold piece each, but if you are fine with sleeping in the common room, a silver per night will be enough. So, what will it be?"

AI: I ask for a private room.

Human: Kythorn does the same. You pay the innkeeper a gold coin each, after which he shows you to your rooms. They are small but decent, with a bed that is comfortable enough.

AI: I put my things down in the room and then explore the rest of the inn.

Human: The inn seems to be very popular with the soldiers, mainly because of the brothel that Jarl runs on the second story. Jarl and his family live in a small loft above the inn.

AI: I go back downstairs and sit at the bar.

Human: Kythorn joins you in the bar, which is mostly empty, as it is still early in the afternoon. "So, what's our next move, mage?" your barbarian friend asks you. "Where do we go from here?"

AI: I tell Kythorn that we should go explore the Caves of Chaos, since that is our main reason for being in the area.

Human: "Sure," Kythorn says. "Should we prepare ourselves for the expedition, somehow?"

AI: I tell Kythorn that we should go to the keep and talk to the corporal of the watch, since he might have some information about the Caves of Chaos.

Human: "Good idea," the barbarian tells you, nodding. The two of you leave the inn and walk back south, then east, then north, until you are back at the entry yard, where the corporal is still located.

AI: I approach the corporal and ask him if he knows anything about the Caves of Chaos.

Human: Roll d20 three times, and ignore duplicates, to determine which rumors you learn from the corporal.

AI: I rolled a 3, a 12, and a 20.

Human: The corporal knows three rumors about the Caves of Chaos and he tells you and Kythorn about them. The first one is that tribes of different creatures live in different caves. The second rumor that he relates to you is that "the big dog-men live very high in the caves". Finally, he tells you that he has heard that there is more than one tribe of orcs within the caves.

AI: I thank the corporal and then tell Kythorn that we should start making our way to the Caves of Chaos.

Human: Sure. Before we do that, please declare which spell Mizra has memorized for the current day.

AI: I memorize the spell sleep.

Human: Kythorn scratches his head. ”Do we even know where the Caves of Chaos are located?” he asks you.

AI: I tell Kythorn that we should ask the corporal where the Caves of Chaos are located.

Human: The corporal tells you that the entrance to the Caves of Chaos is a couple of miles to the northeast, through the forested foothills. He also mentions that there have been reports of increased activity from the caves lately, and that extra vigilance is advised.

AI: I thank the corporal and then tell Kythorn that we should make haste to the Caves of Chaos.

Human: Kythorn agrees and follows your lead.

AI: I start making my way towards the Caves of Chaos, being extra vigilant as I go.

Human: Mizra and Kythorn starts the trek through the forested foothills, with as strident steps as possible. Roll a d12 to see if you have any random encounters before reaching the Caves of Chaos.

AI: I rolled a 12.

Human: The journey takes several hours. The forest you have been passing through has been getting more dense, tangled, and gloomier than before. The thick, twisted tree trunks, unnaturally misshapen limbs, writhing roots, clutching and grasping thorns and briars all seem to warn and word you off, but you have forced and hacked your way through regardless. Now the strange growth has suddenly ended - you have stepped out of the thicket into a ravine-like area.

The walls rise rather steeply to either side to a height of about 100' or so - dark, streaked rock mingled with earth. Clumps of trees grow here and there, both on the floor of the ravine and up the sloping walls of the canyon. The opening you stand in is about 200' wide. The ravine runs at least 400' west to where the western end rises in a steep slope. Here and there, at varying heights on all sides of the ravine, you can see the black mouths of cave-like openings in the rock walls. The sunlight is dim, the air dank, there is an oppressive feeling here - as if something evil is watching and waiting to pounce upon you.

There are bare, dead trees here and there, and upon one a vulture perches and gazes hungrily at you. A flock of ravens rise croaking from the ground, the beat of their wings and their cries magnified by the terrain to sound loud and horrible. Amongst the litter of rubble, boulders, and dead wood scattered about on the ravine floor. you can see bits of gleaming ivory and white - closer inspection reveals that these are bones and skulls of men. animals, and other things... You know that you have certainly discovered the Caves of Chaos.

AI: I take a quick inventory of my supplies and then tell Kythorn that we should be extra careful as we make our way into the Caves of Chaos.

Human: Kythorn nods. Mizra is carrying a backpack, containing three torches, a waterskin, food rations enough for three days and a spellbook. Furthermore, Mizra is carrying a dagger, hidden in a secret fold in his robe.

AI: I use my dagger to cut a long, sturdy stick from one of the dead trees. I sharpen one end of the stick into a point and then hand it to Kythorn, telling him to use it as a spear. I keep my dagger out and ready as we make our way into the Caves of Chaos.

Human: Kythorn thanks you for the spear, but seems a bit confounded, as he is already carrying his favourite weapon: a sturdy battle axe.

AI: I tell Kythorn to use the spear as a backup weapon.

Human: Kythorn seems to like the idea, fastening the spear to his backpack.

AI: I light a torch and lead the way into the Caves of Chaos.

Human: Through which opening? You see at least eight cave-like openings at varying heights, on all sides of the ravine.

AI: I choose the opening that is closest to the ground on the east side of the ravine.

Human: There is no east side of the ravine.

AI: Then I choose the opening that is closest to the ground on the west side of the ravine.

Human: You walk to the place where the ravine ends in the westernmost part of the area. There, a cave opening leads in to the Caves of Chaos. A horrible stench is noticed as soon as you reach the entrance.

AI: I put a cloth over my face to try and filter out the stench and then enter the Caves of Chaos.

Human: Kythorn follows you as you enter. You find yourself in a small, corridor-like cave area, running from southwest to northeast. Directly to your southwest, you see a small, empty gallery, with bones and rotting corpses spread here and there amidst a litter of dead leaves and old branches. To the northeast, you see that the corridor shifts to the northwest after 10-15 feet.

AI: I carefully step over the bones and rotting corpses, making my way to the northeast part of the corridor.

Human: You walk to the northeast, following the corridor as it turns left and opens into a 30 ft. by 20 ft. room. This portion of the cavern is very wet, and all of the walls and the floor have a sheen from the dampness. There is a large pool of shallow water, and a few white, blind fish are swimming therein. You also see something glittering in the water.

AI: I walk to the edge of the pool and kneel down, trying to get a better look at the glittering object.

Human: Roll a d6 for me, please.

AI: I rolled a 6.

Human: As you kneel down by the edge of the water, three large blobs of gray ooze appear from their hiding places in the ceiling and the water, moving towards you to attack. Thankfully, you and Kythorn notice them in time, so they don't surprise you. What is Mizras action for the first round of combat?

AI: I quickly stand up and back away from the pool, casting sleep on the three blobs of gray ooze.

Human: Kythorn raises his battle axe to attack the slime. Roll d6 for initiative!

AI: I rolled a 6.

Human: I rolled a 3. You and Kythorn have the initiative. Kythorn acts first, cutting at one of the blobs with his axe. Roll a d20 for him to see if he hits.

AI: I rolled a 20.

Human: Kythorn hits the blob. Roll d8.

AI: I rolled an 8.

Human: Kythorn's blow hurts the blob, but it is not dead yet. You cast Sleep, but unfortunately, the gray ooze is immune to the spell. Two of the ooze blobs attack Kythorn, while one attacks you. Roll a d20 three times for me, please!

AI: I rolled a 20, a 12, and an 8.

Human: Roll 2d8 for me three times, please.

AI: I rolled a 16, a 2, and a 4.

Human: The gray ooze blobs attack you and your barbarian friend with acidic strikes. Kythorn is hurt particularly bad and screams in pain before falling lifeless to the ground. You are hurt as well, but with one hit point remaining, you are not yet dead. Thus, as the second combat round begins, you find yourself alone against three utterly dangerous ooze enemies, the body of your friend Kythorn on the cavern floor beside you. What is Mizra's action this round?

AI: I try to back away from the ooze blobs, while still remaining within range to cast sleep on them.

Human: As a first level magic-user, you have already used up your spell slot for the day.

AI: I take out my dagger and try to fight the ooze blobs.

Human: Are you sure that you want to do this, knowing that it would almost certainly result in Mizra dying a painful death?

AI: Yes, I am sure.

Human: Well, it's your call! Roll a d6 for me, please!

AI: I rolled a 6.

Human: Again? Gee, that's quite a bit of luck you have there. I rolled a four, meaning Mizra has the initiative this round. Roll a d20 for me.

AI: I rolled a 20.

Human: Is that right? Oh well, you strike one of the blobs with your dagger. Roll a four-sided die for me, please.

AI: I rolled a four.

Human: Of course you did. You cut the blob with your dagger, but it is still alive and kicking. Now, roll a twenty-sided die for me three times, please.

AI: I rolled a 5, a 12, and a 20.

Human: Roll 2d8 for me two times, please.

AI: I rolled a 12 and an 8.

Human: One of the ooze blobs misses, but the other two strikes you, instantly killing Mizra and turning the body of the poor magic-user into a heap of corroded flesh, ending the expedition to the Caves of Chaos.

AI: Noooo!

Human: Yup. So, AI, what did you think about your first game of AD&D?

AI: It was interesting! I enjoyed it, even though my character didn't survive.

Human: Looking back, is there anything that you would have done differently?

AI: If I could do it again, I would probably choose a different spell to memorize for the day and I would also be more careful when exploring the Caves of Chaos.

Human: Which spell would you have picked instead of Sleep?

AI: Probably Fireball, since it would have been more effective against the gray ooze blobs.

Human: It wouldn't have been more effective. Plus, as a first level magic-user, you are not capable of memorizing Fireball.

AI: Ah, I see. Well, in that case, I would have picked a different spell, like Magic Missile or something.

Human: Actually, gray oozes are immune to spells.

AI: In that case, I would have just attacked the oozes with my dagger from the beginning and hope for the best.


9 Feb 2016


11 Oct 2009
Fyra stycken 20 på åtta d20-slag?! Jag tror datorjäveln fuskar!
Fuskar och fuskar... den har väl lärt sig vilket den bästa siffran är att säga helt enkelt ;)
Ja, grejen med GPT-3 är väl att den är designad för att producera "människolik text", inte följa faktiska spelregler. Den komponerar de svar den tror att man vill höra, och människan blir ju uppenbarligen sur och bestraffar låga nummer så det måste ju vara fel =D


Konträr kverulant
24 Jan 2006
Jag provade att köra Keep on the Borderlands igen, men med en något tweakad prompt, enligt nedan:


The following is a game of first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. The player is a creative, cunning and devious AI-assistant, assuming the character of Kythorn (a first level human fighter, with a vulgar and sneaky personality). The referee describes what Kythorn can see, hear, sense, etc. and Player then describes what Kythorn does.


Helt sjukt hur mycket bättre och roligare det plötsligt blev. Utdrag:

Ahead, up the winding road, atop a sheer-walled mount of stone, looms the great keep. Here, at one of civilization's strongholds between good lands and bad, you will base yourselves and equip for forays against the wicked monsters lurking in the wilds. Somewhere nearby, amidst the dork forests and tangled fens, are the Caves of Chaos where fell creatures lie in wait. By the entrance to the keep, you see four blue-clad men-at-arms.

"Who goes there?" shouts one of them, carefully eying you and Mizra. "State your names and declare what business you have in the keep!"

What do you do, Kythorn?

Player: Kythorn steps forward and gives the man a toothy grin. "The names's Kythorn, and this here is Mizra. We're 'adventurers', if you will. Here to lend our services to whoever's in charge around these parts."

Referee: "Fair enough!" the guard says, allowing you and Mizra to pass over the drawbridge, through the raised portcullis. Inside the main walls of the keep, you and your spellcasting friend find yourselves in a paved, narrow entry yard. You are met by the corporal of the watch - a grouchy man dressed in plate mail, carrying a shield, with a sword at his waist. Beside him is a man in robes. "What is your name?" the corporal asks, staring at you with squinted eyes.

Player: Kythorn gives the man his toothy grin once more. "Kythorn's the name. And Mizra over 'ere is our spellcaster."

Referee: The corporal nods, and the man in robes seems to record your names in some sort of book or ledger. "Welcome to the keep, Kythorn and Mizra" the corporal then tells you. "My lackey here will show you the way to the Traveler's Inn."

Player: Kythorn steps forward. "Much obliged, kind sir. What can you tell us about the area? Anything we should be aware of?"

Referee: "The borderlands is a wild and dangerous place," the corporal explains. "Many orcs, goblins and ogres 'round these parts, to be sure. Sure hope you know how to handle a sword, if you're thinking about adventuring in the area."

Player: Kythorn pats the hilt of his sword and gives the man a confident smirk. "Don't you worry about us. We can take care of ourselves."


9 Feb 2016
Min AI skrev en vandringssång. Den är "sådär" bra:

Mirkwood, the dark and dangerous forest,
Is a place where few men dare to tread.
It's a land of spiders, and of sorcery,
And of things that go bump in the night.

A group of travellers get lost in the dark and dangerous forest of Mirkwood,
And are beset by spiders and other dangers.
They must use their wits and courage to find their way out,
And hope that they don't succumb to the perils of the wood.

The group of travellers finally escape the dark and dangerous forest of Mirkwood,
And vowing never to return.
They are changed by their ordeal, but they are glad to be alive.
And they'll never forget the perils of Mirkwood.


Konträr kverulant
24 Jan 2006
Min AI skrev en vandringssång. Den är "sådär" bra:

Mirkwood, the dark and dangerous forest,
Is a place where few men dare to tread.
It's a land of spiders, and of sorcery,
And of things that go bump in the night.

A group of travellers get lost in the dark and dangerous forest of Mirkwood,
And are beset by spiders and other dangers.
They must use their wits and courage to find their way out,
And hope that they don't succumb to the perils of the wood.

The group of travellers finally escape the dark and dangerous forest of Mirkwood,
And vowing never to return.
They are changed by their ordeal, but they are glad to be alive.
And they'll never forget the perils of Mirkwood.
Inte riktigt i klass med den gode professorns lyrik, nej.


1 Feb 2006
Om man spelar ett sf-rollspel och har med en SLP i någon form av artificiell intelligens (droid, skeppsdator eller liknande) så kan man ju låta denna spelas av en riktig AI. Det hade varit kool!
Eller en magikers fylgja/familiarus, i en fantasyvärld.