
Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Have you, too, been chosen by the COSMIC FORCE?

Were you also plucked from your home world, your home time, your home dimension, by the mystery of the COSMIC FORCE and stranded here on BATTLEWORLD, the great arena of the MULTIVERSE?

We are many. Knights of King Arthurs Round Table, Space-pioneers from the Andromeda Galaxy, Battlebugs of Shi-ax, Cosmonauts of the Lunar Soviet. On a different world we may have been allies, even friends. But here we must FIGHT or DIE. At the command of the mysterious COSMIC FORCE and its implacable WATCHERS.

Only the strongest and the smartest will pass the test. And then what awaits? More challenges? More mysteries? Perhaps an answer to the biggest question of all: What IS the COSMIC FORCE? What are its designs?

Inspiration: Moebius, Jack Kirby, Jodorowsky, Moorcock, Strontium Dog, ABC Warriors, Rogue Trooper, Flash Gordon, gamla Magnum-serier, Linda & Valentin mfl

  • Varje RP är en förkämpe som lyfts från sin egen värld och tid, och lämnats på BATTLEWORLD för att testas. Slumptabeller för hemvärld, tech level och andra parametrar, kanske med spelelement. Lifepaths. Men slimmat.
  • Man kan spela vad som helst - människa från "standardjorden (Terra 98)", alternativa jordar, fantasyvärldar, döda månar. Insektoider, alver, robotar etc. Kopplas till hemvärld och techlevel. Liksom tillgängliga Secrets.
  • T20-system slå högt med Talents (breda färdigheter). Hemvärld och tech level ger även rollpersonen tillgång till olika Secrets, vilket kan vara allt från Sorcery till Mechanical Engineering. Talents är det man slår mot, Secrets ger tillgång till krafter och kompetenser man annars inte har. Drive är en Talent, men skall du flyga rymdskepp behöver du Space Flight el dyl som Secret.
  • Tre pölar: Body, Mind och Soul, som kan nötas ned genom strid, konflikt och andra sätt.
  • BATTLEWORLD är startäventyret/minikampanjen där RP måste slåss för att överleva och tas upp i COSMIC FORCE (just det, det är en ordvits). De får sedan en Möbius Corvette, en liten tidrymdsfarkost som kan hoppa mellan verkligheter tack vare sin Möbius Drive. Och så kan de åka runt i multiversum och lösa brott och lösa mysterier. Givetvis finns det en skurk - TSE (the Time-Space Emperor).
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Imaginär fantast
10 Nov 2011
Det första jag tänkte på var Secret Wars, men sen blev det mer som Linda och Valentin. Kul blandning!


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Det första jag tänkte på var Secret Wars, men sen blev det mer som Linda och Valentin. Kul blandning!
Definitivt lite av båda med. Särskilt Linda och Valentin, men klart det är lite Marvel i bakgrunden med.


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Rösten är ju väldigt mycket Kirby, men tänker även att det skall vara mycket Jodorowsky med knäpp terminologi - troglosocialister etc


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
För att skapa RP (effekt inom parantes)
För att slumpa världar man besöker (ytterligare tabeller för specifica platser och hot)
Terminologiändring: Secrets heter istället Abilities. Så Pools, Talents och Abilities.
Abilities avgör om man är mänsklig eller något annat. Man får välja en ability/bonus från alternativen från Type, Secret, Tech och en generisk lista.

Homeworld Type
1. Protean Terra/Pangea (+1 på Body)
2. Ice World/Ice Age Terra (Ability: Frost resistance)
3. Terra (+1 på Soul)
4. Moon/Luna (Ability: Tidal force)
5. Jungle world (Ability: Immune to disease)
6. Desert world/Mars (Ability: Water-finder)
7. Floating islands (Ability: Flight)
8. City-planet (+1 på Mind)
9. Warzone (Ability: Mutation)
10. Junkworld/Ruined Terra (Ability: Insectoid)

Homeworld Secret
1. Great Science (+1 Tech, Ability: Science X)
2. Great Art (+1 Perform, Ability: Art X)
3. Martial tradition (Ability: Martial art X)
4. Enchantement (Ability: Sorcery)
5. Faith (Ability: Holy Rites)
6. Hive mind (Ability: Telepathy)
7. Otherworld (Ability: Fey)
8. Portal world (Ability: Alien)
9. Hybrid genetics (Ability: Mutation)
10. Mystic Force (Ability: Telekinesis)

Homeworld Tech
1. Stone Age (Ability: Cave-dweller)
2. Bronze Age (Ability: Epic Poetry)
3. Iron Age (Ability: Forced March)
4. Feudal Age (Ability: Chivalry)
5. Gunpowder Age (Ability: Navigation)
6. Age of Steam (Ability: Engineering)
7. Age of Petrol (Ability: Science X)
8. Age of Space (Ability: Fly vehicle)
9. Cybernetic Age (Ability: Cybertech)
10. Galactic Civilisation (Ability: Robotic)
11. Transcendental Tech (Ability: Nanites)


Tunnelseende bybo av oanade proportioner.
8 Jun 2017
🎶Flash - haa - saviour of the universe🎵
Var vad jag hörde i min hjärna när jag läste första posten.


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Möbius Corvette
Congratulations, you have survived the BATTLEWORLD, and been rewared with your very own CORVETTE. This mago-technological marvel uses the mysteries of the MÖBIUS DRIVE and the PARADOX-PARALLAX to travel across TIME, SPACE and WORLDS. One moment, you may be lost in a FROZEN HELLMOON, plagued by DOG-KNIGHTS. The next moment, you are floating in a SENTIENT NEBULA or at the intersection of 46th Street and 10th Avenue in 1970's NEW YORK.

The MÖBIUS CORVETTE will take you wherever you need to go, wherever the COSMIC FORCE sends you in the eternal battle against the STE, the agents of Chaox, Space Vampires and other ENEMIES OF THE MULTIVERSE!

Every MÖBIUS CORVETTE is identical. It excels in space flight and dogfights, exceeds the speed of the fastest racing-cars of the 23rd Century when deploying its terrestial wheels and sports a multitude of HOLOFLAGE disguises. It is the home and base of your small band of COSMIC COMPANIONS! But its greatest asset is its ability to jump, at the blink of an eye, between worlds, times and realities. It is not just a time machine, it is not just a space ship. It is the OMNI TRAVELLER!


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Fick en liten brainchild till motor. Är ju ganska 'upptagen med annat' (tm), så jag tänkte att jag lämnar det här om någon har några förslag, tankar eller råd. Har inte tittat seriöst på sannolikheterna än, misstänker att de kräver en hel del arbete eftersom grundupplägget inte är så genomskinligt

Cosmic Force - core rules

The game is based on Pool and Threshold.

Pool is the number of six sided dice you roll to succeed at a task.
Threshold is the minimum number you need to roll on each die for it to be considered a hit.
The number of hits gives you the Effect of the roll.

Your pool consists of:
Your Ability + your Gear + any Modifier

In an opposed roll, compare Effect to see who wins.

Your Effect determines how well you succeed. It may also show the impact you have. In combat, your Effect determines the damage you inflict on an opponent.

  • Body - your strength, toughness and ability to withstand damage. Body is reduced through physical damage.
  • Mind - your focus, memory and grip on sanity. Mind is reduced through fear and stress.
  • Will - your inner strength, sense of self and ability to channel mystical force. Will is reduced through pain and magic combat.
  • Skill - your dexterity, hand to eye coordination and general aptitude. Skill is reduced through Fatigue.
  • Move - your reflex, speed and movement rate. Move is reduced through Encumberance.

Abilities are ranked from 2-4 dice for human beings. Each essence can take damage: physical damage causes Injury to your Body, mental damage causes Instability to your Mind and occult damage causes Corruption to your Soul.

If you have an appropriate tool it adds one die. Specialised gear, including weapons, may add more. Specialised gear requires that you are at least Novice at the correct discipline.

  • Longsword, two hands. Close combat (BODY). +2 dice with Sword.
  • M16, two hands. Ranged combat (SKILL) +4 dice with Firearms.

Add dice if particularly easy, remove dice if difficult. Spells and environmental effects may impose modifiers.

Disciplines are skills and talents that you can train to increase your chances to succeed at specific task. Your Threshold (Th) in a given skill depends on your level of training. For any task that does not have a corresponding skill, you are Untrained (Th6).


There are Core disciplines and Background disciplines. Core disciplines are available to everyone, background disciplines are linked to your background.

Core disciplines
  • Throw
  • Sleight of hand
  • Athletics
  • Brawl
  • Perception
  • Persuasion
  • Insight
  • Presence
  • Acrobatics
  • Stealth

Background disciplines:
Fall into several categories
  • Ride (Type - Horse, Mammoth, space lizard etc)
  • Combat (Type - Swords, Spears, Firearms, Energy weapons etc..)
  • Drive (Type - cart, car, rocketship etc)
  • Craft (Type - smithing, clockwork, engineering etc)
  • Lore (Type - history, the occult, anthropology etc)
  • Science (Type - alchemy, chemistry, transdimensional physics etc)
  • Cosmic (Various powers)

Cosmic die

Your Cosmic Gift may allow you to augment your chances by also rolling a Cosmic Die. For the Cosmic Die, the Thresshold remains the same, but the Die may be 'larger' than a D6. This also has levels, which determines the 'size' of the die:


Dabblers may use Cosmic Gifts without being Chosen, through special deals and arrangements. The Cosmic die of a Dabbler is usually a D4.