Citaten är hämtade ur <A HREF="" target="_new"></A> där de har en pågångde diskution om Star Wars och filmerna samt skvaller om Star Wars del 2 som håller på att filmas just NU..
<blockquote><font size=1>I svar till:</font><hr><p>
Masking the future, is this
disturbance in the force.
YODA is the master and notices this
first, MACE WINDU also becomes
aware of the situation as well.
Earlier in the movie this is said:
And only those who have turned to the
Dark Side can
sense the possibilities of the future.
Only going
through the Dark Side can we see.
<p><hr></blockquote><p>Det leder till vissa gissningar och debbater som var otrolgit roliga att följa *ler* jag kopierar..
<blockquote><font size=1>I svar till:</font><hr><p>
Bithysith makes the observation that in order to
sense the "dark times to come", you have to peer
past the dark side itself? That has some
implications as well.
Mort made an analogy to Crouching Tiger,
Hidden Dragon where Chow Yun Fat plays a
warrior monk. Basically the gist of the scene is
that he was looking for enlightenment from his
meditation but found only a vast empty sadness
permeating his being. His speculation suggests
that maybe Yoda is trying to see into the future
but all he can detect is the presence of the Dark
Side, which acts like a black shroud hiding the
future from him.
The darkside would have a definitive advantage.
All of Palpatine's "Just as I have foreseen" lines
would have more weight. It might explain Yoda
and Obi-Wan's seeming complacency while
waiting twenty years for Luke to come along. It
might explain how they knew to wait for Luke,
maybe he appeared to them as a bright shining
point past the darkness. The proverbial light at
the end of the tunnel.
And finally, Bithysith makes yet another
connection, possibly using this to explain how
Palpatine can walk among them undetected. He
is literally "pulling the wool over their eyes".
<p><hr></blockquote><p>Som ledde till ytterligare diskutioner
<blockquote><font size=1>I svar till:</font><hr><p>
By Dolf
Sorry, I have to get in on this one! Please bear with me.
BUT it's not really seeing the future. What
they're trying to do is to manipulate you into making their "predicted" future come true.
So, now: The Jedi can see into the future but they choose to only see into the immediate
future. "Keep your concentration here and now." "Feel. Don't think. Concentrate on the
moment." To see farther into the future, would mean treading too close to the darkside
because by seeing a specified possible future a Jedi might be inclined to actually make
that future come true. "Always in motion is the future." The Sith on the other hand see a
specific future and then set forth to make it come true. The price they pay is that they
get tunnel vision. Otherwise, Palpatine would have foreseen Vader's return to the Light
side. Or he would have foreseen that Han was going to find a way to take down the
shield. Also, Vader would have foreseen the Falcon showing up to help Luke destroy the
first Death Star. etc... The reason that Palpatine can operate under the noses of the
Jedi and be undetected is simple. He simply pulls the force close in on himself and
minimizes his "aura." Same thing Ben does on Tatooine. Same thing Yoda does on Dagobah.
<p><hr></blockquote><p>Helt enkelt att se in i framtiden är att farligt man måste använda sig av "The Dark side" eller så blir man automatiskt frestad att använda sig av den.. SÅ jedis ser till att bara förusäga den omedelbara framtiden medans Sith kan förutsäga långt in i framtiden mensom de säger ofta så väljer de DEN möjliga framtiden de själva gillar bäst och arbetar för att uppnå de resultat.
Därmed riskerar de att bli fartblinda få tunnelsyn och inte klara av att se när något går snett i tid för att hindra det..
Detta ÄR en ganska bra analys som tyvär har vissa fel kanske för att Dorf som skrev den är kristen med vissa fanatiska åsikter ( Som jag klippte bort DE var för långa ) istället kan det vara så att Jedis har svårare att se framtiden då när de använder den THE LIGHT SIDE of the FORCE så ser de alla möjliga framtider både troliga och ej troliga versioner av framtiden.. Endast genom The Dark side kan man begränsa och även välja ut vilken framtid man vill hamna i och därmed se VAD som krävs för att den ska uppnås.. Problemet blir densamma det kan finnas anndra dolda faktorer som man själv inte kan se med dark side och som därmed kan göra den framtid som man ser omöjligt att uppnå..
( Exempel Kejsaren såg inte att Yoda hade tränad Luke därför mislyckades hans framtids syn och Luke vann striden )
I hopp om att få fler diskutioner om kraften i star wars sätter jag ut det i en NY tråd /images/icons/cool.gif
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<blockquote><font size=1>I svar till:</font><hr><p>
Masking the future, is this
disturbance in the force.
YODA is the master and notices this
first, MACE WINDU also becomes
aware of the situation as well.
Earlier in the movie this is said:
And only those who have turned to the
Dark Side can
sense the possibilities of the future.
Only going
through the Dark Side can we see.
<p><hr></blockquote><p>Det leder till vissa gissningar och debbater som var otrolgit roliga att följa *ler* jag kopierar..
<blockquote><font size=1>I svar till:</font><hr><p>
Bithysith makes the observation that in order to
sense the "dark times to come", you have to peer
past the dark side itself? That has some
implications as well.
Mort made an analogy to Crouching Tiger,
Hidden Dragon where Chow Yun Fat plays a
warrior monk. Basically the gist of the scene is
that he was looking for enlightenment from his
meditation but found only a vast empty sadness
permeating his being. His speculation suggests
that maybe Yoda is trying to see into the future
but all he can detect is the presence of the Dark
Side, which acts like a black shroud hiding the
future from him.
The darkside would have a definitive advantage.
All of Palpatine's "Just as I have foreseen" lines
would have more weight. It might explain Yoda
and Obi-Wan's seeming complacency while
waiting twenty years for Luke to come along. It
might explain how they knew to wait for Luke,
maybe he appeared to them as a bright shining
point past the darkness. The proverbial light at
the end of the tunnel.
And finally, Bithysith makes yet another
connection, possibly using this to explain how
Palpatine can walk among them undetected. He
is literally "pulling the wool over their eyes".
<p><hr></blockquote><p>Som ledde till ytterligare diskutioner
<blockquote><font size=1>I svar till:</font><hr><p>
By Dolf
Sorry, I have to get in on this one! Please bear with me.
BUT it's not really seeing the future. What
they're trying to do is to manipulate you into making their "predicted" future come true.
So, now: The Jedi can see into the future but they choose to only see into the immediate
future. "Keep your concentration here and now." "Feel. Don't think. Concentrate on the
moment." To see farther into the future, would mean treading too close to the darkside
because by seeing a specified possible future a Jedi might be inclined to actually make
that future come true. "Always in motion is the future." The Sith on the other hand see a
specific future and then set forth to make it come true. The price they pay is that they
get tunnel vision. Otherwise, Palpatine would have foreseen Vader's return to the Light
side. Or he would have foreseen that Han was going to find a way to take down the
shield. Also, Vader would have foreseen the Falcon showing up to help Luke destroy the
first Death Star. etc... The reason that Palpatine can operate under the noses of the
Jedi and be undetected is simple. He simply pulls the force close in on himself and
minimizes his "aura." Same thing Ben does on Tatooine. Same thing Yoda does on Dagobah.
<p><hr></blockquote><p>Helt enkelt att se in i framtiden är att farligt man måste använda sig av "The Dark side" eller så blir man automatiskt frestad att använda sig av den.. SÅ jedis ser till att bara förusäga den omedelbara framtiden medans Sith kan förutsäga långt in i framtiden mensom de säger ofta så väljer de DEN möjliga framtiden de själva gillar bäst och arbetar för att uppnå de resultat.
Därmed riskerar de att bli fartblinda få tunnelsyn och inte klara av att se när något går snett i tid för att hindra det..
Detta ÄR en ganska bra analys som tyvär har vissa fel kanske för att Dorf som skrev den är kristen med vissa fanatiska åsikter ( Som jag klippte bort DE var för långa ) istället kan det vara så att Jedis har svårare att se framtiden då när de använder den THE LIGHT SIDE of the FORCE så ser de alla möjliga framtider både troliga och ej troliga versioner av framtiden.. Endast genom The Dark side kan man begränsa och även välja ut vilken framtid man vill hamna i och därmed se VAD som krävs för att den ska uppnås.. Problemet blir densamma det kan finnas anndra dolda faktorer som man själv inte kan se med dark side och som därmed kan göra den framtid som man ser omöjligt att uppnå..
( Exempel Kejsaren såg inte att Yoda hade tränad Luke därför mislyckades hans framtids syn och Luke vann striden )
I hopp om att få fler diskutioner om kraften i star wars sätter jag ut det i en NY tråd /images/icons/cool.gif
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