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Kal-El/Clark Kent
Race: Kryptonian
Class: Kryptonian Defender
Level: 5
Alignment: Neutral Good with strong lawful tendencies
Hit Points: 60000000000000000000000
Armor Class: -10
THAC0: 1
STR: 11000000000000000000000
CON: 28800
DEX: 66
INT: 17
WIS: 17
CHA: 45
Special abilities:
As a kryptonian, near a yellow sun Superman gains several special abilities. Superman works as a living solar battery. There is no known upper limit to the amount of energy he can store, but usually he has 100 points of solar energy stored. As long as he is within Earth's distance of the Sun he regains 1 solar power point per round.
Solar aura armor
Superman has a thin force field, extending about a millimeter from his entire body, including dead skin cells like hair. It offers damage resistance deflecting any damage causing less than 100000 points of damage. Any excess damage drains the solar power stored at a rate of 1 point per 100000 points of damage.
Telekinetic flight
Superman can fly at above the speed of light, crossing a light year in about an hour, and has maneuver class B. Flight speed above the speed of sound drains the stored energy at a rate of 1 point per round. Flight speed above the speed of light drains 2 points of solar power per round.
X-ray vision
Superman can see through most substances, one noteable exception being lead. The X-ray vision works to the same distance as he can see.
Heat vision
Superman can produce thin rays of strong heat, causing anything from a slight surface temperature change to about 120000 points of damage. This works within his visual range if he wants to control it. Superman sees normally while using this ability.
The heat vision drains 1 solar point per 20000 points of damage generated.
Heightened sense of hearing
While being able to block out any undesired noise, Supermans sense of hearing enables him to hear almost the entire wavelength and is able to pick up radio transmissions for example. His range is tuned to about 30 miles normally.
Powerful lungs
Superman is able to produce high speed winds, equal to, or surpassing the fiercest storms in known space. The temperature of the high speed winds are freezing, and cause 5d4 points of cold damage per round. The winds can cause up to 5d8 points of damage per round.
Superman is able to heal 1000000000 hit points per round at the cost of 1 solar point.
Super speed
Superman can move normally at close to the speed of light. This drains 1 solar power point per round.
Vulnerability to Magic
Superman counts as a normal human being with 18 hit points and 13 in all ability scores when hit by magic weapons. When hit by magical effects the damage is multiplied by 100000000000000000000. Superman fails any save against physical magic. When saving against other magic effects he counts as a fifth level fighter.
Vulnerability to Green Kryptonite
The vulnerability works the same as his vulnerability to magic. In addition the Kryptonite drains his stored solar energy at a rate of 50 points per round, and negates his Solar aura armor. Kryptonite works within 4' of Superman.