Ever since I started playing Eon back in 96 I have always thought that Eon should have had an English version of it as well.
And I have always wondered why it never got one. I mean I could asume partly why. With things like cost of translations for example. And uncertainty if such a complex and detailed game, as Eon 1 to 3 where/are, could ever really get a grip on the market outside of Sweden.
I for one have never encountered any other PnP RPG out there that is more complex and detailed, then Eon is... mostly mechanicaly- and rules-wise... but maybe even the games world it's self, and its inhabitants and their culture as well. Of course, my knowledge of the PnP RPG games out there is limited, and I have probably not played much more than two handfulls of PnP RPG's, most of which have been Swedish... so I might be compleatly wrong in this aspect of it all.
But at the same time... the reason I got so hooked on Eon was thanks to just how complex and detailed it was with most things. It is the reason as to why I personally consider Eon to be the best PnP RPG I have ever played, and why it is my nr 1 favorit PnP RPG. And, due to that I like Eon so much, was what made me decide to helped the indigogo campaign to get Eon IV off the ground last year as well.
So... I do feel that there must be other people like me out there, outside of Sweden/Scandinavia, who would enjoy a game like Eon. The problem is how to reach them, how to find those people. Beause you can't just translate it and put it out there and hope for the best... well you can... but it's probably not the best way to do it.
It would have to be a somewhat large endeavour, where one would have to reach hands out to all of the big PnP RPG communities online. Forums, webpages, etc... and to more then just the English speaking ones. And "we", the Eon community, would have to probably reach out to our PnP RPG'ing friends from outside Sweden, to stretch those tendrils out more. And even then we would probably only reach a certain percentage of PnP RPG'ers, because as we all probably know, we who frequent this particular forum are probably in the minority of Swedish players who would even bother to go to something like a PnP RPG forum, and the same goes for most of the world probably. XD
But... with Eon IV it is probably the best time to maybe give it a try... since it is a new edition. And if things go well, for the Swedish version I mean, most of the stuff from the old 1-3 editions of Eon will probably be reworked, and rewriten, eventually anyway. Which means that Eon IV has not yet managed to reach a level where there is just to much material that has come out to easily handle translating it. Of course, you would probably have to wait until certain current projects for Eon IV are done, befor doing anything with an English version... which could maybe take a few years.
I mean sure, for an initial English version of the game, it would probably be a good idea to, alongside the core Eon IV rule book, also include a book about the world... or at the very least maybe include it as an option or something. A book like the "Mundana" book (#5005... but "Eon IV-ified" of course), so people could get a better idea about each/most of the nations and races currently in the games world. So such a book would have to be written as well (if such a book is not already planed, and/or being made, for Swedish)... which of course would jack the price up significantly for an English version, which can be a problem.
I am sure though that the Eon devs both in the past, and in the present, have probably thought about everything I have said in this post about going English with Eon... so it's probably compleatly unneccesary for me to even post this... but since it's me we are talking about... XD
Well... I have babbled on long enough, like always... so I should probably really stop writing right about... now? Or how about.... now?