Lone Wolf MacCoy
Kavalleriet är ju en ganska vanligt förekommande företeelse i Western. Sjunde kavalleriet är väl det mest kända regementet i västern. De flesta västernintresserade har säker någon gång hört talas om sjunde kavalleriets regementssång “The girl I left behind me”. Många har säkert också hört den sjungas på klassiska John Wayne-filmer men om man vill använda den i en westernkampanj kanske det kan vara bra att känna till texten. Här kommer den versionen som sjöngs då soldaterna red iväg mot Little Big Horn i juni 1876 och lämnade sina flickvänner bakom sig… för att aldrig återvända men det är en annan historia…
The hour was sad I left the maid,
A ling'ring farewell taking;
Ber sighs and tears my steps delay'd–
I thought her heart was breaking.
In hurried words her name I bless'd,
I breathed the vows that bind me,
And to my heart in auguish press’d
The girl I left behind me.
Then to the East we bore away,
To win a name in story,
And there, where dawns the sun of day,
There dawn'd our sun of glory:
Both blaz'd in noon on Alma's height,
When in the post assign'd me
I shar’d the glory of that fight,
Sweet girl I left behind me.
Full many a name our banners bore
Of former deeds of daring,
But they were of the days of yore,
In which we had no sharing;
But now our laurels freshly won
With the old ones shall entwin'd be,
Still worthy of our sires each son,
Sweet girl I left behind me.
The hope of final victory
Within my bosom burning,
Is mingling with sweet thoughts of thee
And of my fond returning.
But should I ne'er return again,
Still worth thy love thou'lt find me;
Dishonor's breath shall never stain
The name I’ll leave behind me.
The hour was sad I left the maid,
A ling'ring farewell taking;
Ber sighs and tears my steps delay'd–
I thought her heart was breaking.
In hurried words her name I bless'd,
I breathed the vows that bind me,
And to my heart in auguish press’d
The girl I left behind me.
Then to the East we bore away,
To win a name in story,
And there, where dawns the sun of day,
There dawn'd our sun of glory:
Both blaz'd in noon on Alma's height,
When in the post assign'd me
I shar’d the glory of that fight,
Sweet girl I left behind me.
Full many a name our banners bore
Of former deeds of daring,
But they were of the days of yore,
In which we had no sharing;
But now our laurels freshly won
With the old ones shall entwin'd be,
Still worthy of our sires each son,
Sweet girl I left behind me.
The hope of final victory
Within my bosom burning,
Is mingling with sweet thoughts of thee
And of my fond returning.
But should I ne'er return again,
Still worth thy love thou'lt find me;
Dishonor's breath shall never stain
The name I’ll leave behind me.