The Shadow in the East

15 Nov 2004
En återpost från TOR discord kanal, därav Engelskan.

-The Shadow in the East-

The year is 218 of the fourth age. Peace has laid over Middle Earth for a longer period of time and the rule of Eldarion son of Elessar has been a good one.
But in the east something is brewing. A darkness of unknown origin. A new shadow that slowly has put east into a slowly boiling cauldron of conflict.
But words of a wizard long thought dead has appeared. Who is he? Is it one of the two blue wizards? Where has he been? Only time will tell.
The area around Rhûn will be the stage for this campaign.
I am looking for 3-5 players.

GAME: The One Ring
SETTING: Dor Rhûnen (The area around the inland sea of Rhûn)
DAY: Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday ca 17:00 - 22:00 CET FREQUENCY: Bi-weekly (This is up for discussion)
GAMEPLAY: Roleplaying is essential. 80% RP/20% Mechanics. Please take note of this.
AUDIO: Discord.
INTERESTED? Send me a PM. (If we already are playing a game together I will prioritize other players at first)

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15 Nov 2004
Gruppen är nu fulltalig för stunden.

EDIT: Ett avhopp har öppnat upp en plats redan.
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