Tips på udda/coola Scifi-miljöer


Blivande Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
A planet in the Chandaar system, Wendaar suffered a runaway greenhouse effect long ago, leaving it a wretched world with blistering, though not completely unbearearable, temperatures. Wendaar's atmosphere is an impenetrable carbon dioxide haze. Only the most advanced scanners can pierce the thick clouds, and has revealed a surface that seem to consist of rocky islands floating in a perpetual mist. Strange creatures roam the mist, and there are legends about beasts of colossal size. Nevertheless, shady but brave spacers do occasionally land on Wendaar, as the thick clouds will cloak their presence from almost any would-be pursuer. It's a perfect place to lie low - until the things in the mist finds you.

Thick carbon dioxide atmosphere (breating filters required, visual range maximum a few meters), blistering heat (50-60 degrees), unmapped terrain, unknown creatures in the mist (a mortal threat?)


Blivande Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
Ossus is a fabled planent that was once a stronghold of the Jedi order, seat of the Great Library of Ossus and the Eye of Ashlanae, and many other places of tranquility and power. But Ossus was all but destroyed when the nearby Cron cluster detonated in a supernova, and the once verdant world turned into a ruined wasteland, ravaged by strange lightning storms that did little to remedy the incessant droughts. Worse still, the supernova disrupted the hyperspace routes, and what was once a site of pilgrimage turned into an isolated place almost none could reach. Many of the Jedi who survived the cataclysm got stranded on the planet, and might have become the ancestors of its savage natives, the Ysanna, who are said to be a remarkably Force-sensitive lot. To this day, thousands of years hence, they guard the planet's Jedi temple ruins with a religious fervor.

Bold treasure hunters sometime try to reach Ossus from Foran Tutha and other nearby worlds, but it's a dangerous undertaking at best, though rumors persists that there is a way for Force-sensitive beings to find a secret, and safer, path through the Cron drift. For the galaxy at large, Ossus has long since passed into legend, and many would even doubt that it ever existed at all.

Desertification, temporal and spatial anomalies, feral natives (a mortal threat), great lightning storms (a mortal threat)


Blivande Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
A world both remote and strategical, Thalassia lies just far enough out in the Outer Rim, and just far enough away from major hyperlanes, to have remained isolated and left alone throughout galactic history, and yet relevant in times of trouble - for there are old, secret hyperlanes that links it almost directly to the Hydian Way at nearby Telos. Among the peoples of Telos, Thalassia has long had a dark reputation, for it is the home of the Thalassians, an elusive species of high technological aptitude who've squandered their enlightenment in violence and tyranny, being pirates and mercenaries of the worst kind. Yet, Thalassia left them little choice...

For Thalassia is a forbidding place, though it may not seem so at first glance. A large terrestrial planet with abundant oxygen, it could have been a great abode for life - if not for the fact that it's covered in an ocean without end. No island or sliver of land rises from the waters, for Thalassia's ocean, called Daeya by the Thalassians, is unimaginably deep, a dark abyss in whose depths incalculable pressures gives rise to exotic forms of ice. A thick atmosphere of oxygen and water vapor envelops the planet in an almost perpetual haze, only giving way to gargantuan hurricanes that can last for weeks or months. Rains and mists are common and often extremely heavy. No life would be expected to arise on such a world, as it lacks phosphorus and other elements that allows life to thrive, yet strange beasts lurk in the upper levels of Daeya. The Thalassians' own myths tells of them being brought to Thalassia long ago by the Gods of Sky and Abyss, and that their original home was a place called Saol Seom that was devoured by a blue sun. But who can say if there's any truth to such legends?

Thalassia's atmosphere doesn't seem very stable, and ancient, enormous factories floating in the cloud layers are constantly working to scrub excess water vapor and deposit it back into Daeya. The Thalassians themselves live in vast, city-like habitats that are submerged under the waters and untethered, moving with the currents and the waves. They can rise to the surface to let starships into hangars in their domed roofs, and also be sunk deep, deep into the ocean, protected from the pressure by powerful force shields. These cities, each of them a shadow port in its own right, are the strongholds of the Thalassian pirates and slavers, and their ability to be submerged into Daeya make them almost unassailable, should their rag-tag defense fleets ever fail them. When originally built, thousands of years ago, the submarine habitats of the Thalassians were considered a wonder of the galaxy, but that time is long past, and they're now aging husks, rusting and flooding, havens of pirates and criminals and inescapable prisons for their wretched slaves.

Two of Thalassia's four industries of any significance, algae growing and fishing, takes place close to the surface, in the dimming light of the sun. The other two, and by far the most profitable, are the harvesting of gold dust and exotic ice. This is done through enormous factories, so deep in the depths of Daeya that only specially built funiculars can reach them, staffed by the most miserable of slaves.

Drowning, deep-water pressure, waterlogged equipment & engines, violent storms, thick mist, muggings, enslavement, gross corruption, spiked drinks, overheated plasma rifles, carbon dioxide poisoning, flooding, electrical surges, blackouts, explosive decompression, gargantuan sea monsters (rumored), Thalassians in general (a mortal threat).


Chatbot som låtsas vara en lemur
7 Sep 2015
Jag minns en novell av Ray Bradbury (tror jag) som handlade om några astronauter som var fast på en planet där det regnar oavbrutet. Att det bokstavligen sakta driver dem till vansinne.