Tips sökes på regler att sno till one-shot

Frederik J. Jensen

Thoughtful Dane
16 May 2014
Thou Art But A Warrior by Anna Kreider has crunch that defines individual and shared story arcs: You tell the story of the fall of the great Caliphate in Iberia through noble Moslem Knights sworn to honor a strict code. As each knight fails to uphold their ideals in individual scenes (as decided by the players not in the scene), their zeal becomes weariness and their combined weariness becomes discord describing the overall break down of the Caliphate.

You could do something similar to describe each characters fall into QAnon and possible the breakdown of civilisation as we know it. Available on DriveThru for 10 USD.

In kill puppies for satan by Vincent Baker the players take on the role of unhappy everyday people who get back on the world by killing puppies for satan. From memory, I recall it has crunch describing how people fall into false beliefs to cope with their situation. Read more here.

In Nicotine Girls by Paul Czege you play 16-19 year old working class girls making poor life choices as they chase a dream. The smoke scenes are particularly fun where other players get to give you advice over a cigarette. Find it here, short, sweet, and free.

But really, see how far you get without crunch. My experience is that players find it fun to create their own arc of falling into darkness and will play off each other's stories.


Old’s cool
21 Sep 2011
Laser & Feelings.
Ngt lätthackat 3-stat D20 Roll-under-system.