DoD Trudvang översatt till engelska


Imaginär fantast
10 Nov 2011
Jag har en onlinebekant som kör Trudvang på engelska, han har de böcker som kom ut som Trudvang Chronicles på engelska, men håller nu på att översätta de saknade svenska böckerna från svenska till engelska. Han är dock inte flytande i svenska, så det är en process minst sagt.
Men visst måste det finnas någon annan som gjort eller påbörjat samma sak? Någon här som vet någon som han kunde ta kontakt med?


14 Oct 2023
Jag beklagar. Har också en kompis som spelar 2006 utgåvan som är från Polen som spelar med oss.
Så han kör google translate för att förstå fördjupningarna och regler. Har tänkt hjälpa honom med att översätta delar av det.
Men är mitt uppe i att konvertera eons krigsregler till trudvang på Engelska. Så lär ta ett tag innan jag kan ge mig på det.

Ivan NWG

8 Aug 2023
I haven't seen anything out there, but online translation has come miles and miles in recent years. It'll sometimes struggle with made up names, like fantasy city names, but otherwise it is really quite good.
A friend of mine was using it for some Eon stuff and it worked quite well.

Does he speak or read ANY Swedish to start with or is he starting from zero? When I started (from a start of knowing Danish) I found that rulesbooks were actually much easier to read than novels, probably due to recurring words and limited vocabulary.


Imaginär fantast
10 Nov 2011
I haven't seen anything out there, but online translation has come miles and miles in recent years. It'll sometimes struggle with made up names, like fantasy city names, but otherwise it is really quite good.
A friend of mine was using it for some Eon stuff and it worked quite well.

Does he speak or read ANY Swedish to start with or is he starting from zero? When I started (from a start of knowing Danish) I found that rulesbooks were actually much easier to read than novels, probably due to recurring words and limited vocabulary.
He's German, so I guess he recognizes some words, but I don't think he actually speaks Swedish at all. But he seems to be making headway, he's about halfway through translating Mittland. But some of the names really give him a headache, understandably.

Ivan NWG

8 Aug 2023
He's German, so I guess he recognizes some words, but I don't think he actually speaks Swedish at all. But he seems to be making headway, he's about halfway through translating Mittland. But some of the names really give him a headache, understandably.
When translating Eon and Ereb Altor stuff for my American friends, we decided to keep all place names in Swedish, even if they are words with an actual meaning like "the tall mountain" or whatever.

You just have to anglify some things, like figuring out if you are okay calling a character a Mittlander or whatever.