Leo carcion
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- 8 Mar 2004
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Jag har aldrig spelat Dragonlance, men det där är så jäkla inspirerande!![]()
Dragonlance fast lite mer old-school
"Halt, Adventurer. What brings you to the hall of the Goblin King? State your name and your business!" "I am Grim, son of Fang. I am a Wyrm-rider!" roll for initiative.
"There, in the heart of the Dragonsmere, lies a lone crannog-island. And in the hall sits my liche-lord and never sleeps. To his left hand lies the dragon Fury, whose claws will rend through the finest elven-mail like paper. To his right hand lies the dragon Envy, whose poison will strike the halest man dead mid stride. You must steal a silver ring from his bony finger."
"These lands, from the gnarled isles of the west, to deep Goblinhame in the east, was ever beset by war between the Dragon Spitefang and his spawn, for Chaos, and the Great Wyrms, for Law. And on each side arranged for battle are the Elves of Tir-loth-lond and the Goblinoid hordes. And man, as ever, caught in between!"