Stryparrankor är lätt min favorit, svårt att låta bli att använda dem för mycket bara 

Samma här, mina spelare är livrädda för dem när jag är SlArntsen said:Stryparrankor är lätt min favorit, svårt att låta bli att använda dem för mycket bara![]()
Thuggeekultister blir aldrig uttjatade.Mannen i skogen said:Åh, jag läste fel först.
Jag tänkte "Är det så coolt med (drakar & demoner-)ankor som går runt och stryper sina fiender? Borde inte det kännas lite uttjatat efter tionde ankan?"
hahaha ånej inte ankor!Mannen i skogen said:Åh, jag läste fel först.
Jag tänkte "Är det så coolt med (drakar & demoner-)ankor som går runt och stryper sina fiender? Borde inte det kännas lite uttjatat efter tionde ankan?"
Visst, problemet är att de är just Nazguler (Fylke ligger ditåt!), eller så har man plockat bort allt det jag tycker är så coolt med dem (eller så är de bleka karbonkopior där man mest känner att "what's the point").Cybot said:Fast Nazguler är ju faktiskt ganska vanliga i rollspel
Nope, vilket spel är de ifrån? DnD? Jag har oerhört lite erfarenhet från DnD. Jag ställer mig dock skeptiskt till att dessa dödsriddare skulle träffa rätt.Cybot said:Fast du känner kanske mer igen deras uppenbarelser om jag säger Death Knights
Nu måste Messerschmitten blanda sig i leken.Cybot said:Fast Nazguler är ju faktiskt ganska vanliga i rollspel, fast du känner kanske mer igen deras uppenbarelser om jag säger Death Knights, som existerar i allt ifrån halv-bossiga elitmonster till full fledged apokalyptiska varianter (som Lord Soth).
The Eight Naraka Lords is the name of an order of fearsome, undying beings thought to serve Kanishka the Living King , or whatever memory remains of his dark works upon the world. In his absence, legend claim, they roam the ancient lands of The West, carrying ancient despair and primordial terror with them wherever they set foot. In all things that they do, however thoughtless they may seem, they aim to strengthen Kanisha's grip or further his ancient plots. In this, the learned say, the Eight Lords are as sad as they are dreadful, doomed to forever walk the earth, serving the fading memory of their long-dead sorcerer king. Others, however, would be quick to insist that the Eight Lords are anything but pale ghosts of dark, vanished greatness, in that their master's phylactery was never found. His soul endures in Irkalë, and he might yet awaken once more, these people claim, in some tomb forgotten by man, and call his silent lieutenants to his side - it might even be that their true purpose, for all the years since since The Fall that they have haunted the world in silence, have been to find a way to ressurrect him.
According to legend, The Eight Naraka Lords were once mighty lords of the Yakshini, an angelic people whose power Kanishka coveted. The eight lords were wise rulers, precacious and just, byt they had a longstanding rivalry with the Devas, a people closely related to their own. Kanishka used this rivalry to seduce the Yakshini into a mutual alliance against the Deva, tempting the Yakshini lords with gifts of grain and cattle from his mortal kingdom. Normally the Yakshini kingdom wouldn't need such simple goods, but Kanishka had secretly poisoned their pastures with his magic, causing the crops to fail and the cattle to die. When the Yakshinis eventually discovered Kanishka's hand in this, it was too late, and they were already embroiled in a war with the Devas that Kanishka manipulated into spinning completely out of control and scope. The two sides employed stronger and stronger magic against each other, and for every new spell that they came up with, Kanishka gained some knowledge of their nature and their weaknesses, and usurped a small part of their power. Eventually, as the Deva were driven back, he convinced the Eights Lords, increasingly corrupted by Kanishka, that their people had been irrevokably corrupted by the war, and needed to be cleansed. This gave him a pretext to betray the Yakshinis and assail them with all the might of his human armies, yet keeping the loyalty of the Eights Lords and using them against their own people. Those Yakshni that were not killed, Kanishka enslaved and molded into willing subjects through tortures best left unmentioned. But he was himself slain, by a Yakshini that had not yet been broken, and all that he had built collapsed with his demise.
Except for the Eights Lords. For Kanishka had usurped their might through bonding his spirit with theirs, gradually and subtly pulling their spirits down into the underworld, away from the celestial plane that they were native to. Upon Kanishka's demise, the Eight Lords could feel the bond to him tear, and suddenly became fully aware of the connection. But they didn't want to give it up, as they had now been utterly corrupted. To them, the cold of the underworld's pale light now felt like a gentle breeze of a summer night, and they had grown fearful of the intense and overwhelming glow of heaven. So they choose the darkness, and had the legendary smith Kalakirca fashions nine masks from the iron of dead stars, tempered in the flames of the Naraka hells and quenched in the Apsu's water. They each donned one mask and infused them with all their power, placing the last, the Mask of Alaka, upon the body of Kanishka. As they did this, the mask seemed to meld together with Gandharva's crown upon his brow, and a host of maggots slowly gathered around his fallen body. But as they ate of his flesh, it healed rather than disappeared, and the worms were subsumed, one of the other, into his body. Thus, through the Lords' dark magic, Kanishka was ressurrected for the very first time, and earned his epiteth, "The Living King".
But in giving Kanishka life anew, the Lords had used up much of that power that was native to them, binding it forever in the masks they had created. Because their spirits were tied to Kanishka's, this gave him the power to completely and utterly dominate their wills, and any resistance that might have been left in them, deep inside, shattered in the moment that he put on the Mask of Alaka. Over the ages, as Kanishka's physical form became ever diminished, the Lord's bodies, once fair and supple like wrought out of gods' dreams, declined; first they became pale and thin, then rotten, then dried up like shrivelled husks, until they were but skeletons and shadows, clothed in withered vestments and masks of corroding metal. What was once celestial beauty thus faded to dust and thorn and eerie vestiges of former glory, like everything that Kanishka touched.
As of the Eight Naraka Lord's whereabouts today, none can say for certain, but tales of their passing are frequently heard throughout the West. They're commonly considered mighty undead, half corporeal, half shadow, of the kind that could only be created by near-divine power of the ancient world, from the fallen stars of the ranks of the demigods. It is not known if they can even be wounded by any means that mortal men possess, but it is often said that should one manage to destroy the mask of a Naraka Lord, that Lord will vanish forever, the powers that bound her fading form scatter into the void, and the memory of her ancient beauty fade from the realms of the world. However, as to how one should go about destroying a mask, there are more legends than answers. The whereabouts of Kanishka's mask are not known, nor is it known if his mask is his phylactery, or if his spirit is tied to some other object; whatever it might be, the Eight Lords would go trough the deepest hells and wreak havoc in heaven to secure it. Whever they go, whatever they do, they go about it with utter callousness and mercilessness, yet a hint of disturbing malice and twisted creativy, like unstoppable forces of nature gone mad, unable to ever assuage their own suffering, nor their wraith.
The names of the Eight Naraka Lords, as written down in ancient sources, in approximate order of their power:
Mara, Lady of the Dying Spirit, The Scourge of Svargaloka
Manjukesi, Lady of the Fading Light, The Sorcerer-Queen of Alaka
Arati, Lady of Futile Insight
Tarakasu, Lord of Ruined Glory
Sarala, Lady of Pale Remembrance
Sulochana, Lady of Withering Passion
Devadatta, Lady of Primordial Fire, slayer of the Deva
Vemacitrin, Lord of Endless Wrath
Hahaha, njae, fast underligt nog ligger DoD-ankorna i topp när det gäller favoritraser, borde avsky dem, men det går inteMannen i skogen said:Åh, jag läste fel först.
Jag tänkte "Är det så coolt med (drakar & demoner-)ankor som går runt och stryper sina fiender? Borde inte det kännas lite uttjatat efter tionde ankan?"
Tja, det kan räcka att måla om dem i grått, som Krille gjorde iRymdhamster said:Problemet är inte att [ringvålnader] inte finns. Om det inte fanns hade det bara varit att stoppa in dem. Problemet är att få det att funka på ett sätt som fångar hela känslan i detta mitt favoritmonster utan att göra dem till rena ripp offs där folk plötsligt känner att de befinner sig i sagan om ringen.
Jag skulle nog tagit den här:Rymdhamster said:Mystiska fiender klädda i mörka kåpor och trasor. Det är där det svåra ligger. Om man ska kunna få in dem utan att ha spelare som skriker Nazgul! Nazgul! så måste man nog snarare gå bort från hela spökbiten av dem och kanske mer göra dem till vanliga människor. Problemet då är att inte bara få dem att kännas som lajvare (dvs människor som bara klär ut sig för att se coola ut).
</div>Mannen i skogen said:Tja, det kan räcka att måla om dem i grått, som Krille gjorde i <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Klicka för att visa.. <input type="button" class="form-button" value="Visa dolt innehåll" onclick="toggle_spoiler(this, 'Dölj innehåll', 'Visa dolt innehåll')" /></div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div style="display: none;"> konventsäventyret "Faller snö växer sten" med tillhörande uppföljare.Rymdhamster said:Problemet är inte att [ringvålnader] inte finns. Om det inte fanns hade det bara varit att stoppa in dem. Problemet är att få det att funka på ett sätt som fångar hela känslan i detta mitt favoritmonster utan att göra dem till rena ripp offs där folk plötsligt känner att de befinner sig i sagan om ringen.
Darksouls mimic är värst:anth said:Oh, jag har glömt en favoritmonsterkategori: monster som kamouflerar sig till någonting annat, t.ex. mimic...