Warhammer 40k utmaning: Inga jävla Space Marines!


23 Oct 2012
Ah, hade jag haft tid. Här är de första spridda idéerna till mitt rollspel "Tank Out!" från tio år sedan. (Naturligtvis baserat på Apocalypse World. Hade jag gjort det idag hade jag nog valt en annan ingång...)

Idén är att varje spelare spelar en tank commander i kejserliga gardet som ska navigera adliga get-togethers på (den rimligt preussiska hemplaneten Falconia) (move:en Lead är ju tänkt att vara både på krigsfältet och i när du dansar balsalen) mellan uppdragen på främmande planet med mål att överleva och bringa ära åt sin ätt. Men precis som för alla som hackat apocalypse world så inser man hur många tusen rörliga delar det är under den enkla och slicka ytan så jag tröttnade. Men ni kan ana konturerna (saknas ju sånt som vad man ska göra och hur striderna funkar samt ett bestiarium) Om nån vill göra klart det, var så god:

Lord Castellan, leader of the general staff above regimental level

General, leads a multi-regimental battlegroup

Rank: 3 - Colonel, commanding officer of a regiment

Rank: 2 - Captain, company commander

Rank:1 - Tank commander, leads a tank unit (3 or more tanks)

Rank:0 - Lieutenant, platoon leader, or tank chief

Make your lieutenant:
Choose a statline: Either +1 to two stats, OR +2 to one, +1 to one and -1 to one.

Fight (Battle, Tank-shock, Melee)
Cool (Read a sitch, Act under fire)
Presence (Manipulate, Read a person, Lead)
Connection (Assign, Scrounge, Battleplan)

Gear: Flak armor (Arm 1), Sword (Harm:1, Range: Close), Laspistol (Harm:1, Range: Short, Sidearm), Imperial infantrymans uplifting primer, Falconian armored warfare manual.

Can suffer 4 Harm, 5th kills.
Can choose a debility instead of dying, regardless of actual Harm (Crippled: Fight -1, Shattered: Cool -1, Scarred: Presence -1)

Command points equal to Presence stat (but no less than 0). Each command point offers a re-roll during a mission.

Captain’s First Tank:
4 armory points,
add 1 armory point per doctrine point up to 2
Doctrine (each point increases exp gain when following battle plan but is a negative modifier if not following plan)

Tank name: http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/code-names.php#.WW3NRRXyhaQ
Choose one

Tank table
Leman Russ cost 2
Arm 6 front, 5 sides, 4 back, Harm 8
Gear 5, Fuel 8

Battle cannon - Turret (Harm 8, Range: Long, Area, Loud), Lascannon - Front sponson (Harm 8, AP, Range: Extreme) +3 crew

Standard w. Sponsons (baseline)
Battle cannon - Turret (Harm 8, Range: Long, Area, Loud), Lascannon - Front sponson (Harm 8, AP, Range: Extreme), 2 x Heavy Bolter - Side sponsons (Harm:4, Range: Long, Heavy, Jam, Loud) +5 crew

Standard w. Sponsons (urban)
Battle cannon - Turret (Harm 8, Range: Long, Area, Loud), Lascannon - Front sponson (Harm 8, AP, Range: Extreme), 2 x Heavy Flamer - Side sponsons (Harm:3, Range: Medium, Area, Fire, Heavy, Loud, Fuel) +5 crew, Cramped compartment

Close assault
Battle cannon- Turret (Harm 8, Range: Long, Area, Loud), Heavy Flamer - Front sponson (Harm:3, Range: Medium, Area, Fire, Heavy, Loud, Fuel), 2 x Heavy Flamer - Side sponsons (Harm:3, Range: Medium, Area, Fire, Heavy, Loud, Fuel) +5 crew, Cramped compartment

Armoured Fist Chimera cost 1
Arm 4, Harm 6
Gear 5, Fuel 8

Multilaser, Hvy Bolter, +2 crew - 10 man squad (flamer, missile launcher)

Hellhound cost 1
Arm 4, Harm 6
Gear 6, Fuel 8

Inferno cannon, hvy Bolter +2 crew
Inferno cannon, hvy Flamer +2 crew

Smokelaunchers - cost 1
Sealed compartment - cost 1
Hazard gear - cost 1
Trenchrail - cost 1
Hunter killer missile - cost 1
Pintle mounted heavy stubber - cost 1
Pintle mounted storm bolter - cost 1
Camo netting - cost 1
Dozer blade - cost 1
Searchlight - cost 1
External fuel tank (+2 fuel, hazard) - cost 1

Each new crew start with crewmembers at at -1 Battle/Melee and one trouble, roll on the table
  1. Addicted
  2. Religious fanatics
  3. Shirkers
  4. Cowards
  5. Frenzied
  6. Penal troops

Raise individual crewmember to 0 Battle/Melee cost 1

Add a perk to an individual crewmember cost 1, roll a D12.
Perks (Further perks are gained one per survived mission)
  1. Gunhead (re-roll on battle moves when firing weapons)
  2. Wheeler-dealer (+1 to Scrounge moves)
  3. Smooth (+1 to social encounters)
  4. Heretech (actually able to fix the tank using Act under fire)
  5. Survivor (will probably survive catastrophic damage)
  6. Medically enclined (actually able to field aid using Act under fire)
  7. Masher (re-roll on Tank-shock moves)
  8. Side-arm (has a non-regulation sidearm; chainsword, boltpistol, plasmapistol or similar)
  9. Tactician (+1 to Battleplan moves)
  10. Friends in high places (once per mission call in an orbital strike using Act under fire)
  11. Brawler (+1 to Melee)
  12. Choose one of the above.
When you
Act under fire roll +Cool. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7–9, you flinch, hesitate, or stall: the MC can offer you a worse outcome, a hard bargain, or an ugly choice

When you
Ready up before battle roll +Presence: On a 10+ All systems are go. On a 7-9 chose a system that isn’t ready; Propulsion, Steering, Loading, Firing. Act under Fire to fix it.

When you
Engage in Battle with your tank roll +Fight:
On 10+ You harm the enemy and the enemy harms you as established. In addition choose 1:
*inflict terrible harm (harm suffered +1)
*suffer little harm (harm -1)
*you control the battlefield
*you impress, dismay or frighten your enemy.
On 7-9 You harm the enemy and the enemy harms you as established. In addition the MC can choose 1:
*make you suffer terrible harm (harm suffered +1)
*you inflict little harm (harm -1)
*something goes wrong.

When you
Read a sitch roll +Cool. On a hit, you can ask the MC questions. Whenever you act on one of the MC’s answers, take +1. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7–9, ask 1:
*where’s my best escape route / way in / way past?
*which enemy is most vulnerable to me?
*which enemy is the biggest threat?
*what should I be on the lookout for?
*what’s my enemy’s true position?
*who’s in control here?

When you
read a person roll+cool. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. While you’re interacting with them, spend your hold to ask their player questions, 1 for 1:
• is your character telling the truth?
• what’s your character really feeling?
• what does your character intend to do?
• what does your character wish I’d do?
• how could I get your character to __?

When you
Manipulate someone, tell them what you want and roll+presence. For NPCs: On a 10+, they do as you want without realizing they have been played. On a 7–9, They do it, but realize they have been played. For PCs: on a 10+ if they do it, they mark xp, if they refuse, it’s acting under pressure. On a 7–9, choose 1. What they do then is up to them.

When you
Help or interfere with someone who’s making a roll, roll+Rank. On 10+, they take +1 (help) or -2 (interfere) now. On a 7–9, you also expose yourself to fire, danger, retribution or cost.

Before mission deployment roll +Rank to Assign materials. On 10+ gain oddments to a cost of 3. On 7-9 gain oddments to a cost of 1. On a miss gain a mission need.

When your commanding officer plans for battle and you help them
Battleplan roll +Connection (-Doctrine). On a hit you get to choose one mission aspect (that makes sense from a narrative standpoint). On a 7-9 the MC also gets to add an additional want. On a miss the MC adds a secret want.

Mission aspects list
Mission Planet: Agri World, Arid World, Dead World, Daemon World, Death World, Forge World, Hive World, High-G World, Low-G World, Maiden World, Poisoned Atmosphere, Recruiting World, Shrine World, Water World, Volcanic World, Space Hulk.

Mission Objective: Ambush, Assassination, Assistance, Hold the line, Infiltration, Reconnaissance, Retaliatory, Retrieval.

Mission Enemies: Chaos Marines, Daemons, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Necrons, Orks, Renegade Guard, Renegade Mechanicus, Renegade Marines, Tau, Tau Sympathizers, Tyranids.

Mission Want: Bad Intel, Bad Odds, Deadline, No Extraction Available, No Resupply, Stealth Required, Unstable Warp, Unsupported, Warzone.

When in downtime at a base roll +Connection to
Scrounge. On 10+ gain oddments to a cost of 2. 7-9 gain oddments to a cost of 1 but attract unwelcome attention. On a miss, gain a demerit.

When before an engagement you
Inspire your crew roll +Presence. On 10+ gain a +1 modifier to all rolls in the engagement. On 7-9 gain a Command Point (used to reroll one roll in the engagement). On a miss trigger the crew’s trouble.

Other rules


Demerits are primarily gained by breaking orders openly. The third demerit is cause for termination.

Gain 1 per failed roll, 1 per survived engagement, 1 per successful mission. When the fifth experience is filled erase the experiences and gain a benefit. You must have five basic benefits before you can choose the advanced ones.

* +1 Battle
* +1 Cool
* +1 Presence
* +1 Connection
* Remove up to 2 demerits
* Gain a crew perk of your choice for your character
* Gain a crew perk of your choice for your character
* Bionics, cancels the effect of Crippled debility

Advance Benefits
* +1 Rank
* +1 Rank
* +1 Rank
* Gain a crew perk of your choice for your character
* Remove up to 2 demerits
* +1 Battle (to a max of 3)
* +1 Cool (to a max of 3)
* +1 Presence (to a max of 3)
* +1 Connection (to a max of 3)

Oooooh, jag hittade skissen till Bestiariet:
Enemies come at different danger levels: Grunt, Elite, Leader, Lord, Overlord. In addition there are enemies of mankind that simply are huge warranting their own class: Behemoths.

Swarms, grunts and elites come in squads while the higher levels correspond to enemy characters. Leaders are special as they simply grant bonuses to squads.

Below is a chart for the MC what could be considered fitting opposition for the different levels. This is merely a guideline, remember that the objective is to make the game as awesome as possible. The chart shows the opposition per mission objective.

Behemoths can be added instead of a squad or an enemy character or simply added in where fitting.

Level of opposition:
Light: Squads of Grunts, 1 squad of Grunts w. Leader, one Lord.
Normal: Squads of Grunts, 3 squads of Grunts w. Leader, 1 squad Elites w. Leader, at least one Lord
Increased: Squads of Grunts w. Leaders, 3 squads of Elites w. Leaders, at least one Lord
High: Squads of Grunts w. Leaders, 3 squads of Elites w. Leaders, at least one Lord, at least one Overlord.
Extreme: Squads of elites w. Leaders, at least two Lords, at least one Overlord.
Insane: Please go overboard, they asked for it.
The stats for the enemies of mankind are displayed as follows:
No: This is how many make up a Large squad. To make a small squad halve this. To make Enormous, Vast and Horde sizes double, quadruple and take times eight respectively.
Harm to kill: How much harm that is needed to inflict a kill, Armor: The armor stat
Melee weapons Here the close combat weapons are detailed.
Ranged weapons Here the ranged weapons are detailed
Special abilities: Any special abilities of these enemies will be detailed here.
Leader: If a leader can be added to a squad here its details are displayed in the same style as above.
Grots. These foul xenos are the slave caste of the orkoid societies. Small and weak they display a low cunning and a malicious disposition.
Squads of Grots
No: 20-40 grots
Harm to kill: 1+, Armor: 0
Improvised melee weapons: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Grot gunz: (Harm:1, Range: Short)
Special abilities:
Leader: Runtherd
Harm to kill: 2+, Armor: 1
Choppa: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the grots want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.

Ork boyz. Hardy and fond of violence these aliens can be found all over the galaxy.
Squads of Ork boyz.
No: 10-30
Harm to kill: 2+, Armor: 1
Choppa: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
OR Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Nob
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 1
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
OR Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.

Ork ‘Ardboyz. ‘Ardboyz are stocky muscular ork boyz decked out in heavy armor plates.
Squads of ‘Ardboyz.
No: 10-30
Harm to kill: 2+, Armor: 2
Choppa: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
OR Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Nob
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 2
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
OR Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
No: 10-20
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 1
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
OR Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Big Nob
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 1
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
OR Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.

Flash Gitz
No: 10-20
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 2
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
Snazzgun (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, AP, Loud)
Special abilities:
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Kaptin
Harm to kill: 4+, Armor: 2
Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Snazzgun (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, AP, Loud)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.

No: 5-10
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 4
Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Bulky: They take double the space in vehicles
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Big Nob
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 4
Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Bulky: They take double the space in vehicles
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Harm to kill: 4+, Armor: 2
Choppa: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
Special abilities:
Waaagh power!: The warphead is a lord level psyker that has its strength increased by being close to battle hungry orks. For each squad in range: medium, that aren’t fleeing, any warphead attacks deal +2Harm. Any Harm done to the Warphead is shunted off to close by orks. As long as any orks are in range: medium they suffer the damage instead. The Warphead can use its powers like this:
Foot of Gork! An attack with the following profile: (Harm:2, Range: Long, Area, AP)
Tellyport: The warphead and a squad at least in range: medium of it can be teleported.
Gaze of Mork: An attack with the following profile: (Harm:4, Range: Long, AP)

Harm to kill: 5+, Armor: 2
Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Waaagh! The warboss can unleash the boyz pent up fighting frenzy. For the rest of the engagement the boyz are afraid of nothing and deal an additional +1Harm in close combat.
Armor: 4
Harm: 4
Agility: Walker
2 Big Powerclaws (Harm:8, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
1 Burna (Harm:3, Range: Medium, Area, Fire, Loud)
1 Big Shoota (Harm:3, Range: Long, Loud)
Special abilities:
Orky technology: There is always a chance of a hit not hitting anything vital when attacking ork vehicles. If the dice result is even treat it as a normal hit. On an uneven result nothing important was shot off. If it would be a killing hit, leave the vehicle on its last harm box. An ork vehicle that is destroyed always explodes in a fireball.

Ork Trukk
Armor: 2
Harm: 2
Agility: Normal
1 Big Shoota (Harm:3, Range: Long, Loud)
Transports: Up to 15 orks
Special abilities:
Orky technology: There is always a chance of a hit not hitting anything vital when attacking ork vehicles. If the dice result is even treat it as a normal hit. On an uneven result nothing important was shot off. If it would be a killing hit, leave the vehicle on its last harm box. An ork vehicle that is destroyed always explodes in a fireball.

Ork Battlewagon
Armor: 5
Harm: 5
Kill kannon (Harm: 4, Range Long, Area, Loud)
2 Big Shoota (Harm:3, Range: Long, Loud)
Transports: Up to 25 orks
Special abilities:
Orky technology: There is always a chance of a hit not hitting anything vital when attacking ork vehicles. If the dice result is even treat it as a normal hit. On an uneven result nothing important was shot off. If it would be a killing hit, leave the vehicle on its last harm box. An ork vehicle that is destroyed always explodes in a fireball.

Slut på arkeologin...
Det här verkar konceptuellt jättekul! :D Du hinner skriva det till den här utmaningen med ett lättare system tror jag!


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Ah, hade jag haft tid. Här är de första spridda idéerna till mitt rollspel "Tank Out!" från tio år sedan. (Naturligtvis baserat på Apocalypse World. Hade jag gjort det idag hade jag nog valt en annan ingång...)

Idén är att varje spelare spelar en tank commander i kejserliga gardet som ska navigera adliga get-togethers på (den rimligt preussiska hemplaneten Falconia) (move:en Lead är ju tänkt att vara både på krigsfältet och i när du dansar balsalen) mellan uppdragen på främmande planet med mål att överleva och bringa ära åt sin ätt. Men precis som för alla som hackat apocalypse world så inser man hur många tusen rörliga delar det är under den enkla och slicka ytan så jag tröttnade. Men ni kan ana konturerna (saknas ju sånt som vad man ska göra och hur striderna funkar samt ett bestiarium) Om nån vill göra klart det, var så god:

Lord Castellan, leader of the general staff above regimental level

General, leads a multi-regimental battlegroup

Rank: 3 - Colonel, commanding officer of a regiment

Rank: 2 - Captain, company commander

Rank:1 - Tank commander, leads a tank unit (3 or more tanks)

Rank:0 - Lieutenant, platoon leader, or tank chief

Make your lieutenant:
Choose a statline: Either +1 to two stats, OR +2 to one, +1 to one and -1 to one.

Fight (Battle, Tank-shock, Melee)
Cool (Read a sitch, Act under fire)
Presence (Manipulate, Read a person, Lead)
Connection (Assign, Scrounge, Battleplan)

Gear: Flak armor (Arm 1), Sword (Harm:1, Range: Close), Laspistol (Harm:1, Range: Short, Sidearm), Imperial infantrymans uplifting primer, Falconian armored warfare manual.

Can suffer 4 Harm, 5th kills.
Can choose a debility instead of dying, regardless of actual Harm (Crippled: Fight -1, Shattered: Cool -1, Scarred: Presence -1)

Command points equal to Presence stat (but no less than 0). Each command point offers a re-roll during a mission.

Captain’s First Tank:
4 armory points,
add 1 armory point per doctrine point up to 2
Doctrine (each point increases exp gain when following battle plan but is a negative modifier if not following plan)

Tank name: http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/code-names.php#.WW3NRRXyhaQ
Choose one

Tank table
Leman Russ cost 2
Arm 6 front, 5 sides, 4 back, Harm 8
Gear 5, Fuel 8

Battle cannon - Turret (Harm 8, Range: Long, Area, Loud), Lascannon - Front sponson (Harm 8, AP, Range: Extreme) +3 crew

Standard w. Sponsons (baseline)
Battle cannon - Turret (Harm 8, Range: Long, Area, Loud), Lascannon - Front sponson (Harm 8, AP, Range: Extreme), 2 x Heavy Bolter - Side sponsons (Harm:4, Range: Long, Heavy, Jam, Loud) +5 crew

Standard w. Sponsons (urban)
Battle cannon - Turret (Harm 8, Range: Long, Area, Loud), Lascannon - Front sponson (Harm 8, AP, Range: Extreme), 2 x Heavy Flamer - Side sponsons (Harm:3, Range: Medium, Area, Fire, Heavy, Loud, Fuel) +5 crew, Cramped compartment

Close assault
Battle cannon- Turret (Harm 8, Range: Long, Area, Loud), Heavy Flamer - Front sponson (Harm:3, Range: Medium, Area, Fire, Heavy, Loud, Fuel), 2 x Heavy Flamer - Side sponsons (Harm:3, Range: Medium, Area, Fire, Heavy, Loud, Fuel) +5 crew, Cramped compartment

Armoured Fist Chimera cost 1
Arm 4, Harm 6
Gear 5, Fuel 8

Multilaser, Hvy Bolter, +2 crew - 10 man squad (flamer, missile launcher)

Hellhound cost 1
Arm 4, Harm 6
Gear 6, Fuel 8

Inferno cannon, hvy Bolter +2 crew
Inferno cannon, hvy Flamer +2 crew

Smokelaunchers - cost 1
Sealed compartment - cost 1
Hazard gear - cost 1
Trenchrail - cost 1
Hunter killer missile - cost 1
Pintle mounted heavy stubber - cost 1
Pintle mounted storm bolter - cost 1
Camo netting - cost 1
Dozer blade - cost 1
Searchlight - cost 1
External fuel tank (+2 fuel, hazard) - cost 1

Each new crew start with crewmembers at at -1 Battle/Melee and one trouble, roll on the table
  1. Addicted
  2. Religious fanatics
  3. Shirkers
  4. Cowards
  5. Frenzied
  6. Penal troops

Raise individual crewmember to 0 Battle/Melee cost 1

Add a perk to an individual crewmember cost 1, roll a D12.
Perks (Further perks are gained one per survived mission)
  1. Gunhead (re-roll on battle moves when firing weapons)
  2. Wheeler-dealer (+1 to Scrounge moves)
  3. Smooth (+1 to social encounters)
  4. Heretech (actually able to fix the tank using Act under fire)
  5. Survivor (will probably survive catastrophic damage)
  6. Medically enclined (actually able to field aid using Act under fire)
  7. Masher (re-roll on Tank-shock moves)
  8. Side-arm (has a non-regulation sidearm; chainsword, boltpistol, plasmapistol or similar)
  9. Tactician (+1 to Battleplan moves)
  10. Friends in high places (once per mission call in an orbital strike using Act under fire)
  11. Brawler (+1 to Melee)
  12. Choose one of the above.
When you
Act under fire roll +Cool. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7–9, you flinch, hesitate, or stall: the MC can offer you a worse outcome, a hard bargain, or an ugly choice

When you
Ready up before battle roll +Presence: On a 10+ All systems are go. On a 7-9 chose a system that isn’t ready; Propulsion, Steering, Loading, Firing. Act under Fire to fix it.

When you
Engage in Battle with your tank roll +Fight:
On 10+ You harm the enemy and the enemy harms you as established. In addition choose 1:
*inflict terrible harm (harm suffered +1)
*suffer little harm (harm -1)
*you control the battlefield
*you impress, dismay or frighten your enemy.
On 7-9 You harm the enemy and the enemy harms you as established. In addition the MC can choose 1:
*make you suffer terrible harm (harm suffered +1)
*you inflict little harm (harm -1)
*something goes wrong.

When you
Read a sitch roll +Cool. On a hit, you can ask the MC questions. Whenever you act on one of the MC’s answers, take +1. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7–9, ask 1:
*where’s my best escape route / way in / way past?
*which enemy is most vulnerable to me?
*which enemy is the biggest threat?
*what should I be on the lookout for?
*what’s my enemy’s true position?
*who’s in control here?

When you
read a person roll+cool. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. While you’re interacting with them, spend your hold to ask their player questions, 1 for 1:
• is your character telling the truth?
• what’s your character really feeling?
• what does your character intend to do?
• what does your character wish I’d do?
• how could I get your character to __?

When you
Manipulate someone, tell them what you want and roll+presence. For NPCs: On a 10+, they do as you want without realizing they have been played. On a 7–9, They do it, but realize they have been played. For PCs: on a 10+ if they do it, they mark xp, if they refuse, it’s acting under pressure. On a 7–9, choose 1. What they do then is up to them.

When you
Help or interfere with someone who’s making a roll, roll+Rank. On 10+, they take +1 (help) or -2 (interfere) now. On a 7–9, you also expose yourself to fire, danger, retribution or cost.

Before mission deployment roll +Rank to Assign materials. On 10+ gain oddments to a cost of 3. On 7-9 gain oddments to a cost of 1. On a miss gain a mission need.

When your commanding officer plans for battle and you help them
Battleplan roll +Connection (-Doctrine). On a hit you get to choose one mission aspect (that makes sense from a narrative standpoint). On a 7-9 the MC also gets to add an additional want. On a miss the MC adds a secret want.

Mission aspects list
Mission Planet: Agri World, Arid World, Dead World, Daemon World, Death World, Forge World, Hive World, High-G World, Low-G World, Maiden World, Poisoned Atmosphere, Recruiting World, Shrine World, Water World, Volcanic World, Space Hulk.

Mission Objective: Ambush, Assassination, Assistance, Hold the line, Infiltration, Reconnaissance, Retaliatory, Retrieval.

Mission Enemies: Chaos Marines, Daemons, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Necrons, Orks, Renegade Guard, Renegade Mechanicus, Renegade Marines, Tau, Tau Sympathizers, Tyranids.

Mission Want: Bad Intel, Bad Odds, Deadline, No Extraction Available, No Resupply, Stealth Required, Unstable Warp, Unsupported, Warzone.

When in downtime at a base roll +Connection to
Scrounge. On 10+ gain oddments to a cost of 2. 7-9 gain oddments to a cost of 1 but attract unwelcome attention. On a miss, gain a demerit.

When before an engagement you
Inspire your crew roll +Presence. On 10+ gain a +1 modifier to all rolls in the engagement. On 7-9 gain a Command Point (used to reroll one roll in the engagement). On a miss trigger the crew’s trouble.

Other rules


Demerits are primarily gained by breaking orders openly. The third demerit is cause for termination.

Gain 1 per failed roll, 1 per survived engagement, 1 per successful mission. When the fifth experience is filled erase the experiences and gain a benefit. You must have five basic benefits before you can choose the advanced ones.

* +1 Battle
* +1 Cool
* +1 Presence
* +1 Connection
* Remove up to 2 demerits
* Gain a crew perk of your choice for your character
* Gain a crew perk of your choice for your character
* Bionics, cancels the effect of Crippled debility

Advance Benefits
* +1 Rank
* +1 Rank
* +1 Rank
* Gain a crew perk of your choice for your character
* Remove up to 2 demerits
* +1 Battle (to a max of 3)
* +1 Cool (to a max of 3)
* +1 Presence (to a max of 3)
* +1 Connection (to a max of 3)

Oooooh, jag hittade skissen till Bestiariet:
Enemies come at different danger levels: Grunt, Elite, Leader, Lord, Overlord. In addition there are enemies of mankind that simply are huge warranting their own class: Behemoths.

Swarms, grunts and elites come in squads while the higher levels correspond to enemy characters. Leaders are special as they simply grant bonuses to squads.

Below is a chart for the MC what could be considered fitting opposition for the different levels. This is merely a guideline, remember that the objective is to make the game as awesome as possible. The chart shows the opposition per mission objective.

Behemoths can be added instead of a squad or an enemy character or simply added in where fitting.

Level of opposition:
Light: Squads of Grunts, 1 squad of Grunts w. Leader, one Lord.
Normal: Squads of Grunts, 3 squads of Grunts w. Leader, 1 squad Elites w. Leader, at least one Lord
Increased: Squads of Grunts w. Leaders, 3 squads of Elites w. Leaders, at least one Lord
High: Squads of Grunts w. Leaders, 3 squads of Elites w. Leaders, at least one Lord, at least one Overlord.
Extreme: Squads of elites w. Leaders, at least two Lords, at least one Overlord.
Insane: Please go overboard, they asked for it.
The stats for the enemies of mankind are displayed as follows:
No: This is how many make up a Large squad. To make a small squad halve this. To make Enormous, Vast and Horde sizes double, quadruple and take times eight respectively.
Harm to kill: How much harm that is needed to inflict a kill, Armor: The armor stat
Melee weapons Here the close combat weapons are detailed.
Ranged weapons Here the ranged weapons are detailed
Special abilities: Any special abilities of these enemies will be detailed here.
Leader: If a leader can be added to a squad here its details are displayed in the same style as above.
Grots. These foul xenos are the slave caste of the orkoid societies. Small and weak they display a low cunning and a malicious disposition.
Squads of Grots
No: 20-40 grots
Harm to kill: 1+, Armor: 0
Improvised melee weapons: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Grot gunz: (Harm:1, Range: Short)
Special abilities:
Leader: Runtherd
Harm to kill: 2+, Armor: 1
Choppa: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the grots want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.

Ork boyz. Hardy and fond of violence these aliens can be found all over the galaxy.
Squads of Ork boyz.
No: 10-30
Harm to kill: 2+, Armor: 1
Choppa: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
OR Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Nob
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 1
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
OR Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.

Ork ‘Ardboyz. ‘Ardboyz are stocky muscular ork boyz decked out in heavy armor plates.
Squads of ‘Ardboyz.
No: 10-30
Harm to kill: 2+, Armor: 2
Choppa: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
OR Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Nob
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 2
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
OR Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
No: 10-20
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 1
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
OR Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Big Nob
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 1
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
OR Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.

Flash Gitz
No: 10-20
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 2
Big Choppa: (Harm:3, Range: Close)
Snazzgun (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, AP, Loud)
Special abilities:
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Kaptin
Harm to kill: 4+, Armor: 2
Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Snazzgun (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, AP, Loud)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.

No: 5-10
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 4
Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Bulky: They take double the space in vehicles
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Leader: Big Nob
Harm to kill: 3+, Armor: 4
Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Bulky: They take double the space in vehicles
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Harm to kill: 4+, Armor: 2
Choppa: (Harm:1, Range: Close)
Slugga: (Harm: 2, Range: Short, Loud, Sidearm)
Special abilities:
Waaagh power!: The warphead is a lord level psyker that has its strength increased by being close to battle hungry orks. For each squad in range: medium, that aren’t fleeing, any warphead attacks deal +2Harm. Any Harm done to the Warphead is shunted off to close by orks. As long as any orks are in range: medium they suffer the damage instead. The Warphead can use its powers like this:
Foot of Gork! An attack with the following profile: (Harm:2, Range: Long, Area, AP)
Tellyport: The warphead and a squad at least in range: medium of it can be teleported.
Gaze of Mork: An attack with the following profile: (Harm:4, Range: Long, AP)

Harm to kill: 5+, Armor: 2
Powerclaw (Harm:6, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
Shoota (Harm: 2, Range: Medium, Loud)
Special abilities:
Moral booster: Any time the boyz want to run away he kills some of them to maintain order.
Strength in numbers: Orks that have suffered less than half their numbers in casualties fear nothing at all.
Waaagh! The warboss can unleash the boyz pent up fighting frenzy. For the rest of the engagement the boyz are afraid of nothing and deal an additional +1Harm in close combat.
Armor: 4
Harm: 4
Agility: Walker
2 Big Powerclaws (Harm:8, Range: Close, AP, Slow)
1 Burna (Harm:3, Range: Medium, Area, Fire, Loud)
1 Big Shoota (Harm:3, Range: Long, Loud)
Special abilities:
Orky technology: There is always a chance of a hit not hitting anything vital when attacking ork vehicles. If the dice result is even treat it as a normal hit. On an uneven result nothing important was shot off. If it would be a killing hit, leave the vehicle on its last harm box. An ork vehicle that is destroyed always explodes in a fireball.

Ork Trukk
Armor: 2
Harm: 2
Agility: Normal
1 Big Shoota (Harm:3, Range: Long, Loud)
Transports: Up to 15 orks
Special abilities:
Orky technology: There is always a chance of a hit not hitting anything vital when attacking ork vehicles. If the dice result is even treat it as a normal hit. On an uneven result nothing important was shot off. If it would be a killing hit, leave the vehicle on its last harm box. An ork vehicle that is destroyed always explodes in a fireball.

Ork Battlewagon
Armor: 5
Harm: 5
Kill kannon (Harm: 4, Range Long, Area, Loud)
2 Big Shoota (Harm:3, Range: Long, Loud)
Transports: Up to 25 orks
Special abilities:
Orky technology: There is always a chance of a hit not hitting anything vital when attacking ork vehicles. If the dice result is even treat it as a normal hit. On an uneven result nothing important was shot off. If it would be a killing hit, leave the vehicle on its last harm box. An ork vehicle that is destroyed always explodes in a fireball.

Slut på arkeologin...
Kul spelkoncept, synd att låta det vittra på hyllan. Och om du skriver om det till ett annat system så har jag förslag på ny titel:

Balls & Balls


22 Dec 2013
Åhh... Jag måste försöka få in mer matlagning i mitt scenario hör jag.
Hittils är det mest hur man ska fucka up konkurent-restaurangerna
Det här spelet kanske kan vara av inspiration: Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall - om du nu har tid att ta dig en tit på det.

"Jag kan knappt tro det är likstärkelse: 100 sätt att piffa upp din ransoneringskvot utan att avrättas för kätteri!"
I boken Necromunda: Fire Made Flesh (som jag för övrigt rekommenderar) är en av huvudkaraktärerna ifrån Mercator Pallidus ("Lik Gillet" på låggotiska, de som sysslar med att ta hand om stackens alla lik å göra om dem till likstärkelse) som har som jobb att göra likstärkelse mer aptitligt, vi har en scen när han är på restaurang och får en reprimand av en av sina gillesbröder att hans senaste skapelse knappt hadde noterbar smak av lik (något han påpekade är idén) innan gillesbrodern äcklar sig över att hans måltid är en fisk.
Last edited:


22 Dec 2013
Vill nämna att om någon behöver en vapensköld/liknande för något har jag börjat göra en vapensköldtabell för mitt kommande Rogue Traders av Lemurai sektorn - en hakning av 'Barbarians av Lemuria' för 'Rogue Trader' spel. Den är inte färdig ännu, men jag kan använda slå på den för de som vill ha en symbol snabbt.

Jag har också samlat på mig en namnlista (mycket baserat på klassiska operor och Schackspelares europeiska pjäser) om någon vill ha några namn.

Och jag har en Warhammer Inspiration | Pinterest mapp, m undermappar, med icke-40k bilder som jag tänker är inspirerande för 40k, för mig o mina spelare (så vi inte fastnar i att 40k bara kan se ut som de officiella illustrationer vi får tag på ser ut - dvs de som finns i de böcker jag har och de som man snabbast hittar genom en sökning på eternätet). Jag har också en Wh40k Folk | Pinterest mapp med officiella bilder på folk från 40k. Gar försökt undvika soldater o inkvisitorer (även om några sådana har varit för bra för att inte ha med) o inga Adeptus Astartes.


22 Dec 2013
Ah, hade jag haft tid. Här är de första spridda idéerna till mitt rollspel "Tank Out!" från tio år sedan. (Naturligtvis baserat på Apocalypse World. Hade jag gjort det idag hade jag nog valt en annan ingång...)

Idén är att varje spelare spelar en tank commander i kejserliga gardet som ska navigera adliga get-togethers på (den rimligt preussiska hemplaneten Falconia) (move:en Lead är ju tänkt att vara både på krigsfältet och i när du dansar balsalen) mellan uppdragen på främmande planet med mål att överleva och bringa ära åt sin ätt. Men precis som för alla som hackat apocalypse world så inser man hur många tusen rörliga delar det är under den enkla och slicka ytan så jag tröttnade.
Jag skulle nog köra att de alla är adlig besättning på samma Super Heavy Tank - dessa stridsvagnar är ju så värdefulla och ärofulla att man kan ju inte har pöbel handskandes med dem - och eftersom dessa inte kan användas mot ovärdiga motståndare (om nu spelarna inte lyckas snacka sig till att delta i mindre värdiga strider) så är alla motståndare de ska fokusera på av samma tyngd som dem eller tyngre (typ titaner), och de ska i huvudsak förlita sig på att de mindre stridsvagnarna tar hand om mindre hot (även om de själva måste också ha utskick för saker som missas). Strid blir att olika spelare kontrollerar olika delar av stridsvagnen (fart o manövrar, huvud kanon, sidokanoner, sensorer o liknande) och att lista ut bästa sättet att komma åt de super tunga o värre målen utan att själva bli förstörda, med saker som att om man gasar på förlitar sig på sin snabbhet och stryktålighet kan ens eskort som nog inte är lika snabb eller stryktålig inte hinna med och man blir öppen för de mindre hoten. Sedan gäller det ju att se till att man inte har gjort någon av de andra regimentena arg och plötsligt finner sig med försenat understöd, och det gäller ju också att kommunicera med andra officerare och hemmabasen om man har plötsliga ändringar på den beslutade krigsplanen eller vill bli troda när man rapporterar saker som de andra inte tror ä möjliga.

Det blir en massa spel mellan striderna förstås eftersom krig består mest av väntan och då ska de ju interagera med den lokala överklassen, socialisera med andra regementens officerare, manövrera den kommande taktiska planen så de får mest ära (o helst att stridsvagnen överlever, besättningen är utbytbar men stridsvagnen är en helig ikon till Omnissian) eller så att de har mest överlevnadschanser om de högsta hönsen inte fattar att de inte kan använda sina ökentaktiker på en planet som är mest träsk och barskogsöar. Sedan kan de ju göra grejer utanför att möta överklassen och gå på patriotiska poesikvällar när de är på permis....


23 Oct 2012
Nu är jag klar! Det blev onödigt omfattande. Men handlar det om matlagning och allmänna upphandlingar så gäller det att vara noggrann :)
Det här är helt otroligt bra! Över alla förväntingar! Bara.. WOW!


23 Oct 2012
Scenariot som är minst Space Marineigt är… ”A Shattered Mind” av Beastslayer/Alexander Rosén! Ett scenario som målar upp den mörka Drukhari staden Commoragh med en palett av febrig urbanism, utomjordisk vridenhet och uråldriga konspirationer. Ett äventyr som låter spelarna klösa sig uppåt genom en demonisk stad av mörker och intriger.

Det bästa scenariot är… ”En nypa salt” av TobiasEkwall! Det är ett scenario som är extremt roligt och använder de satiriska möjligheterna i 40k universumet till max. Det är brutalt, rått, fullt med skratt, äckligt och varenda mening är spelbar! Det är ett scenario om offentliga upphandlingar med regler för Sprängladdning (nog för att spränga en bro). Ingenting är mer 40k än bombparaden där stadens barn får rita och skriva på bomberna som ska skjutas på orkerna.

Grattis till vinnarna och tack till alla som deltog!


26 Aug 2007
Scenariot som är minst Space Marineigt är… ”A Shattered Mind” av Beastslayer/Alexander Rosén! Ett scenario som målar upp den mörka Drukhari staden Commoragh med en palett av febrig urbanism, utomjordisk vridenhet och uråldriga konspirationer. Ett äventyr som låter spelarna klösa sig uppåt genom en demonisk stad av mörker och intriger.

Det bästa scenariot är… ”En nypa salt” av TobiasEkwall! Det är ett scenario som är extremt roligt och använder de satiriska möjligheterna i 40k universumet till max. Det är brutalt, rått, fullt med skratt, äckligt och varenda mening är spelbar! Det är ett scenario om offentliga upphandlingar med regler för Sprängladdning (nog för att spränga en bro). Ingenting är mer 40k än bombparaden där stadens barn får rita och skriva på bomberna som ska skjutas på orkerna.

Grattis till vinnarna och tack till alla som deltog!
Åhh, fan vad roligt! Tackar! Och tacka för att du drog i hop arrangemanget, det är alltid kul att skriva sånt man inte brukar skriva.