"When I was little I used to visit an old fisherman in the harbor who used to tell me these amazing stories. Often he would stop and stare out at sea as if seeing again the wonders he spoke about. One such story always stuck with me, it filled me with a lust for adventure. It was the story about the Queen of feathers, who lived on an island far, far away, in an unknown part of the ocean. The way he spoke of the paradise on that island made me dream of a similar journey, and the story he me told of how the queen could raise the dead, for no life could be lost in such a paradise, would always leave me with shivers of both excitement and horror.
When my.. When my beloved wife died some years ago I knew what I had to do. I traveled the world looking for clues as to where this island was but no where did I find what I was looking for.. After seven months I gave up and began my journey home.. That's when the storm hit us. We had spent roughly three weeks at sea when the storm came. We all thought we would die. For hours the storm raged around us, while the captain of the ship tried to get us through it.. Suddenly we saw a light, a calm in the eye of the storm. As we came closer I could see the island and I remembered the story, this had to be it.
It was. I.. I cannot speak of this any more, you'll have to excuse me, some horrors are best left forgotten.
What was that? Did I get my wife back? Yes.. Yes, I guess I did.. I just wish I hadn't. Stay away from that island."
Det här är det första av tre äventyr som går ut på att spelarna först måste samla på sig några föremål som krävs för en ritual. Kanske en ritual för att väcka en död gruppmedlem eller liknande. Det första föremålet sägs finnas hos Fjäderdrottningen, som (och detta vet så klart inte äventyrarna) är en kraftig necromantiker samt illusionist som väcker upp döda saker, men döljer deras sanna jag med illusionerna som gör att platsen ger skenet av att vara en otroligt vacker plats, istället för det odöda tempel det egentligen är. Fjäderdrottningen själv är likaså en sorts halvblandning mellan död och levande, kanske en mäktig lich eller kanske har hon bara genomgått en förvandling på vägen, beroende på spelarnas nivå.