Fantasy bilder


4 Dec 2020


22 Dec 2013
Något annat än vad jag medger jag ursprungligen tänkte för tråden, men det är fantasy bilder och jag vill dela dem. Så här är Disney figurer tolkade genom Warcraft:

Disney meets Warcraft - Snow White by LiberLibelula on DeviantArt
Come on, blame me for zero originality. I had fun XD I love Disney and World of Warcraft, so why not a crossover?
The opening picture for the series is, the first and the classic, Snow White, as a Dwarf from Forjaz. I never liked Snow White, she was too wimpy and teeeeender for my taste. Plus, I haaate the color combinations in her dress. But it was another time, so I can't blame Disney for that.

Even if that wasn't my first choice, in the end I thought being a Dwarf was pretty obvious (And necessary) for Snow White. Plus, the strength that dwarven show makes her look really good, with all those furs and the puffy sleeves, and I love that hairstyle that you can actually wear ingame. If you're a dwarf, of course. I've never been a Dwarf, mostly because I'm Horde and my only weakness in the Alliance are the Night Elves.

And there you have a hammer, Snow White. Use it wisely!

Disney meets Warcraft - Queen Grimhilde by LiberLibelula on DeviantArt

Beautiful on the outside, rotten to the core on the inside. I imagine Queen Grimhilde (Snow White) as an undead alchemist woman who'd be capable of anything to gain youth and beauty, including stealing a face that isn't hers and sewing it onto her face. Also, that fixation with Snow White's heart? She probably wanted to eat it. A very undead thing, may I say.

Disney meets Warcraft - Rapunzel by LiberLibelula on DeviantArt
This curious, sweet girl with a wild side had to be a gnome. Gnomes are known for their desire to learn more and more about the world that surrounds them, and also are great engineers and strange, tiny beings (And it feels like a punch in the face when those tiny @//%*ers kill you with a spell or whatever and you can't even see where they came from... luckily, we can now have revenge with our GOBLINS! How does it feel, huh? XDDD)

I know Rapu isn't that platinum blond, but gnomes doesn't have golden hair (Green, pink, light blue, platinum... those they do have). I think she's come out really nice, and she was a lot harder to paint than Snow White. I hope you like her!

Disney meets Warcraft - Aurora by LiberLibelula on DeviantArt
She spent a lot of time sleeping... well, we could say she was in a coma. Probably one step from death. Plus, The Sleeping Beauty has got that gothic look that suits Undead so much. Glowing green lights, dark grey and purple clothing, and that blond hair is one of the colors that you can actually choose in the game for your undead.

Disney meets Warcraft - Maleficent by LiberLibelula on DeviantArt

Lots of people wanted her as a Dragon in human aspect and, honestly, that race was the one that suited her best. She probably adopts the shape of a Blood Elf, though her ears are quite tucked inside that headpiece (Maybe that was the real reason why she was so pissed off?). I hope you like her ^^

Disney meets Warcraft - Cinderella by LiberLibelula on DeviantArt
This one required a bit more work, I really hope you like her.
Cinderella never was one of my favourites, however, I think I liked her more as I grew, because she was so persevering and kind, even to those who were cruel with her. And she never stopped dreaming and hoping for better days to come, trying to help everybody without distinction.

That's why I chose the race Draenei for her. If something characterizes draeneis, is their faith and their endless hope, even when things look really bad for them. Plus, they're very associated with crystals. Though here, Cindy has got hooves. Oh the irony XD

I tried to give her an outfit that resembled the original silvery dress (I don't know why she's always portrayed in blue. Really. That dress was white and silver. Anyway). It was difficult, as her dress didn't match very well with WoW and I wanted to show her legs. I'm happy with the final picture ^^

Though Cinderella could be considered a redhead, I gave her draenei a pale blond hair, as that's the closest thing a draenei can have to a light human hair. (Another strange thing... in merchandise she's blonde, while in the movie... maybe my eyes are wrong, but isn't her hair more orange than blond?)

Disney meets Warcraft - Tremaine and Daughters by LiberLibelula on DeviantArt

So why Drizella and Anastasia are harpies is quite clear XD But who could tame them? Harpies seem to be common among Night Elves (they even strike some resemblance) and Lady Tremaine seemed a good fit for the archetype of the high-class, stern, reserved and mean NE who's been through too much and doesn't care about nothing but her own good anymore. Funny thing is, I never cared much about the Cinderella classic movie until I was older and rewatched it... my god... that Lady Tremaine is EVIL. I guess she's just one of those villains that impact you more when you can understand wickedness better.

Disney meets Warcraft - Kida by LiberLibelula on DeviantArt
At first, I thought she was kinda draenei, but then somebody over here suggested that she would make a great troll, and wow, that was true! Plus, they're my favourite race ^^
Think of it... Trolls had an enormous empire that falled apart in its own decadence, but even now, when they're fighting to preserve their culture and rise again, finding unlikely allies in other strange species, they keep a piece of their ancient power and union with their ancestors and spirits. Just like Atlantean people.


4 Dec 2020
The Dark Is Rising är den riktigt bra boken i den serien på fem delar, och lyckas med att på litet utrymme bygga en effektiv mytologi (och använder en underutvecklad setting, landsbygden i Themsen-dalen).

Kom nyligen som radiodrama hos BBC.

Verkar ju svinbra som radioteater. Ska tydligen avlyssnas med 3d hörlurar :) Tack för det tipset!