Ett plåtharnesk kan nog ha två eller tre huvudplåtar, om man bara räknar framsidan. Räkna in ryggen som åtminstone en separat plåt till så blir det mer hanterbara stycken.
*Alla stora öppna sår var mycket farlig i en tidsålder där läkare ansåg att sår fyllda med var innebar något bra (det är det inte, det betyder bakterier i såret), där omslag av get-bajs kunde läggas på sår (för att se till att det blev var i dom), där kirurgi sågs ned på av vanliga läkare och utfördes av assistenter eller barberare som arbetade så fort de kunde eftersom patienten var vid medvetande, där den medicinska teorin och förståelsen av människokroppen var baserad på fyra olika kroppsvätskors balans (blod, lymfa, gul galla och svart galla) och där universal botemedlet var att tömma patienten på mer eller mindre blod. Hellre brutna ben än allt det där! is generally acknowledged that sword cuts are largely ineffective against mail. Modern experiments indicate that it is extremely difficult to shear through mail with any sort of sword—especially if combined with padding.
Even against mail-clad opponents the sword could inflict injury by striking at areas that were not covered with mail (such as the face) or through the infliction of blunt trauma. Because mail is flexible, it does not stop the impact of a blow. Some of the force of an attack is carried through the mail and padding to the wearer underneath. The wearer is especially vulnerable to attacks against hard, exposed body parts including the shin, knee, elbow, shoulder, clavicle, and skull. Many recreationists today attest to the ability of a blow to one of these areas breaking the bone and incapacitating the wearer even when the mail and padding is not compromised.
Various experiments also indicate that blunt trauma could be an effective means of inflicting injury through armour, but bruising and cracked bones were preferable to a fatal sword cut*.
Källan kan knappast räknas som pålitlig under normal omständigheter, men i detta fall så är svaret mycket bra och innehåller länkar till flera textkällor.
Forign matter was a big deal in those times as infections killed the majority of the wounded. Some ancient Celt and Greek units fought naked or mostly naked as it was felt that bits of cloth embedded in a wound were actually more dangerous than the enemies weapons themselves.
Det finns många olika ideer på hur bra en ringbrynja egentligen var, men det är svårt att bortse från att det var den mest populära rustningen, 99 av 100 metallrustningar under tidig medeltid anses ha varit just ringbrynjor. Man kan anta att dom användes för att bärarna överlevde.
Considering the frequency with which knights faced arrows on the battlefield, if mail was highly susceptible to them, then it would not have remained the preferred type of body armour for so long.
Regarding sword and knife stabs, Dr. Williams presents a convincing argument that it was far more difficult to thrust a blade through mail than many assume. He tested two samples of mail (placed over padding) and found that the energy required to compromise either sample exceeded the maximum amount of energy that a person can generate with a one-handed thrust—even over-handed. He tested the amount of energy required to penetrate his samples with a simulated halberd blade, a lance head, and a bodkin arrowhead . The halberd and lance required more than 200J to penetrate the first sample; the bodkin required only 120J to penetrate. Against the second sample, the halberd required 170J, the lance 140J, and the bodkin 120J. From this, it would seem that a bodkin-shaped spike is the most efficient design to compromise mail, which is consistent with other experiments.
Williams also cited an experiment by Horsfall et al., who concluded that the maximum energy a person could deliver in an over-arm stab was 115J and an under-arm stab only 63J. If the data from the two experiments are combined, it seems that it was not possible for a person to punch through mail (at least the two samples tested by Williams) with a single-handed thrust—even with a spike that was optimized for the task.
Russ Mitchell believes that felt is especially effective against bodkins because it has no woven structure for the point to open up and slide through. The felt deforms around the bodkin and pushes it back out of the target. Broadhead typologies, on the other hand, have cutting edges that can allow them to slice through felt. So felt would be less protective against these arrowheads. However, mail is extremely effective against cutting edges. The combination of mail and felt provide good protection against both bodkins and broadheads.
Detta visar att ringbrynjan var kapabel att stå emot lans attacker mycket bra, bättre än jag själv tidigare trott. Att de träffade följde med stöten eller kastades av hästen hjälpte nog också till en hel del för att förhindra penetration. Men det lär ha lämnat ordentliga blåmärken och säkert frakturer som inte var synliga för betraktaren i texten.
Regarding the protective qualities of field mail against lances, there are a few contemporary sources. The memoirs of Usamah ibn Munquidh (1095-1188) recount an anecdote in which he jumped his horse over a hedge and solidly struck a Frankish knight with his lance such that:
He bent sideways so much that his head reached his stirrup, his shield and lance fell off his hand, and his helmet off his head...he then resumed his position, erect in the saddle. Having had linked mail under his tunic, my lance did not wound him.
Over the page, Usamah describes how he charged at what he perceived to be an enemy and hit the man in the armpit with his lance, knocking him off his horse. It was fortunate that the man's mail saved him from injury because he turned out to be a friend.
Det verkar onekligen som tygskydd var betydligt tåligare än åtminstone jag trodde tidigare. Tillsammans med en ringbrynja lär skyddet ha varit tämligen formidabelt, och det är kanske inte så konstigt att det användes under 2000 år. Faktiskt så används skyddet här och var än idag, för att undvika öppna sår, tex vid hajdykning men även i andra sammanhang.
Besides offering padding for comfort, did these quilted armour defenses provide any actual protection? The fact that soldiers wore these quilted defenses alone strongly suggests that they must have. Currently much amateur testing using various targets covered with aketon-like garments has shown that quilted defenses significantly decreased the penetration of sword cuts into the targets but did not completely prevent penetration. Possibly the most complete and sophisticated evaluation of the protective properties of textile defenses was done by Dr. Alan Williams. Using simulation tests he writes that if a quilted garment is made of 16 folds of linen alone it provided similar or better protection than 5mm of cuir bouilli (boiled leather) defense (~80-90J of energy needed to penetrate). The energy available to a sword or axe varies from 60 to 130J. In other words, 16 folds of linen may not be enough to completely prevent penetration by a sword, but the amount of damage dealt is significantly decreased. In addition, he also writes that the combination of padding and metal armour increases the energy needed by a piercing weapon (lance, arrow, crossbow bolt, etc.) for penetration as compared to the energy needed to penetrate the metal plate alone. Of course many of the actual garments were padded with hemp or wool or other tough-to-cut materials which largely decreased the need for many linen layers.
Med huggvapen avses svärd antar jag. För yxan stämmer detta inte alls, den har tyngdpunkten långt fram, är tung och utdelar huggskada.Petter42 said:den största skillnaden med ett kross och ett huggvapen är att krossvapnen oftast är a) tyngre och b) mer obalanserade.
Ett svärd har tyngdpunkten ganska långt bak. Om man lite grovt tänker sig vapnet som en hävarm där kraften bestäms av tyngdpunkt och sträcka i vilken svingarens arm måste inkluders (vikten och längden på både armen och vapnet måste betraktas, stackars dvärgar har korta armar och borde göra mindre skada, men men), så kan man nog gissa på att huggsvärd hade omkring 1/2-2/3 kraften hos en yxa eller klubba (men det är en grov uppskattning/gissning).Petter42 said:Kortfattat får du ofantligt mycket mer kraft med hammare än ett svärd som väger lika mycket.