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- Play to find out what happens
Play to find out: there's a certain discipline you need in order to MC Apocalypse World. You have to commit yourself to the game's fiction's own internal logic and causality, driven by the players' characters. You have to open yourself to caring what happens, but when it comes time to
say what happens, you have to set what you hope for aside.
The reward for MCing, for this kind of GMing, comes with the discipline. When you find something you genuinely care about - a question about what will happen that you genuinely want to find out - letting the game's fiction decide it is uniquely satisfying.
(Från 1st edition).
Jag tycker det är rätt tydligt ändå. Låt spelvärldens logik svara på vad som händer. Belöningen är tillfredställelsen när man har frågor man bryr sig om och får se dem besvaras av berättelsen.