Dag 11:
Dresden Files RPG
Ytterligare ett FATE-baserat spel, men det här kom före FATE Core, och tillhör då en äldre version. Här har jag återskapat den karaktären jag spelade så som hon skulle vara om hon var nyskapad. Har låtit bakgrundsstoriesn hur hon träffade en del av de andra vara kvar. Nej Genies finns inte officielt i spelet. vi räknade det som att den personen (Star) var medlem av ett Faerie Court (Brass Court). Nej Star hade inga magiska förmågor, så om någon beordrade henne att ge en person ett svärd, så fick hon knata iväg och på något sätt skaffa ett svärd...
Spelet är baserat på bokserien The Dresden Files, och är skrivet som om det är ett spel som några av karaktärerna i spelet skapat. Fullt med anteckningar i marginalerna, post-it lappar ewtc där de olika personerna: Magikern Harry Dresden, Bob (en spirit som bor i en dödskalle), och Billy (en varulv, eller mer korrekt en Lycantrope, och medlem av The Alphas.)
Power level: Submerged (10 refresh, 35 skill points, skill cap att Suberb +5)
Name: Amy Louise Clarke (tilltalsnamn är Amy, och hon använde aldrig Louise)
Template: Wizard of the White Council
High Concept: Seeress of Secrets
Trouble: Doing anything for love
För att genera de övriga aspekterna så har man först 2 bakgrundsdelar., sedan ett eget äventyr, där någon annan gästspelar, och man gästspelar själv hos 2 andra.
Where do you come from:
She grew up with strict parents; Alison and Richard Clarke. Her mother was a teacher, and her father a governmental employee. They always expected more of her and pushed her hard. In school, she often spent time daydreaming, which didn’t go over so well.
Pay attention!
What shaped you:
At puberty, she started seeing strange visions. Some people in her surrounding thought that she was either taking drugs or being ill. In order to understand what was happening to her, she read everything she could about her situation.
Strange visions
What was your first adventure: All the world is a stage
There were lots of mysterious happenings at an old theatre where Amy worked at. Some people claimed that it was haunted. Using her powers of divination, she found that it really was haunted by the ghosts of Clarice Sterling and actor William Reading. Both where shot dead by Clarice’s jealous husband Jonathan after he found out they had an affair, but the incident were hushed down due to his connections. She got the help of reporter Tim Dobson, to find the whole story as he had access to old newspaper archives. The reason that the ghosts where active was that shady businessman James Howell II tried to put pressure on City Hall to get the theatre condemned in order for him to get approval to tear it down and build luxury apartments there. Activist Imogen Tayler helped organize a successful protest rally in order to save the theatre.
Echoes of the past
Whose path have you crossed: Star Thyme
In “Djinn, Lamp and Monkey” Amy helped a confused girl, who turned out to be a djinn, to find her magical lamp that a monkey had stolen and run away with.
There is more between Heaven and Earth…
Who else’s path have you crossed: Mirou Divin
In “Dragon Rising” Amy got a premonition of the future, and tried to help Mirou Divin to avoid the situation. Fate wanted otherwise, as he didn’t heed her warnings, but eventually managed to return relatively unscathed.
Cassandra’s Tears (Yupp, hon kan se framtiden, men folk tror inte på hennes syner)
Powers: (Man drar bort kostnaden för alla powers från sin refresh. Måste ha minst 1 refresh kvar för att vara en spelarkaraktär. Resultatet är hur många fatepoints man börjar varje session med.)
-3 Thaumaturgy: Complexity (Divination +2, Wards +1)
-3 Evocation: Elements (Air, Water, Spirit) + Control (Spirit +1)
-1 Psychometry
-1 The Sight (kan se osynliga saker och se vad saker verkligen är. är dock farligt att göra.)
-1 Refinement
0 Cassandra’s Tears
0 Soul Gaze (Magiker kan se in i någon annans själ, men den andre ser då även in i magikerns själ)
0 Wizard’s constitution (Åldras mycket långsammare)
Refresh rate: 10 (used 9) Fate points: 1
+5: Discipline, Lore
+4: Conviction, Investigation,
+3: Empathy, Performance (Acting, Singing, Dancing), Rapport
+2: Alertness, Athletics, Contacts, Presence
+1: Driving, Fists, Resources, Scholarship
Focus items
- Pendant of divination (+2 complexity for Divination Thaumaturgy).
- Silver ring (+2 power for Spirit Evocation)
Notes on magic:
- Lore = Knowledge. Important for
- Discipline = How much control and cocus the magician has of their art
- Conviction = How much power the character has
- För divination spells så börjar Amy på en complexity på 9. Om ritualen har 9 eller lägre i complexitiet så behöver hon bara samla in power, annars får hon börja tagga aspecter. Tar hon det lugnt och drar 1 power per runda, så kan hon inte misslyckas och riskerar därför inga farligheter. Drar hon in mer power per runda så finns risk att saker går fel, och hon måste slå varje runda för att kontrollera den mängd power hon drar då. missar hon så drabbas hon av en attack av totala power som hon samlat in. (någon räknade på en ritual som användes i första boken för att döda en person, och har för mig den hade en compexity på minst 37 för att göra en insta-kill på en vanlig människa)
- An evocation spell deals minimum of 1 stress (+1 för varje power över Conviction)
Mental: 4
Physical: 2
Social: 3
Small elegant shoulderbag
Deck of Tarot cards
Crystall ball
Cigarette lighter
Small athame for ritual use.
Pen and paper.
A foldable detailed map of the city, for divination purposes
Small candles wrapped in cloth
Small countainer of chalk for drawing magical cirlces.
Make up kit
Focus Items:
- A pendant that can be used to help in divination (Drop-shaped crystal set in silver, hanging from a thin silver chain)
- A silver ring in the shape of a rose.
Rote Spells: (de här är alltid samma konfiguration, och kan inte ändras. Kan ev ha räknat fel på någon)
Type: Air evocation, offensive maneuver
Power: 4 shifts
Target:1 target in line-of sight
Opposes by: Target's Athletics skill.
Duration: 1 action
Effect: Target is blown away from caster by a strong gust of wind, and has the sticky aspect KNOCKED PRONE applied to him.
Type: Spirit Evocation, Offensive maneuver
Power: 5 shift, 1 shift for additional duration
Duration: One scene
Target: 1 target in line-of sight
Opposed by: Target's Athletics skill
Effect: If the spell hits the target is held immobile by pure force, and has the sticky temporary aspect BOUND IN PLACE applied to him.
Type: Spirit evocation, Defensive block
Power: 4 shifts for power, 2 shifts for extra duration
Target: A caster typically casts this spell on herself.
Duration: 3 exchanges
Effect: The target's awareness of their surroundings are amped up; subtle movements of air, surges of hostile intent. The effects last 3 exchanges, and gives the target a persistent dodge with a Great (+4) effect.
Quick Veil
Type: Spirit evocation, Defensive block
Power: 4 shifts for power, 2 shifts for transparency from within.
Duration: One exchange
Opposed by: An observer's Alertness skill
Effect: Renders the caster invisible.
Sleep spell
Type: Spirit evocation, Attack
Power: 6
Target: 1 target in line-of-sight, inflicting physical stress
Duration: One action
Opposed by: Target's Conviction or Endurance skill, magical blocks
Effect: Target suffers fatigue, and will fall to sleep if taken out.
A young girl who lives up to the stereotypes of Goth girls. She is a follower of the wiccan faith, and is quite proficient in divination. She never goes anywhere without her deck of tarot cards and a small crystal ball. She is almost always dressed in elegant black dresses, and a overbust leather corset, and long black lace gloves, elegeant high heeled low boots, and a bdsm slave collar, and often wears heavy black makeup. She has fair skin, and long lush black hair reaching her hips. She has a number of tattoos and piercings. LOTS of silver jewellry. )Finns en bild på henne i tråden "Anti-AI, rita även om du inte kan"
Age: 22 years. (Birthday: 17th of June 1995)
Height: 1,67 M, Weight, 53 Kg.
- Left shoulder: A large red rose.
- Right shoulder: Stylized theatre masks
- Right thigh: Large Asian dragon wrapping around the leg.
- Left calf: Lilies wrapping around the leg.
- Back: A female angel and a succubus making out.
- Near groin: A colourful butterfly.
- Each ear: 7 piercings. Top 6 are silver rings, the lowest are silver dream-catchers
- Nose: silver stud on right side
- Silver stud in lower lip
- Tongue: Silver stud
- Belly button: silver stud
- Intimate piercings as well.
Other jewellery
A smooth clear crystal in an oval drop-shape set in silver, hanging from a thin silver chain around her neck. A silver ring in the shape of a sose, and lots of thin silver bracelets as well as a belt made out of small silver chains and silver coins (one one side just a few rows, on the other much more).
What you see at a soulgaze:
A scene of thick mist. A shape is moving inside and with a gesture of her hand makes the mists part. Behind her you see ruins from ancient Greece. The woman is Amy, and she is dressed in modern clothing. She has a clear intensive gaze as if she is looking through you. The feeling you get is that she knows more than she should, and that you do not want to awaken her curiosity. She is protective but also has the potential to be ruthless in knowing more. That if she has a way of finding out something she will not let it go. Also clear that she is ruled by stormy emotions rather than cold calculations.