PK = Politiskt KorrektPete Nash said:Forgive me for asking, but what does "PK klädstil" translate to in English?
Barebreasted clothing is not politically correct.

PK = Politiskt KorrektPete Nash said:Forgive me for asking, but what does "PK klädstil" translate to in English?
"PC (politically correct) fashion".Pete Nash said:Forgive me for asking, but what does "PK klädstil" translate to in English?
I think that Swedish gamers take a certain amount of pride of not being puritans. However, there's a bit anti-sexism about, and it's growing.Pete Nash said:I'll be working on a Mycenaean Greece supplement later in the year, which will touch upon Minoan culture, so I'm interested in what level of puritanism exists in Swedish RPG circles. Although it will little impact my actual writing (I like historical accuracy) it will have an effect on the art commissioned for the book.
It's not that we are puritan in sweden, we are for equal rights.Pete Nash said:I'll be working on a Mycenaean Greece supplement later in the year, which will touch upon Minoan culture, so I'm interested in what level of puritanism exists in Swedish RPG circles. Although it will little impact my actual writing (I like historical accuracy) it will have an effect on the art commissioned for the book.
...well, as long you don't have any chainmail bikinis and so on you are pretty safe from criticism. And you can make interesting female characters.anth said:It's not that we are puritan in sweden, we are for equal rights.Pete Nash said:I'll be working on a Mycenaean Greece supplement later in the year, which will touch upon Minoan culture, so I'm interested in what level of puritanism exists in Swedish RPG circles. Although it will little impact my actual writing (I like historical accuracy) it will have an effect on the art commissioned for the book.
As long as the females in RPGs have the same rights as males almost everything goes.![]()
Of course it is to simplify. I can't write long posts. The pain in my hand prevents that. I ALWAYS simplify here.Recca said:
Den översta artiklen har helt rätt. Förutom att de har satt Meryl överRecca said:
bilden. Det är ett ganska skumt val av bild.Their gender defines their entire existence
The pictures of nude Misslas exist in the missle book where they explain their bodytype/form and there is a picture of an elven woman giving birth in the elf book.Ymir said:(though no full frontal male nudity IIRC, and a picture of an elf woman giving birth for some reason never saw print), and a plethora of references to sexual situations of a
Well I don't whink that we are puritan in any such way that we wouldn't be able to handle nudity in games. That's not the point. I guess it's like what Eksem before me has already written, we are generally quite aware of the sexualisation and objectification of the female body.Forgive me for asking, but what does "PK klädstil" translate to in English?
I'll be working on a Mycenaean Greece supplement later in the year, which will touch upon Minoan culture, so I'm interested in what level of puritanism exists in Swedish RPG circles. Although it will little impact my actual writing (I like historical accuracy) it will have an effect on the art commissioned for the book.
But compare Eon I and Eon III, in this regard; those pictures have been gradually disappearing more and more (though there's still a tendency for female NPC's to be described much more in terms of their looks than male NPCs are). Not that gender analysis of Eon belongs to this debate, though.There are also some pretty damn stupid sexist pictures in the Eon books but they are thankfully few and rare in between.
Buuu! Inga bilder!w176 said:Sexigt är bra, så länge man har sexighet för fler än vad hetrosexuella vita män. Eller vad hetro sexuella nän förväntas gilla.
Sexy for the ladies
Sexighet är inget problem, så länge det inte blir en obalans mellan de valmöjligheter för vad som erbjuds män och vad som erbjuds kvinnor. Så att kvinnor bara får välja mellan att vara sexiga, och män får välja mellan en massa andra uttrycksformer.
Men wear armour, Women wear sexy time lingerie
OJ! Saknar Claudias post bilder!? Damn. Tack för att du uppmärksamma det, jag notifierar vår adminMundo said:Buuu! Inga bilder!
Edit: Såg andra posten nu
Asbra exempel!w176 said:Farwell to Fear har bra exempel på illustrationer med bara bröst, och illustrationer där både män och kvinnor är skildras som sexuellt attraktiva i bildspråket.
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