Deadlier combat rules would be great!I don’t have strong objections to the rules as such. However, in earlier editions the combat rules used to be deadlier, which I appreciated.
I think some races are a bit underdeveloped and/or underwhelming such as misslorna. Others, like the dwarfs are a bit too stereotypical.
I would re-do the world with the central focus being on the Asharinna peninsula and the surrounding areas. I would remove Soldarn completely but keep Cirmena(?), Drunok, Cirefalien and Takkalor. I would keep descriptions on Jargien, Thalamurr and Consabet to a minimum to allow those regions to be developed further in coming expansions. People say Thalamurr is pretty great but Jargien and Consaber could definitely do with some re-working.
Actually, I find Eon IV combat rules deadly enough for my taste, but my concern is that Biotropic magic trivialices recovery from infections, wounds and such, and this bothers me a bit because steals the greaty flavour of combat.