Pitch Tolkienspel i Första Åldern - Gondolin


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Kunde vara spännande med någon sorts klocka i spelet som räknar med till stadens oundvikliga undergång. Bara så att spelarna inte tror att de kan stoppa den, bara fördröja. Och så en slutstrid där alla dör men får en chans att vara episka (man kan ju tillåta sig icke-kanoniska balrogdräpare, till exempel). Utförandet av Camlan i tGPC kan vara ett föredöme - man slåss tills alla är döda, helt enkelt.
Jag hade egentligen tänkt att helt strunta i Gondolins fall, låta det vara kvar i kulisserna och fokusera på stadens storhetsperiod. Men nu när det nämner det vore det coolt att ha en sorts doom-counter a la Mörk Borg, eller Arkham Asylum.

Sex nivåer av Morgothhot. På varje nivå slår man en tärning efter varje äventyr om man inte lyckas ovanligt bra (slippa slå) eller ovanligt dåligt (slå flera gånger). Typ

1 - Morgoth stirring
1. No activity.
2. Cursed crows (Crebain?) scouting.
3. Orcs beyond the Thangorodrim.
4. Werewolves scouting in the north.
5. Orc raiding parties in Ard-galen.
6. Morgoth comes forth (move to next table).

2 - Morgoth comes forth
1. Fell smoke from Thangorodrim.
2. Gates of Angband open, pouring out orcs.

3 - Morgoth in Ard-galen
1. Red sun over Ard-galen.
2. etc

4 -Morgoth across Beleriand
1. Orc camp set up in (random region)
2. etc

5 -Morgoth in the Encircling mountains

1. Orc scouts in the foothills.
6. Morgoth at the gates (requires betrayal).

6 - Morgoth at the gates
1. Orcs amassing on Tumladen.
2. Dire wolves amassing on Tumladen.
3. Siege engines deployed to Tumladen.
4. Balrogs flock to Tumladen.
5. Dragons flock to Tumladen,

Jag skulle banne mig fundera på att ta den ursprungliga versionen av slaget, med hundratals balroger, mekaniska drakar som APC:er för orcherna, och så vidare!
De mekaniska drakarna är urcoolt! Sedan är ju de tidigare balrogarna inte så imponerande, mer en sorts orchkaptener.


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
The Eleven Houses of Gondolin

The House of the King

Heraldry: Moon, Sun and Scarlet Heart
Secret: Chronicles of the House of Turgon
Talent: +1 Willpower
Equipment: Great red cloaks over white and gold gowns. Large shields, spears and swords.

The House of the Mole
Heraldry: Moleskin.
Secret: Ways of the Underworld
Talent: +1 Perception
Equipment: Black armour, without any emblem or design, round caps of steel covered with moleskin. Two handed mattock-axes.

The House of the Swallow
Heraldry: Arrowhead
Secret: Sky lore
Talent: +1 Skill
Equipment: Helmet with a fan of feathers, dressed in white, dark blue, purple, and black. Short sword, bow and arrow.

The House of the Heavenly Arch
Heraldry: Seven gems, the colours of the rainbow against blue.
Secret: Stones of Heaven
Talent: +1 Skill
Equipment: Blue shield embossed with seven gems. Helment set with an opal. Colourfol clothes. Bow, arrows and sword.

The Houses of the Pillar
Heraldry: A single pillar
Secret: Build-craft
Talent: +1 Toughness
Equipment: Yellow tunics and brass circlets. Great wooden maces and chisel-like axes.

The House of the Tower of Snow
Heraldry: A white tower
Secret: Songs of Frost and Ice
Talent: +1 Willpower
Equipment: White cloak over white clothes. A single silver clasp pinning the cloak. Spear and shield.

The House of the Tree
Heraldry: A silver tree against green
Secret: Memory of Telperion and Laurelin
Talent: +1 Skill
Equipment: Green jerkin and hose, and carry iron-studded clubs and slings

The House of the Golden Flower
Heraldry: Rayed sun
Secret: Inner light
Talent: +1 Prowess
Equipment: White, silver and gold. Sword, shield and arched helmet.

The House of the Fountain
Heraldry: A fountain, silver against blue
Secret: Clarion call
Talent: +1 Perception
Equipment: Silver armour studded with diamonds. Long pale swords. Pale blue cloaks.

The House of the Harp
Heraldry: A silver harp against black
Secret: Songs of merriment
Talent: +1 Eloquence
Equipment: Colourful clothges with tassels of silver and of gold, and a harp of silver. Axe, club and dagger.

The House of the Hammer of Wrath
Heraldry: Hammer and anvil
Secret: Smithcraft
Talent: +1 Prowess
Equipment: Great maces like hammers, and heavy shields. Leather armour.


23 Jan 2021
Pre-Tuor i all fall. Maeglin är väl med hela vägen till slutet/genombrottet på Tumladen? (möjligen blandar jag ihop olika versioner)
Post att Maeglin anländer, alltså.