Recent content by Yahuna

  1. Y

    Eon The baggage of Eon IV (and V)

    Deadlier combat rules would be great! Actually, I find Eon IV combat rules deadly enough for my taste, but my concern is that Biotropic magic trivialices recovery from infections, wounds and such, and this bothers me a bit because steals the greaty flavour of combat.
  2. Y

    Eon The baggage of Eon IV (and V)

    If you have the time and the mood, could you expand on the fine-tuning? Which part of the rules you think will benefit from the fine-tuning, and in which direction this fine-tuning has to go?
  3. Y

    Eon The baggage of Eon IV (and V)

    What would you like in this new edition?
  4. Y

    Eon The baggage of Eon IV (and V)

    I already mentioned that Mundana is agreat setting, very rich. So the thing will be, as it has been mentioned, how to sell the product. I don't know about marketing, but if games like Symbaroum, Forbidden lands and Dragon bane have made it to the English market with relative success, I don't see...
  5. Y

    Eon The baggage of Eon IV (and V)

    I am in several rpg discussion groups in different social platforms, often when I bring the topic of Eon IV I receive comments by Swedish people showing a strong resistance against Eon. When asking, everything seems to originate due previous editions of Eon, and it is people that has not even...
  6. Y

    Eon Schamanism

    Hi! The Necrotropy book, in the Sjukdomar chapter, in page 68, under Exorcism it reads "Lägg till Schamanism som en ytterligare låst färdighet." But I cannot find any entry of Schamanism as a skill, expertise or similar in any of the books I own. Can someone point me towards where is...
  7. Y

    Eon Mystikfasen & Happy new year

    That is the thing precisely, the Mystic is the only character that can act once per round. If you are a melee character, some rounds you will act, some rounds you won't because you will have to defend. And this can be very nasty, you may not even act for two rounds in a row or similar. If you...
  8. Y

    Eon Mystikfasen & Happy new year

    Hi, I have been away for a while. My players only raised a mild concern that for them it felt unfair or strange to the least that the Mystic is the only character that can consistently act every round, as I discussed in my original post. We have not taken action so far on the topic because for...
  9. Y

    Eon Material till gamla Eon till nya

    Great! I love the book!
  10. Y

    Eon Mystikfasen & Happy new year

    Me and my players haven been already playing Eon IV for several months on a bi-monthly base and we are enjoying it a lot. It also means that we start to see somethings that we like more and others not so much. Recently my players have bring to my attention that the Mystikfasen seems unfair to...
  11. Y

    Eon Naval combat as a conflict

    Hi! I am running a campaign with a big seafaring component. Some time ago I asked here how to handle naval combat and it was suggested to do it as a Conflict. I wanted to ask again your opinion on the matter. Since the PCs are a pirate gang, I was thinking to divide the situation into two...
  12. Y

    Eon Mysterium och besvärjelser

    Thx. That were exactly my thoughts
  13. Y

    Eon Mysterium och besvärjelser

    Hi! Just another brief rules question. In Eon IV, spells come in "bundles" of 3 in what is called a Mystery. The game has rules on how to learn a mystery, from page 71 in the Magi sourcebook: "Normalt lär man sig mysterier och besvärjelser genom att införskaffa en kodex eller bli undervisad...
  14. Y

    Eon Rules question: Kosmotropi spells

    My interpretation is that you can still defend, but you cannot use Discipline, you have to use the other options, Disrupt or Dodge.
  15. Y

    Eon Rules question: Kosmotropi spells

    A follow up question if you don't mind. The roots Mörk nebulosa från Alrechalir (page 48), and Mörk nebulosa från Razalgenar (page 49) have a similar text regarding the way they attack and you defend against it that I quite don't understand. Mörk nebulosa från Alrechalir Svårigheten att...