[url="https://www.rollspel.nu/threads/47896" said:mig själv[/url]]Och vad jag sett hittills av nya WHFRP verkar alla snygga pluppar och kort vara just hjälpmedel. Det skulle säkert gå lika bra att anteckna allting på ett vanligt papper och slå upp förmågorna i regelboken när man behöver – precis som i vilket vanligt rollspel som helst.
[url="http://story-games.com/forums/comments.php?DiscussionID=10922" said:Alvin Frewer[/url]][…] this is still every bit an RPG as D&D, Spirit of the Century, FATE, HERO, GURPS, and many other games ranging from large scale to independent publishing. […] The main difference is that instead of writing down the damage you've taken, you track it via chits. Instead of writing down your special abilities, you use cards. Instead of enacting a special ability, you trade in special dice. Instead of memorizing pages of combat rules, you've got it down on your combat cards.