Översättnings skvalkanalen


I'd rather be different than indifferent.
17 May 2000
Port Kad, The Rim
Någon som vet hur man bör transkribera Χαλκόταυροι till svenska? Jag har den engelska transkriberingen men det brukar vara skillnad mellan engelsk och svensk transkribering av grekiska.
Handlar det om dimotiki eller koiné?


1 Feb 2006
Erkänner att jag inte har någon ide vad dessa termer betyder.
Berätta om kontexten: i vilket sammanhang uppträder termen? Det är väl bronstjurar i pluralis (från gyllene-skinnet-legenden?) det handlar om?

Chalkos = koppar (eller brons) + Tauros (tjur)

Chalkotauros är tror jag singularformen (det var längesedan jag läste grekiska så hav överseende).

Chalkotauroi är väl den rakaste translittereringen, men om du ska använda det som ett försvenskat ord så kanske singularis är mer rätt?

Och då kan Kalkotavros, Kalkotauros, eller liknande vara rätt. Vi i Norden föredrar ibland ett hårt "K"-ljud framför Medelhavets mjuka "che"-ljud.

Engelskspråkiga Wikipedia föreslår "Kh": "Khalkotauroi"

Eller helt enkelt "Bronstjur".


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Berätta om kontexten: i vilket sammanhang uppträder termen? Det är väl bronstjurar i pluralis (från gyllene-skinnet-legenden?) det handlar om?

Chalkos = koppar (eller brons) + Tauros (tjur)

Chalkotauros är tror jag singularformen (det var längesedan jag läste grekiska så hav överseende).

Chalkotauroi är väl den rakaste translittereringen, men om du ska använda det som ett försvenskat ord så kanske singularis är mer rätt?

Och då kan Kalkotavros, Kalkotauros, eller liknande vara rätt. Vi i Norden föredrar ibland ett hårt "K"-ljud framför Medelhavets mjuka "che"-ljud.

Engelskspråkiga Wikipedia föreslår "Kh": "Khalkotauroi"

Eller helt enkelt "Bronstjur".
Det verkar variera lite, men den vanliga transkriberingen av X/Chi i svenska är väl -ch-.


1 Feb 2006
Det verkar variera lite, men den vanliga transkriberingen av X/Chi i svenska är väl -ch-.
Ja, du använde standardtranskriberingen helt rätt. Frågan är om det är det lämpligaste givet kontexten. Är det i en modern monsterbok för DoD/D&D/liknande? Eller uppträder termen ett bibliotek från viktoriansk era, eller svenskt 1920-tal (tänk CoC)? Hur transkriberade man då?

Därav frågan till OP.


22 Dec 2013
Det är väl bronstjurar i pluralis (från gyllene-skinnet-legenden?) det handlar om?

Ja, du använde standardtranskriberingen helt rätt. Frågan är om det är det lämpligaste givet kontexten. Är det i en modern monsterbok för DoD/D&D/liknande? Eller uppträder termen ett bibliotek från viktoriansk era, eller svenskt 1920-tal (tänk CoC)? Hur transkriberade man då?

Därav frågan till OP.
Just nu är det till en symbollista för en vapenskölds slumpgenerator.


22 Dec 2013
Vill ha hjälp med översättning av titlar/uppgifter från Rogue Trader spelet o 40k i allmänhet. De tilar jag vill ha översätta är de i fetstil, de har en precentation av mig eller från RT rollspelet:

Enginseer - en typ av tekpräst, om jag fattat rätt så en tekpräst som specialiserar sig på att ta hand om maskineri o då oftast motorer (o många gånger m tillbehörande fordon), o beroende på tekprästen kan det vara en fråga om att man i praktiken är bilmekaniker till att man sköter om en rymdskeppsmotor.
Master-at-arms - "An Imperial void-ship can muster numerous small armies: security companies, boarding parties, the common crew armed with rusty blades and stub-guns, and often entire barracked regiments of mercenaries, Imperial Guard, or other steadfast troops. The Master-at-Arms is responsible for these militants and their commanders; it is his pledged duty to the Lord-Captain to ensure the loyalty of the void-ship’s forces, carefully guard the vessel’s security, maintain the armouries, ensure victory against boarders, and guide attacks upon the crew of enemy vessels or foes on hostile worlds."
Master of Ordnance - "The Master of Ordnance pledges to keep the void-ship’s weapons and fighting crew in the finest condition, and then directs them to destroy foes at the Lord-Captain’s order. He is responsible for the quality of gun-deck crews, the workings of the armoured munitions vaults deep within the vessel, and the operation of weapons in void-battle. If the vessel boasts torpedoes, fighter squadrons, or other more esoteric ordnance, then these crews and systems also fall under the Master’s purview."
Master of Etherics - "responsible for the operation of the void-ship’s auspex and vox systems. Without auspex a vessel is blind, and without vox it is deaf and mute; the Master of Etherics stands at the Lord-Captain’s right hand, such is his worth, and to fail in his pledge is unthinkable. Dire regions beyond the Imperium are cloaked with the darkness of the unknown—the Master of Etherics must marshal his resources to overcome these hostile voids and light the path ahead with his vision.
Master of Whispers - "Men and women are wilful creatures, given to secrets, deceit, disloyalty, and subterfuge. The Master of Whispers inhabits this realm; he seeks out and purge the crooked timbers and weak spars in the Rogue Trader’s crew. His agents hunt for the very same elements in rival Rogue Trader missions—but for the purpose of advantage and deception. Spies pledged to the Master of Whispers roam far beyond the void-ship’s bulkheads in search of precious knowledge, untended resources, and hidden weaknesses that can benefit the Lord- Captain’s mission"
Ship’s Confessor - "the uppermost hierarch of shrines and Clerics aboard the vessel, responsible for their scriptural purity and by extension the spiritual well-being of all aboard. The God-Emperor protects the righteous who abide by the holy laws of Ministorum and Imperium, and it is His will that keeps the warp at bay and guides weapons to strike true against foul xenos. The Ship’s Confessor pledges to uphold the faith and courage of the crew against all adversities, and so make the void-ship a true cathedral of the Imperial Creed, echoing with the prayers of the holy and blessed in the God-Emperor’s sight."
Drivesmaster - "A voideship’s enginearium is a sprawling complex filling many decks. Within this sepulchral facility countless ranks of enginseers work the rites that appease the machine spirits of the vessels roaring heart. Some among their number are schooled in special rituals that inspire the drive to greater efforts. The Drivesmaster is in charge of monitoring and maintaining the roaring plasma drives that form the heart of the ship. Though subservient to the Enginseer Prime, the Drivesmaster often maintains the plasma drives as his own fiefdom, where none but the Mechanicus and their servants are welcome."
Chief Bosun (boatswain) - Voidfarers are often trained from birth in the tasks they will be expected to perform aboard ship, and this training does not end when a position is secured. To keep skills sharp, all crew are expected to participate in regular drills and practice sessions. A steady regimen of drills makes for an efficient crew. The Chief Bosun also serves as the enforcer of discipline aboard a vessel.
Infernus Master - "No shipboard danger is more devastating or frightening than fire, burning uncontrolled through a voidship’s corridors and decks. Even the smallest blaze can send a seasoned crew into a panic, trampling each other in the frenzy to escape through narrow corridors before the bulkhead is sealed in a vain attempt to keep the fire from spreading. During a conflagration, the Infernus Master is charged with keeping order and minimising the damage caused to equipment, personnel, and morale. The Infernus Master organises bucket chains, directs evacuations, and commands damage control crews brave enough to combat even the deadliest plasma flares."
Twistcatcher - "Those who dwell within the enclosed environment of a voidship’s hull risk constant exposure to radiation, both from the vessel’s mighty engines and the void itself. These harsh conditions mean an increased risk of mutation. It is a lamentable fact that even the most well-maintained vessels play host to sizeable mutant populations, hordes of the deformed unfortunates lurking in unused holds and seldom-serviced bilge decks. It is the duty of the Twistcatcher to keep his ship’s mutant population in check, and in times of dire need press these malformed wastrels into service for the good of the human crew."
Master of The Vox - In the course of daily operations, an endless stream of vox traffic passes through a voidship’s command deck. These lines of communication are vital to the operation of a vessel and a Rogue Trader’s fleet, and it is the responsibility of the Master of The Vox to keep all channels of communication clear, and all vox-casters functioning at peak efficiency.
Purser - "The operation of a Rogue Trader’s vessel and the execution of endeavours requires uncountable amounts of wealth to be shuffled between investments and expenses on a daily basis, and the risk of loss is great. Financial officers must be prepared to balance enough books to fill a librarium many times over. In an economic climate where the single stroke of an autoquill can mean the difference between tragic loss and phenomenal gain, the purser must be tireless and ever vigilant. However, the purser also has a second duty, to ration payment and rewards to the crew serving aboard his ship. This often means the purser is loved and hated in turn, based on how forthcoming a crew’s pay is."
Ship’s master - "is generally the ship’s most senior warrant officer and most experienced voidsman. Often the master is tasked with critical responsibilities, such as stellar navigation and the keeping of the ship’s log. In addition, he might oversee the keeping of the ship’s attitude jets, hanger decks, and stores and supplies."
Gun captain - "A gun captain has command of a single gun crew on a warship. This is a great responsibility as ship-borne macroweapons are huge and have crews in the hundreds, and lance turrets can be much larger. The gun captain must know how to do the jobs of all the men under his or her command and often achieves the post only after decades of working his way up through all the different ratings. Gun captains are highly respected individuals and there’s often a great deal of rivalry between them over who’s crew is the fastest and most accurate on the ship. On attack craft carrying ships, “squadron leader” is often employed as an equivalent rank."
Sergeant-at-arms - "A sergeant-at-arms has charge of a squad of armsmen anywhere between six and twenty strong with responsibility for close action in naval combat (such as hit and run attacks and boarding actions). A sergeant-at-arms’ greatest responsibility is the keys entrusted to them for the weapons lockers found on every deck of a warship. When battle commences the master of arms signals the sergeants to clear the decks and prepare for action, indicating at that time whether to arm the crew. Naturally, the sergeant-at-arms is an early target during mutinies. Sergeants-at-arms are often recruited via warrant at planets from among former Imperial guardsmen to ensure they don’t have prior associations with the current crew."
Armsmen - "crewmembers trusted to carry weapons at all times onboard the ship and maintain the contents of the weapons lockers. They keep discipline among the lower ranks and protect the crew as needed—usually by wading in with truncheons or shooting first and asking questions later. Unlike most ratings, armsmen get to move around different decks of the ship in the course of their duties and their loyalties are carefully scrutinised. Many ratings spurn the chance to become an armsman simply because they don’t want to become part of the systematic brutality of ship discipline."
Master Gunner - a high-ranking warrant officer given responsibility for the maintenance and performance of the ship’s macrobatteries and lances. On small ships the Master Gunner may inspect each weapon personally, while on larger vessels he is likely to delegate this to several aides. He also is responsible for ammunition storage and power linkages.
Master of arms - The master of arms is charged with ensuring that all weaponry onboard is serviceable and ready for action, from the greatest macrocannon to the meanest stub pistol. The sergeants-at-arms report directly to him, and by extension all armsmen are under his control, and so he also performs a role akin to chief of police aboard ship. The master of arms is normally appointed from among the commissioned officers on a ship but more rarely a senior warrant officer may hold this position. Experience with the Imperial Guard or Adeptus Arbites is thought to be a great benefit for officers performing this role, and a master of arms will often seize any opportunities they can to participate in landing parties and other joint operations.
Officer of the watch - "The officer of the watch draws up duty rosters, assigns watches and attends the ship’s chronometers. On most ships the title of officer of the watch is rotated through the ranking commissioned officers. On older vessels it tends to become a permanent position assigned to the officer that has served the longest time aboard the ship."

Vad har folk för förslag?


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Enginseer - Ingensiare, Sibyllingenjör
Master-at-arms - Kaptenlöjtnant
Master of Ordnance - Torpedmästare
Master of Etherics - Eterjunkare
Master of Whispers - Kunskapare
Ship’s Confessor - Skeppskaplan
Drivesmaster - Flaggmaskinist
Chief Bosun (boatswain) - Högbåtsman, Chefsbås
Infernus Master - Infernusjunkare
Twistcatcher - Vredprofoss
Master of The Vox - Chefssignalist
Purser - Kvartermästare
Ship’s master - Flaggstyrman/ Ansvarsstyrman
Sergeant-at-arms - Överkonstapel
Armsmen - Konstapel
Master Gunner - Arklimästare
Gun captain - Styckjunkare
Master of arms - Flaggkonstapel
Officer of the watch - Vakthavande befäl
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It's all pig.
18 Mar 2008
Vad skulle ni kalla ett Covenant i Ars Magica? Förbund är ju det givna men vill ha mer alternativ.


22 Dec 2013
Tack för förslagen @Leon kommer använda fler av dem :)

Master of Ordnance - Torpedmästare
känns inte helt rätt eftersom 'Master of Ordnance' område är all typ av skeppet ammunition, så även kanonkulor, plasmakanonbatterier, och annat (även stridsflyg) enligt deras presentation.

Twistcatcher - Vredprofoss
Hur tänkte du rörande "vred" här? Är osäker på om jag har rätt idé rörande hur du tänkt